I won’t change it

He cold next eye, slender two legs stepped forward one step, "are you sure to help cloud Ji Xi speak?"? Even if it costs? "

Luo Xiaotian instinctively swallows saliva, in the heart Fei abdomen, this man smoke what crazy? When did she speak for yunjixi? Don't people tell the truth these days?

Sunan city to see her like a daughter-in-law wronged shrinking, in the tumbling anger miraculously calm down, secretly sighed, took her to the store.

Luo Xiaotian was almost dragged away.

Although it was ugly, she didn't dare to resist.

The heating in the shop is in sharp contrast to the cold outside. As soon as Sunan city appears, a fashionable woman comes up.

"Su Shao, what brings you here?"

Jiaodidi's voice makes people even crisp.

Sunan city is not moved, the expressionless face of the Luo Xiaotian to the woman's face a push, "to you."

Then Luo Xiaotian felt a look of dislike from the other side.

She can't help but secretly slander herself. What's the matter now? Does she look like a disgrace? I just don't have time to dress up.

"Su Shao, what kind of effect do you want?"

Yina directly ignores Luo Xiaotian's own opinions and asks for men's opinions with a smile.

Sunan City frowned, "speed up, evening dress."

Yina, who receives the order, nods with a smile, and then pulls Luo Xiaotian to go inside, regardless of whether Luo Xiaotian can keep up.

Luo Xiaotian is usually a housemaid who can't live any more. She has never been to this kind of shop. She sees everyone busy all the way, and her curiosity is even heavier. Her eyes are like radar, constantly sweeping these new things.

The disdain at the bottom of Yina's eyes is more intense.

He's really a country bumpkin. He just takes advantage of his beauty to hook up with Su Da Shao?

She didn't have a good face and said to Luo Xiaotian, "take off your clothes."

Luo Xiaotian found that the other party was holding a suit of evening dress. She instinctively blocked her chest and said, "I won't take it off."

Yina's face flashed a trace of impatience, "Su Shao explained that you have to wear evening dress at night."

Luo Xiao genius, no matter what Su Shao or not? What evening dress should I wear on such a cold day? Is there a hole in the brain?

"I said, I won't change it."

She didn't miss the impatience on her partner's face, but that doesn't mean she has to be afraid of this woman. Just now, she didn't react. Now she's sober. She's here for consumption. Doesn't she mean the customer is God? Why do you have to be affected by others?

Yina is also annoyed. Does this country bumpkin know who he is? She's a stylist for the top stars in China. If it's not for Sunan City, does this woman think she has the honor?

She handed the dress to the assistant, and said in a bad tone, "Miss, master Su has explained that if you don't change your clothes, how can you wear evening dress?"

Luo Xiaotian feels that today is really a wonderful day. He has super good luck in the daytime and bad luck in the evening. What's going to happen? Polarization?

Super lucky, she doesn't reject, but bad luck? She can't bear the bad temper of Sunan city. Who can tell that she owes him a huge debt? But who is the aunt in front of us? Why should she be angry with each other?

It's said that the customer is God. No matter what, she is also a customer of this store now. When she treats God with this attitude, she is not afraid to take away the God?

"Sister ina, I don't think this lady is wearing evening dress, is she?"

The assistant on one side said contemptuously.

Luo Xiaotian frowned. She understood that what kind of master there is, what kind of dog there is. These two people are really virtuous.

"Ina, right? I don't like the clothes you choose. Why should I change them?"

Be a man and fight for breath. Anyway, the money will be spent in Sunan City, so why should she be angry here? Isn't it stupid?

She took it back without being polite.

Ina almost rolled her eyes in anger.

Who is this country woman who dares to doubt her eyes?

You know her vision is recognized as sharp in the industry, which star is not in line to say good things to her? To get her to design for them?

But how dare this woman despise herself?

One side of the little assistant also resentful, since she with Yina elder sister, this is the first time some people dislike Yina elder sister's eyes, or by such a remarkable woman.

She said for the boss, "what do you know? Do you know who we are? How dare you question her? "

Luo Xiaotian glanced at Yina and asked, "which star is she? Have you ever done anything? "

Assistant angry red face, in the heart more that Luo Xiaotian is never seen the world of the country bumpkin.

In fact, when Luo Xiaotian said this, she didn't mean any discrimination. Every other line is like a mountain. She's not in the entertainment industry, and it's normal not to know Yina, just like they don't know her comics, because they don't usually read comics?But others don't think so. In their opinion, as long as she is a famous woman, she should know her. After all, she is a popular person in the fashion circle.

"Xiaoxiao, don't worry. This young lady hasn't seen much of the world. It's normal that she doesn't know me. But this lady, since you don't like the dress I choose for you, you'd better choose it yourself. The cloakroom is over there. "

Although Yina is also very upset, she already has Countermeasures in her heart. Don't you like the clothes she chooses? Then let the woman choose by herself. When it's time to wear it out, Su is not satisfied. It can also make su understand the woman's taste. Maybe she's so tired of her. Maybe it's a good thing.

The assistant listened and said, "but this cloakroom..."

"It doesn't matter. This young lady is a distinguished guest brought by Su Da Shao. You have this privilege, Xiao. Take this young lady to choose. Tell me when you choose."

After the account, Yina gracefully left the fitting room.

Luo Xiaotian looks at the figure of leaving, can't help but smile, don't you think she won't choose clothes? She chose the right one for someone to see.

Thanks to Luo Xiaoyu, she has been forced to accept a lot of fashion since childhood. Even her painting skills have been trained in fashion magazines. If it wasn't for Luo Xiaoyu who didn't want to be in the same industry with her, she might be a fashion designer now.

So it's not difficult for her to choose clothes. She doesn't know how to dress up. She just doesn't bother to dress up because of her life.

Walk into the cloakroom of the shop, see inside these flowery clothes, eyebrow not from tight.

And her reaction in the little assistant's eyes, think that Luo Xiaotian is the many clothes to pick eyes, full of irony on his face, just dislike the eyes of Yina sister, now good, don't know which clothes to choose, right?