He would never compromise

Listening to their greetings to each other, Luo Xiaotian's eyes are shining. She doesn't understand why the top students of Tangtang Academy of fine arts will be the project manager of a construction company?

When she met Shang Xinlin, she was still a student in an art school and worked in an institution during her summer vacation.

Shang Xinlin's family is difficult, but he is really a very progressive boy, and he is also a humorous boy. In addition, his appearance and material conditions are ignored.

So at that time, she was one of the fans who had a vote in the organization.

In her eyes, Shang Xinlin at that time was no doubt as excellent as the stars in the sky, so that people can only watch from afar, but not play.

It can be said that the reason why she was admitted to the Academy of fine arts, Shang Xinlin's contribution, after all, the power of idols can not be underestimated.

Later, she was admitted to the Academy of fine arts, but Shang Xinlin also graduated and left school, and the relationship between them was gradually broken. The sincere feelings of her youth were also hidden in her heart.

It's only been a few years, but things have changed.

Once that spirited young man has some tact and sophistication, Luo Xiaotian's heart can not say the feeling.

"Xiaotian, what's the matter with you?"

Sunan City noticed the absence of the little woman beside him and asked anxiously.

Luo Xiaotian came back to him with a smile and said he was OK.

In fact, what the two sides want to negotiate today is a piece of land in the eastern suburb of H city. Weicheng company does not have the ability to swallow this land alone, so it has to find a strong company to cooperate.

Kg international has made great achievements in entertainment in the past few decades. This kind of construction business is involved for the first time. If we can make a big success in this project, it will undoubtedly be a stepping stone for kg international and a sign of moving towards a new field.

So Sunan city attaches great importance to this project.

However, he also has concerns. After all, this industry is a brand new industry for kg international, lacking experience in many aspects, so it is easy to be fooled by other enterprises.

Although he had already asked someone to do the construction cost of the land in the eastern suburb before that, after all, these costs are dead, and many interests still have to be told by one mouth.

The reason why he agreed with Jin Ke and asked Luo Xiaotian to accompany him to the meeting in the afternoon was not that he expected her to help him in the meeting, but that he was afraid that she would wander around the place alone and what happened.

At least under his eyes, he can be at ease.

Maybe even he doesn't know that his love for Luo Xiaotian has become more and more uncontrollable. He just wants to see her all the time.

"Mr. Su, this is yours?"

Li Weijie, President of Weicheng, looks at Luo Xiaotian with an ambiguous face. Men are very accurate in looking at men. Even if they only need one look, they can see the relationship between them.

It's said that the president of kg international, Sunan City, is young and promising, indifferent and refuses to be seen for thousands of miles. He is not close to women at ordinary times, and there is almost no lace scandal all year round.

But on such an important occasion, he saw that Sunan city had a good love for a woman. It was not a red rain. What was it?

If this matter let Z City celebrities know, I'm afraid to be sad.

Shang Xinlin naturally also found that the difference between the treatment of Luo Xiaotian in Sunan city is men's concern for women. We can imagine what kind of relationship they have.

I can't tell the complexity in my heart.

"Xiaotian, I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect that you are working in kg international now?"

He went forward to Luo Xiaotian and said hello to her as if he was familiar with her, but it also broke the slightly embarrassing atmosphere just now.

Everyone present was surprised at the scene.

Including Luo Xiaotian himself.

She thought that Shang Xinlin would not recognize him at this time.

But now that people have taken the initiative to say hello to her, she also said with a smile, "yes, senior, I didn't expect that a top student from an art school would work in a construction company?"

If you really want to talk about it, Luo Xiaotian's major is relatively appropriate, while Shang Xinlin's is totally different from his major.

Of course, this premise was when Luo Xiaotian was still in the comic department, but they didn't know these twists and turns?

Shang Xinlin slightly embarrassed smile, "this matter is a long story, we have time to talk in private."

Hearing that they still have to date in private, Li Weijie and Sunan city look at them warily at the same time.

One is worried that his son-in-law will be sorry for his daughter, while the other does not agree with Luo Xiaotian's dating with other men, even if the date is just reminiscent.

Luo Xiaotian is aware that the man on one side is shooting a threatening look at him. He smiles at Shang Xinlin politely and distantly.

Sunan city to see her attitude, the face of the displeasure is finally scattered some.

"Mr. Su, business matters. Let's start the meeting."

Li Weijie narrowed his eyes full of pure light and suggested.

As for the relationship between the son-in-law and this Xiaotian, he would not ask until after the meeting.Sunan City nodded without any opinions. Originally, they came to talk about cooperation. Naturally, cooperation is the main thing.

As soon as several people sit at the negotiation table, they are totally different from each other. This is also the first time that Luo Xiaotian has seen how the southern city of Jiangsu plans.

Of course, Shang Xinlin is not bad. He is pressing on the negotiation table step by step.

Luo Xiaotian has the illusion that this is not a shopping mall, but a battlefield.

Her role is almost zero. She really doesn't understand the meaning of secretary Jin's asking her to come here. She thinks she is here to see, not to negotiate.

With her mouth, it is estimated that kg international will be killed by the other party.

The two sides have been deadlocked over profit sharing for a long time.

The meeting has been deadlocked for an hour.

The meeting, which was originally expected to end in two hours, has now been postponed to 5 p.m., but neither side has any intention of compromise.

"Mr. Su, you also know that in the development of this project, we Weicheng absolutely play a major role. If we divide it into five, it will be a very bad thing for us Weicheng."

Shang Xinlin's opinion is four six, Weicheng six, kg international four.

However, Sunan city has no intention to give in. Kg international has to invest 80% of its capital, and its profit can only account for 40%. They have never done such a thing before.

If it wasn't for the first time to enter the construction industry, where would they do such a loss making thing? When their money is coming from the wind?

"Manager Shang, if you don't have our money, your project can't start at all. Besides, our company's working capital is not idle there. I will invest 80% of this project in other projects. Do you know how much profit we can make? It is by no means comparable to the 50% profit of this project. I will never give in to this matter. If you don't agree, I'd rather cooperate with other companies. "

He was tough and said he would never compromise.

If you have money, are you afraid you can't find other companies to cooperate with?

Now the reason why he agreed to cooperate with Weicheng is not the ability of the company, but the land in the eastern suburb. From the perspective of his businessmen, the value created by the land in the future is absolutely inestimable. Of course, he can't explain these words to Weicheng. But if their attitude is still so firm, he can't rule out giving up the land.

Of course, it's possible to use other means.

Anyway, he's not a good man. There's no business without fraud.