I want you to do me a favor

"Is this z-trader familiar with securities?"

Sunan City wrung eyebrows and asked, he didn't go further on the topic of yunjixi, what he cares about is not yunjixi? Since this man is so loving, it's better to do his public welfare.

Jin Ke immediately handed the tablet up, the above information about the acquisition of Z securities.

I have to say that his secretary is quite competent, just like the Ascaris lumbricoides in the boss's stomach. He knows what the boss is thinking and has prepared in advance.

Sunan city looked at the news in his hand, and a faint emotion flashed at the bottom of his eyes. With a smile, he picked up the mobile phone and skillfully pressed a group of numbers. After a while, the phone was picked up, and a lazy voice came through the phone.

"Cheng, why do you call me so early?"

Sunan City glanced at the time on the computer, eleven o'clock, still early? Is the other party's time American time?

But he didn't talk to Jack about whether it was early or not. He just ignored the other person's description and said, "Jack, I want you to do me a favor."

Jack, who was pregnant with a beautiful woman, asked him for help when he heard about Sunan city? Excited, a carp jumped up from the bed and walked out barefoot, regardless of the sad face of the beautiful woman on the bed. He said with a teasing face, "Yo, does the sun rise in the West today? Do you still need help? "

This boy usually drags very much, brother so many years, this is the first time specially calls to ask oneself to help.

Sunan City ignored his strange, but calmly asked, "do you want to help?"

"Yes, of course, but what about the development right of xiasanli?"

Although they are good brothers, although it's their first time to help, the good brother is very good at settling accounts. He usually wants to get some benefits, but he doesn't. now, Jack, as a businessman, doesn't want to let go of this opportunity.

So he had the audacity to open his mouth.

The value of development rights in xiasanli is more than 100 million, but it can't run away from tens of millions.

Sunan city didn't like it and generously promised, "I can give you the development right of xiasanli, but you must give me satisfaction with this matter I told you."

Jack, who doesn't gossip all the time, suddenly starts to be curious about what his good brother wants to tell him. What's the matter that deserves him to fight so much?

"Go ahead."

He began to pick up his ears, ready to listen.

Sunan City coughed uneasily, "I heard that your company recruited a person."

Jack hardly choked on his own saliva.

He is not very clear about the recruitment of their company, but the president of kg international is very clear.

It's interesting. It's really interesting.

Jack's peach blossom eyes blinked and said, "brother, don't you think your sweetheart has come to work in our company?"

Oh, my God. Is the ice melting?

At the thought of this possibility, all the cells in his body were dancing.

It's a lot more fun than the development right of xiasanli.

As soon as Sunan city was ready to speak, he saw Jin Ke looking at him. He pointed directly to the door and signaled the other party to go away. Until Jin Ke's figure completely disappeared in the office, he said, "you don't care if she is my sweetheart. I tell you, you just need to let Luo Xiaotian's woman get a promotion."

Luo Xiaotian? Jack has a sly smile on his face. It turns out that his brother's sweetheart is Luo Xiaotian?

No, I have to go to the company to see what is sacred about Luo Xiaotian. I can accept this ten thousand year old iceberg.

But now when he can tease Sunan City, he will never miss this opportunity. "I said, brother, you said your company is also very big. How can you let your sweetheart come to our company? Do you know what the old capital is for? Financial companies? Ah, it's interesting for you to let such a charming beauty deal with numbers all day long? "

You know, the women under him are all men's wives. They are annoying and disgusting.

Sunan city has a black line on her face. "Jack, you talk a lot. Luo Xiaotian works in your newly acquired Z business Securities. I want you to promote her tomorrow when she goes to work on her first day."

Jack doesn't calm down. How dare this beautiful woman hasn't gone to work yet?

Is it really surprising that Sunan city is willing to do this for a woman?

Is this the rhythm of preparing to close the mountain?

He changed the way he was just laughing and said in horror, "brother, are you normal? Don't dig your own grave. "

Marriage is the grave of love. Whoever steps in will be crazy.

Sunan City scolded, "get out of here."

"Brother, well, anyway, Luo Xiaotian is in my company. Why don't I help you to test your character and decide whether you want to get married?"

As a good brother, he must not watch his brother dig his own grave, Jack suggested with a righteous face.

Sunan city can't laugh or cry. He doesn't understand where he gives the other party the illusion that he wants to marry Luo Xiaotian? His relationship with Luo Xiaotian is not what the other party thinks.But he and Luo Xiaotian entanglement, Jack this outsider need not know.

He impatiently sent way, "OK, don't be poor, I let you want Luo Xiaotian in your company can't stay, you know?"

WHAT? Jack rubbed his ears in disbelief. He couldn't keep up with the rhythm.

Isn't it to pave the way for my little girlfriend? Why can't I stay?

Is it that he is wrong to express his feelings?

But on second thought, this is what Sunan city will do.

So this woman named Luo Xiaotian is not a lover, but an enemy?

Jack found that his brain hole didn't seem big enough.

"Brother, just tell me what Luo Xiaotian is? Do I have a good idea? "

After thinking twice, he decided to make it clear first, so as not to misunderstand the meaning of Sunan city when he got it. That would be a tragedy.

Sunan city a Leng, who? Can you tell Jack that they're creditors and debtors?

He became angry and said, "Jack, if you want to get the development right of the next three li, just listen to me, and you don't care about other things."

Then he hung up with a bang.

Jack, who was hung up, was not annoyed. He touched his stubble chin with one hand, and his eyes were full of abuse. It was interesting. It was really interesting. It seemed that he would run more to Z securities in the future.

Luo Xiaotian never dreamed that she had been calculated before she went to work. How about the road ahead? She will know tomorrow.

The next day, with her great expectation, she got up early in the morning, put on a delicate make-up and a black professional dress. She looked a bit calm and wise as a financial person, but what she didn't know was that when she got to the company, she was not going to face a brilliant day