Someone’s looking

When she came out of Linda's office, Luo Xiaotian heard everyone talking about herself in a low voice. After seeing her, although she didn't speak any more, they couldn't hide the contempt in their eyes. This situation is similar to what happened in kg international before.

She can understand everyone's feelings. It's hard for her to be pressed by someone who doesn't know anything. But she can't understand why the company wants to give her a promotion. She can be sure that in Z securities, she only knows herself. Who is Linda talking about? Who's playing with her in the back?

Yes, she doesn't think it's a good thing to go to work and get a promotion on her first day, while she is still a little white. Instead, she felt that someone was making fun of her and embarrassing her.

A few names flashed through my mind: Sunan City, Qinhuai, Luo Xiaoyu It's just that she ruled it out for the first time. After all, it's just a coincidence that she came to Z securities. They have no reason to get wind so soon.

In the end, she came to a conclusion that she must be at odds with the office. No matter in kg international or Z securities, she will always be the isolated person, and she can't escape this misfortune.

However, she has no time to feel sorry for herself. If she has the courage, she should just give up. But at the thought of Sunan city's debt collecting face, all her negative forces disappeared. After cheering herself up, she picked up the information Linda gave her and began to get familiar with the business.

After two days of familiarization, she finally found out the difference between the K-line and the moving average. She also looked at the list of customers in nine cases out of ten. Although her popularity is still surprisingly poor, she believes that through efforts, these situations will be improved.

Tired of stretching, ready to understand the end of this page of customers, then get up to exercise. Only when she saw the name on the data, she was stunned.

How can Luo Xiaoyu's name appear here?

Restraining her doubts, she patiently compared other materials and determined that Luo Xiaoyu was her sister.

So Luo Xiaoyu is really a big customer of Z securities? Just because of her understanding of her, her interest has never been in the stock market. From small to large, what she likes are all those beautiful clothes, and she doesn't dare to be interested in these figures at all. So how can she open an account and speculate in Z securities?

And is this promotion really about her? After all, she knows how much she has. If she is promoted, she will be laughed at.

But she's just a customer. Does she have the right to let the company obey?

The mystery in her heart is getting bigger and bigger, which makes her confused for a moment. She doesn't know how to judge.

However, looking at the time when Luo Xiaoyu opened an account, it was a year ago. At that time, she and Luo Xiaoyu had not fallen out and their relationship was still very close. She had never heard of this incident from each other. It was very strange.

It's hard for her to ask Linda about Luo Xiaoyu. She can only decide to observe for a while to see if it's Luo Xiaoyu who's behind the scenes? And her purpose of opening an account here.

With this one, the original tiredness swept away, Luo Xiaotian just like hit chicken blood general, again full of energy, one breath to read the rest of the information.

Originally, I planned to write down what I didn't understand in the past two days, and then I asked Linda. Although Linda had a problem with her, she knew that this kind of opinion was just because she couldn't get used to it. She was promoted because she didn't understand anything and couldn't make the best use of everything. In essence, Linda's heart was beautiful, just as beautiful as her appearance. Unlike Dong Qian of kg international, nothing is beautiful from the heart to the outside.

But as soon as she got up, she heard someone call her name.

Luo Xiaotian recognized the voice. She was a general assistant, one of her subordinates. She was just out of balance. She didn't understand anything, but she could be in a high position.

She sighed helplessly, but she couldn't tell the other side what to do. She just asked, "what's the matter?"

The subordinate pointed to the reception room beside him, and said with no expression, "someone's looking."

Someone's looking for her? Is it Yunji? Although she was puzzled, she still nodded politely to the other side, and then walked towards the reception room.

"Xiao Lian, who is looking for her?"

Another assistant, Xiao Qing, was gossiping.

The female assistant named Xiao Lian said with disdain and jealousy, "she's a handsome guy. Luo Xiao is innocent. She even talks about coming to the company when she's in love. I don't know if she's coming to work or why."

Xiaoqing sneered, "there are people in the family, not like those of us who are powerless and powerless. Even if we graduate from a serious financial major, we have to work as a small assistant."

Two people then murmured for a while, the Luo Xiaotian from inside to outside nitpick again.

Luo Xiaotian naturally can't hear. She has been thinking about who will find her in the company? If yunjixi, he should have called in advance.

Open the door of the reception room, a gentle looking man came into view.

Yes, it's really accurate to use the word "soft appearance". Luo Xiaotian said that she has once again refreshed her world outlook. She used to be Linda, but now she is this man. She is obviously a man, but she is more beautiful than a woman.The skin is blown up and broken, and I do not know how many women I envy. But fortunately, the man is beautiful, but he is not a mother. Otherwise, she will die in her heart. She always make complaints about those super girl's boys.

But that's not the point. Does she know him?

"Hello, I'm Luo Xiaotian. Who are you?"

She greets each other politely, with the right smile on her face, polite and alienated.

Jack hasn't looked away from Luo Xiaotian since that moment. En The figure is not bad, the front is convex and the back is warped. Among women, they are expected to have material. Their appearance is average. Their skin is quite white. As far as the first sense is concerned, this woman is barely qualified.

Just a minute later, he gave Luo Xiaotian a score.

Luo Xiaotian stands awkwardly, the other side's look makes her feel like a commodity in the valuation, but she hasn't found out the bottom line of the other side yet. She is not easy to lose her temper and can only hold her breath.

"Do you know me, sir?"

Take a deep breath, she asked politely again.

Jack took back his gaze and said, "I don't know, but I know now."

Luo Xiaotian, "..."

What on earth does this man do? He will not come here to look for trouble when he is full, will he?

Luo Xiaotian guessed one thing. Jack is really full. He comes here to see people.

"Sir, you are not from our company, are you?"

Although Luo Xiaotian is a little annoyed by this inexplicable man, before he gets angry, he must first determine the identity of the other party, so as not to offend a Buddha? This is all the experience of blood and tears in the past.