A dress

Luo Xiaotian didn't care about the sarcastic assistant. Her hands crossed the clothes one by one, looking for the dress that suits her.

Just her action let the assistant on one side like a big enemy, a mean face way, "Miss, many of our dresses are made of silk, your hands are too rough, will let the clothes line."

Luo Xiaotian's hand.

Her hands are too rough?

She instinctively retracted her hand, looked at it, and then looked at the assistant's hand next to her. If her hand is rough, what is the other's hand?

Although Luo Xiaotian doesn't dress up, it doesn't mean that she doesn't take care of her hands, especially her hands, which she once depended on for food.

But these hands are now being despised.

Luo Xiaotian tells herself that she doesn't have the same opinion as the little assistant. If she doesn't touch it, it's OK to have a look?

Soon she saw a dress that fit her.

This time, she didn't start on her own, but pointed to the clothes.

Don't you think her hands are rough? Then let the people who are not coarse take it.

The assistant reluctantly turned his mouth and took the clothes off the hanger.

When she saw the style of the dress, the disdain on her face became more obvious. Compared with the dress that Yijie had just chosen, this dress was totally different, that is, only those who didn't understand it would choose it.

When Luo Xiaotian didn't see the expression on his assistant's face, he turned and left the cloakroom.

Yina was called back by her assistant. When she saw the dress chosen by Luo Xiaotian herself, she was stunned at first, and then she looked like a spectator. She didn't think it was too big.

This dress is the longest idle dress in the shop, and it used to be the most popular dress in the shop. It was made by a famous teacher. But the limitation of this dress is that it's very attractive to wear. Most people can't hold it up. Even the popular star Beibei tried to wear it, but still didn't take this dress away.

Later, Yi never recommended the dress to anyone.

When she saw the dress, she had to say that the woman named Luo Xiaotian had some eyes, but if the dress couldn't hold up, it would be embarrassing.

Of course, she didn't tell Luo Xiaotian that some people are so ungrateful that they don't like the clothes she chose. In this case, don't blame others for making a fool of themselves.

"Little, don't you put it on for Miss Luo?"

Yi can't wait to see Luo Xiaotian make a fool of himself.

Small heart unwilling to Oh, take dress to luoxiaotian change. In the process of waiting, Yi has another plan. She smiles and goes to the VIP room outside.

Sunan city is looking down to deal with the company's affairs. It turns out that there is a meeting waiting for him to preside over in the evening, but Jack's phone call makes him appear at the door of Z securities company.

Originally, he just wanted to have dinner with Luo Xiaotian and then go back to the company for a meeting, but when he saw that she couldn't wait to go home, he disrupted all the plans.

Yi Yi sees the man who is seriously dealing with business affairs. There is a trace of admiration in his eyes, but she quickly conceals it. When he comes to the opposite side, he is already smiling and flattering. He says, "master Su, Miss Luo's dress has been chosen. Do you want to have a look?"

Sunan City raised her eyes, hesitated for a while, and nodded.

Yiyi's mouth was silent and chatted, "Miss Luo's eyes are very good. Choose a famous teacher's work. I believe Su Da Shao will be bright in front of her eyes later."

Although Sunan city has been expressionless, but the pace at the foot is accelerated.

He naturally knew that the woman was very talented.

Yi can't keep up with the pace of Sunan City, so she can't see the ferocious smile on her face.

Of course, Su Da Shao will shine in front of his eyes. After that, he should leave directly, right?

You know, the right dress is a fairy, and the wrong dress is vulgar.

Yi Da Cong feels that Luo Xiaotian can't surrender that dress.

When she went to the dressing room, Luo Xiaotian happened to come out.

The city of Southern Jiangsu is breathing slowly.

He always knew that this woman was beautiful, but he didn't know that she could be beautiful in the sky.

Although the powder and Dai are not given, it gives people a sense of fairy Qi.

It was as if the dress had only been made for her.

Almost only need one eye, let a person move the eye.

Yi sees Sunan city like the eyes that are stuck, so angry that her face turns blue. How is that possible? How can Luo Xiaotian hold up this dress?

She roared wildly in her heart, but reason told her that she should say a few words at the right time.

"Sunan City, why do you look at me like that? Is that strange? "

There is no mirror in the dressing room. Luo Xiaotian doesn't know how to put on the clothes, but she thinks it won't be bad, right?

Sunan City rarely smiles at her, "very beautiful."

Yiyi bit her teeth and said, "Miss Luo, this dress fits you very well."This is already her limit, and she can't say anything better.

Luo Xiaotian went to the mirror and looked at it. He nodded his head with satisfaction and looked good.

"Miss Yi, where is the dressing room?"

She felt that her overall dress was almost made up. She went out in a hurry in the morning and didn't even make up naked. If she didn't make up in her dress, she would have nodded her head and light feet.

But she also knows. I'm afraid miss Yi is not in the mood to make up for her, is she?

Fortunately, she also specializes in makeup.

Yi Yi toward one side of assistant make a wink, assistant small can only suffer a face, take Luo Xiaotian to go to the dressing room.

When Luo Xiaotian shows her good makeup skills, Yi's world outlook is refreshed again.

So is she kicked out here today?

Finally, when Yiluo Xiaotian, a well-made and self-cultivation dress, appeared in front of Sunan City, the other side gave him a generous compliment. On the contrary, he was dissatisfied with Yiyi and Sunan city.

I thought this store was the most powerful modeling studio in Z City, but now it's not so good.

At this moment, Yi began to doubt her career. Her proud major turned out to be slag in front of Luo Xiaotian.

If it wasn't for the assistant, she would have screamed.

Luo Xiaotian is in a good mood to get into the car. In fact, she shouldn't be serious with Yi. Even if people talk in a strange way, she doesn't take it seriously.

"In a good mood?"

Although the eyes of Sunan city have never left the front windshield, they seem to have eyes on the right.

Luo Xiaotian, who is in a state of self excitement, suddenly hears a voice and is stunned. However, she reacts and nods undeniably.


Although Sunan city saw that the little woman was in a good mood, he could not guess the reason why she was in a good mood. He knew that Luo Xiaotian was not a material woman, and he would not be in a good mood because of wearing a beautiful dress.

Luo Xiaotian didn't want to tell Sunan city about the intrigue between women. He perfunctorily said, "beautiful clothes, good mood."

Southern Jiangsu city, "..." Sure enough, a woman's heart is a sea needle.