Promotion ?

She got a promotion?

Luo Xiaotian, who is reporting from the personnel department, stares at the manager of the personnel department. Who was promoted the first day? I can't catch up with that speed by rocket.

Could it be that she stepped on dog shit on the way to work, so she got lucky?

But even if it's bad luck, she doesn't dare to be promoted.

Are you kidding? She didn't even understand the K-line and moving average of the stock. How dare she manage others?

Linda is the manager of the personnel department. Lao he called her. As soon as she entered the personnel department, she saw Luo Xiaotian, who had been interviewed the day before yesterday, standing in front of Lao he with constipation on her face. It seems that she has suffered a lot of grievances.

With a smile, she walked towards them.

"What's the matter? When will it be your turn to train new people in person? "

Seeing Linda, Lao he couldn't help but brighten his turbid eyes. He quickly threw Luo Xiaotian, the hot hand mountain Yu, "Linda, you've come just in time. This is your assistant. I'll give it to you."

Linda, who had a smile on her face, was smiling a little. Her assistant?

Are you kidding? Luo Xiaotian was recruited by her. She is quite clear about each other's resume. As her assistant, a graduate of art academy can't do it.

However, she didn't make trouble at the moment, but picked up a smiling face again, "Lao he, are you wrong? If I remember correctly, Luo Xiaotian interviewed the assistant, not the assistant manager. "

This is just her polite words. The fact is that she will never forget it wrong. At the beginning of the interview, she had an argument with the other two interviewers. The other two thought that Luo Xiaotian was not qualified. A graduate of art school, I'm afraid she didn't even know what the K-line was?

However, she thinks that Luo Xiaotian has a heart of self-improvement, and it's not a big deal if his major is not right. Besides, Luo Xiaotian's interview is just a junior assistant. Even if he can't do anything, he can still cope with it after studying here for a few months.

But if you become her assistant, it's different. You can't cope with it without tumbling and climbing in this industry for several years.

She doesn't know what's wrong with it, but her assistant, she would rather be short of something than extravagant.

Luo Xiaotian nodded like a chicken pecking rice and said, "yes, manager he, have you made a mistake? I interviewed the assistant, not the assistant manager. I can't handle the assistant manager's business."

When Linda saw Luo Xiaotian's attitude, she felt more comfortable. Fortunately, the man named Luo Xiaotian knew how to advance and retreat, how to reason and how much weight she had.

Manager he pulled over Linda in embarrassment and whispered in her ear, "I read Luo Xiaotian's resume, and I know it's difficult for her to be your assistant, but this is the order from above, and I can't help it."

Linda's eyes changed when she looked at Luo Xiaotian.

Who's behind this?

Luo Xiaotian was dazzled by Linda. A bad idea flashed in her heart, but she was denied in the twinkling of an eye. She was not familiar with the company, shouldn't she?

Linda has a delicate face and can't hide her anger. She asks manager he, "manager he, do we have to listen to the incorrect orders? She graduated from the Academy of fine arts and doesn't know anything. Can I do anything if I let her be an assistant? "

Manager he doesn't know. Who knows what's going on?

He sighed helplessly, "Linda, isn't our company acquired? I only know that this is from the new company, so you can accept her reluctantly. As for your manpower, I'll find a way to recruit another one for you in the near future

People have said that. It's no use for Linda to say more. It's just that there's nothing left for her to like Luo Xiaotian now.

She regretted why she had given Luo Xiaotian an opportunity. Now it's better, people will torture herself directly.

Luo Xiaotian came to the investment department with her head down and Linda.

When Linda introduced herself to you as her assistant and took charge of several assistants at the same time, the bad eyes around her immediately gathered on Luo Xiaotian.

Everyone has been competing for this position for a long time. Who knows that Luo Xiaotian was parachuted down like this? What's more depressing is that I heard that this parachute soldier graduated from the Academy of fine arts.

Although the Academy of fine arts is a good university in China, no matter how good it is, let the painters operate the finance, do you really think that the K-line is drawn by hand?

Linda knew what everyone was thinking, but she was still depressed at the moment, so she couldn't say anything to comfort her.

After a casual introduction, she takes Luo Xiaotian to her own office.

As soon as she arrived at the office, Linda's face became worse. She was not happy and said, "Luo Xiaotian, Luo Xiaotian, I really underestimated you. At first I thought you were a positive young man, so I was willing to give you a chance. But I didn't expect that you were not only" positive and progressive ", but also a person with a background."

"Although I don't know who is on top of you, so that you can sit in the position of manager assistant at one go, I tell you that not everyone can sit in this position. If you haven't started in a month, you should pack up and leave."Luo Xiaotian opens her mouth and gets stuck in her throat when she wants to explain. She used to be able to enter kg international. She admits that she is in the light of Sunan City, but this time she really got into Z securities by herself, and there is no one on it at all.

Up to now, she is still at a loss.

But she knew that even if she said it, Linda would not believe a word.

"And Luo Xiaotian, let me remind you that if you don't want to be pushed out by your colleagues, you'd better find a big client for the company this month. If you can't find it, even if you adapt to the work this month, you still can't stand up in front of colleagues. "

Financial enterprises always talk about performance, especially their department called investment department, which is the Central Department of Z securities. The bonus at the end of the month or the end of the year depends on the performance of investment department.

If you want to have a foothold in this kind of department, first of all, your own business ability must be hard enough.

It's unprecedented for Xiaobai like Luo Xiaotian to be a manager's assistant as soon as he goes to work. We can imagine how severe Luo Xiaotian's situation in the company will be.

Although the heart is not happy, but looking at Luo Xiaotian an innocent expression, she can't help but remind each other.

Well, since the hot hand of Shanyu is in hand, she can't throw it back to manager he. She found a piece of information from the desk and handed it to him. "You should get familiar with the customers on this list as soon as possible, and then you are responsible for tracking them."

Originally such a confidential document should not be given to a new person, but since the other person has a background, Linda is also relatively relieved. Although Luo Xiaotian can't do anything, at least she won't sell the company's interests.

Luo Xiaotian complexion complex received information, face dignified from the office back out.