Be my girlfriend

Luo Xiaotian looks at the banquet in front of him awkwardly. His legs are like nails, and he can't move.

"What's the matter?"

Sunan city to see her stop, suspicious way.

Luo Xiaotian pulled his clothes and whispered, "Sunan City, why did you bring me here?"

"To the party? Or why do you think I'm taking you to the dress selection? " Who has nothing to do with hanging around in evening dress?

Sunan city has a silly look on your face.

Luo Xiaotian choked for a while. She didn't expect that they would come to the party. Who would think that they would come to the party?

But why did this man bring her to the party? Judging from the specifications of the banquet, it seems that the grade is not low. On such an important occasion, you should take Jing Ke'er.

What's more, is their relationship suitable for public exposure?

"I'm not going. I'll go first."

When Luo Xiaotian sees that people around her come to say hello to Sunan city one after another, she can't control her panic. Especially when she sees these people looking at her eyes, it seems that she is a commodity to be sold.

Sunan City calmly nodded to greet others, while pulling Luo Xiaotian to the side, mouth is a whisper threat, "if you now pay off the money owed me, I will let you go."

Luo Xiaotian suddenly had no confidence.

Old debts are still outstanding and new debts are accumulating. The luxury car of unknown brand was just scratched by the bicycle, and the maintenance cost is as high as several million. How can she have such money?

Sunan city successfully picked eyebrows and continued to say, "Luo Xiaotian, it's natural to repay debts. Do you know how high the interest of borrowing money from outside?"

"What Do you want me to pay the interest? "

Luo Xiaotian heard the word interest, instinctively cried out, and then realized the environment, she awkwardly took back her voice, whispered with dissatisfaction.

Too much. Is this man's heart black? Even let her pay the interest?

A trace of banter flashed at the bottom of Sunan city's eyes, and the smile from the corner of his mouth continued to frighten, "how? Is my money coming from the wind? Do you know how much money I can make if I invest in car maintenance? I only charge you a little interest now. It depends on our friendship. "

In fact, the insurance company covers all the maintenance fees of the car, and only a road killer like Luo Xiaotian doesn't know the importance of car insurance.

Hearing the real explanation of Sunan City, someone foolishly believed it.

As for the interest statement put forward by the man, she also acquiesced.

If there was only one person in Sunan city on the scene, he would certainly laugh. It turns out that teasing this woman can make people feel so happy?

It's just that his happiness is based on Luo Xiaotian's pain. Looking at Luo Xiaotian's grievance, if the occasion is not suitable, she will be directly crazy.

It's also interesting that they are completely bipolar.

Sunan city continued to cheat, "you can owe the principal first, but you can't always owe the interest, can you? I don't mistake you either. I'll pay you the interest at the market price, one cent of the interest. "

A cent? Luo Xiaotian quickly calculates in his heart that my darling owes more than two million yuan to Sunan city. Even if the whole number is good, it will cost 20000 yuan to pay the interest every month. How much is her monthly salary?

With this calculation, she turned pale.

Sunan city is very satisfied with her response.

As a businessman, it's a basic skill to observe what he says and what he looks like. It's a skill at the negotiation table. Luo Xiaotian, a simple fool, is weak in front of the cunning city of Southern Jiangsu.

When Luo Xiaotian calculated the account in his heart, he said again, "how about it? How are you going to pay the interest? "

Luo Xiaotian was depressed and couldn't say a word.

With this rapid speed, don't you push her to a dead end?

Sunan city to see the fire is almost, this is not tight, not slow, "before I said the method has been effective."

Luo Xiaotian Hu looks at the man suspiciously. His brain suddenly reflects that this man is setting himself up?

"Sunan City, you did it on purpose!"

Sunan city didn't expect the stupid woman to react, but he didn't deny, "Luo Xiaotian, I admit I'm still interested in you."

Luo Xiaotian laughs sarcastically. Should she thank this man for his interest?

Sunan city is not angry, "I don't mean to force you, just hope you can do what you can."

"Didn't you force me? Are you forcing me now? Do you believe that if I commit suicide, all your money will be gone? "

Luo Xiaotian stares at the big round eyes and says angrily.

Sunan city was not moved, calmly replied, "you won't, after all, there are people you care about in the world, such as Anning, such as yunjixi..."

"Sunan City, you are mean!"

Luo Xiaotian didn't expect that this man even threatened him.

Sunan City Ha ha a smile, "war not tired of deceit, I never do Sunan City loss business."It's true. As a good businessman, he never does anything unprofitable.

Luo Xiaotian gritted her teeth. Does she have any choice?

"Two hundred thousand a night?"

It's a compromise with men.

Sunan City shakes its head.

Luo Xiaotian was anxious. "Didn't you just say that the previous agreement was still valid?"

She didn't want to devote all her youth to this unscrupulous businessman. If she counted more than two million yuan as 200000 yuan a night, it would be half a month without any profit.

In the past half a month, she had to endure when she was arched by a pig.

Sunan City ruffian explained, "I just said the previous method is still effective, and did not say 200000 a night is effective, you should understand the value of the first night?"

Luo Xiaotian, "..." Does this man mean she's not worth money now?

"What do you want?"

She asked, biting her teeth.

Sunan city's deep eyes flashed, "I want you to be my girlfriend."

Luo Xiaotian was stunned.

Sunan City sniffed, "it's a girlfriend on the surface. What do you think?"

Luo Xiaotian rolled his eyes. Hum, she doesn't want to be a girlfriend?

"What about the deadline? Is there a deadline? "

Is it just selling dog meat? But that's good. She's a girlfriend on the surface. At least she won't be so embarrassed when she explains to others.

Of course, she would not be silly to introduce her girlfriend in Sunan City, but in case of emergency, she also had a saying.

Sunan city did not expect that she suddenly became so smart. After thinking about it, one year was enough. He was tired of Luo Xiaotian. "One year is the limit. After one year, our debts will be cleared."


Luo Xiaotian is not affectable. He takes what he needs and starts his own life a year later.

Sunan city was relieved, "can you accompany me to the banquet now?"

Luo Xiaotian can not deny the hand to the man's hand, put a suitable smile on his face, seriously began to role play.