Open an account

Jack pick eyebrows, unruly way, "do you think I look like people in the company?"

Luo Xiaotian turns a big white eye in his heart. Is it because the people in the company don't have labels? As long as they take off their work permits, who can recognize them?

But just now listening to Xiao Lian's tone, she decided to gamble, "look at your face. Are you going to invest in our company?"

At the same time, Linda told her that she had to deal with a big customer first this month, so as to change her situation in the company. This man has a natural temperament. No matter how bad he is, he is also a little rich man.

Jack was almost not amused by her words. Are women so funny in Sunan city? Even look like this kind of nonsense come out? This woman's adaptability is quite good.

He seemed to understand why Sunan city was captured by the woman in front of him.

He pretended to be serious and said, "can Miss Luo still look at her face?"

Luo Xiaotian almost didn't choke on her own saliva. She didn't understand how their topic turned to this. She coughed to cover up her embarrassment and continued to smile, "Mr. joked. I'm an investment company, not a place for looking at faces. I'm an investment manager, not a physiologist. If Mr. wants to look at faces, I've found the wrong place."

What a smart woman.

Jack's heart was tucking up, and he asked, "this woman has to make complaints about it."

"Well, I'll open an account."

His words sounded like sounds of nature to Luo Xiaotian.

Isn't it? Pie in the sky?

Also has the business is oneself delivers?

Luo Xiaotian was so excited that he couldn't calm down.

"Miss Luo, what's your expression?"

It's the first time that Jack sees business coming to him. He looks silly. Now he doubts the purpose of Sunan city's letting her come here?

It's not about bringing down his company, is it?

Luo Xiaotian came back, restrained his inner joy, endured his impetuous heart, and said solemnly, "are you serious, sir? How much capital do you plan to operate? "

Jack is embarrassed.

Does he look like he's not serious?

"It seems that Miss Luo doesn't want to do my business. Why don't you..."

He got up and prepared to leave.

Luo Xiaotian was in a hurry and explained, "no, sir, you misunderstood me. In order to show my attention to you, I'll ask my leader to come and talk to you. You wait, but don't leave. I'll come back right away. I'll come back right away."

I'm kidding. What does she know about investment? These two days, I've just learned a little bit. At this level, I don't dare to sneak out. Of course, I have to find help quickly.

Fearing that Jack would just walk away, she ran to Linda's office as fast as she could, but she didn't have time to explain to her, so she took each other and ran away. Linda thought something was wrong.

"Xiaotian, what's the matter?"

Linda trots to the reception room with her. Before she can get a reprimand, she sees Jack in the reception room. She can only swallow his dissatisfaction and asks Luo Xiaotian with a stiff smile.

Luo Xiaotian doesn't know how to explain all this to Linda, and it's not the time to explain now. She can only pick the point and say, "Linda, this gentleman wants to invest in our company. In order to show his importance, I specially ask you to discuss with him."

Linda has got it. Where did Luo Xiaotian get the client, but there was nothing in her stomach. Did she move the rescuers?

After understanding the matter, she picked up her smile again. Compared with just now, her smile was much more enthusiastic.

He held out his hand to Jack gracefully and said at the right time, "Hello, sir. I'm Linda, the investment manager. What's your name?"

It's just a silence in the room.

Jack is in a sluggish state. To be exact, Jack is in a flower mania. He never thought that he would meet such a beautiful woman as Linda in his own company. He should have come to have a look at the new company he bought. Ah, I'm sorry.

Luo Xiaotian saw that Jack's saliva was about to drip down. He was petrified on the spot. Although he had food and sex, he couldn't show it so incisively and vividly. As for the appearance of the color embryo, people with long eyes could see that the man had a bad idea of Linda.

She glanced at Linda awkwardly, but the other side didn't seem to have any abnormal expression. She was still smiling, as if nothing had happened.

She silently praised Linda in her heart. That's the talent. She was calm when anything happened.

However, she felt that she still had the obligation to remind the man who was in the process of being infatuated with flowers.

"This is Linda, our investment manager, sir."

She had to raise her voice to introduce them.

Jack finally recovered from Linda's beauty. With a flattering face, he reached out to Linda and introduced himself, "Hello, Miss Linda, my name is Jack."

Linda directly ignores Jack's handshake with a smile and makes a sign to him quietly, "Mr. Jack, please sit here."Jack, who was rejected, was not annoyed. A gentleman sat down on the sofa.

Luo Xiaotian can see that although Linda didn't mind just now, she doesn't have a weak sense of self-protection. If she has skin contact with her partner, she directly avoids it, even if it's just a handshake.

"Mr. Jack, I heard from Xiaotian that you are going to open an account in our company. How much is your capital budget?"

Go straight to the point and don't say a word of nonsense.

While appreciating Linda's beauty, Jack listens to the beauty distractedly. Originally, he just wanted to spend a little money to test Luo Xiaotian's character, but now it's different. He has a new purpose.

Luo Xiaotian nervously looks at Jack. How big is the pie falling from the sky?

In her expectation, she saw the other side extend a hand.

Half a million? Although a little disappointed, but there is always better than no, this is her first customer.

"Is Mr. Jack going to invest five million?"

Luo Xiaotian listened to Linda's nice but lion's loud voice, almost choking. Linda can really say that five million is not a small amount. When she saw Jack shaking his head, her heart sank.

"Fifty million."

Luo Xiaotian, "..." In shock.

On the other hand, Linda was just a little stunned, and soon she was just like nobody else, smiling politely and alienated. "Thank you for your trust, Mr. Jack. I'll tell you something about our company..."

Luo Xiaotian didn't listen to a word, but he still thought about fifty-three million words. This feeling is like the pie is too big, suddenly hit her head, hit Meng.

"Miss Linda, are you free in the evening? Why don't we have dinner together? "

After that, Jack starts his goal, the first move to pick up a girl, and makes an appointment for dinner.