Earned profit

"Mr. Li, I heard that something happened to that piece of land in the eastern suburb a few years ago, didn't I?"

Sweet and Nuo Nuo's voice sounded in the conference room. Compared with the previous pure male voice, it was more pleasant.

Luo Xiaotian feels the eyes cast at her from all directions. Although she is a little nervous, she still tries to pretend to be calm.

She didn't intend to speak on such an occasion, but it was a stalemate for an hour. Both sides had been discussing this issue. She didn't know any shopping strategy. She just knew that at this time, she should help Sunan city fight for benefits.

Even if her partner is the first person she likes in her life.

But it was a throb when she was young, and it was not strong. If it had to be compared with Sunan City, there was no doubt that Sunan city was the most important in her heart.

It seems that everyone didn't expect Luo Xiaotian to speak.

Even Jin Ke, who had been egging her on, looked at her in surprise.

What happened to the eastern suburb a few years ago? They didn't investigate this kind of thing?

Sunan City habitually twists its eyebrows. If something really happened in the eastern suburb, I'm afraid this cooperation case will have to be reconsidered.

Li Weijie's face changed slightly. There was an accident in the eastern suburb a few years ago. How did she know?

Apart from some local people, other people should not know about it?

A few years ago, communication was not as developed as it is now. It was a little bit of a flurry. Wechat forwarding all over the world knew that there was a girl who jumped there and was blocked by relevant problems in time, so it did not cause much sensation in the society.

This is one of the reasons why Li Weijie wants to cooperate with foreign enterprises.

I just didn't expect that it would be said at the negotiation table now.

Shang Xinlin looks at Luo Xiaotian with a complicated look. After all, a few years have passed. The once innocent girl has grown up. She knows what will be good for her.

It can be said that he and Luo Xiaotian were both witnesses, and of course there were other students who went to sketch together.

A few years ago, he was a student in an art school. In order to help his family in difficulties, he would work and study every winter and summer vacation. In summer vacation, he would teach painting in an organization.

Every morning, he would take the students to the nearby places for sketching. That morning, as usual, he took some of his classmates to the east suburb to sketch. Who knows, just went there, in front of suddenly fell a person down, thanks to them to slow down a step, otherwise also hit.

But it still frightened the students, and the organization also banned him from taking students out to sketch.

The land in the eastern suburb has been controlled by the government for some time, but because it involves students and is afraid of bringing bad influence to H City, it has been asked to keep secret by the government.

"Mr. Li, what's going on? Before that, you didn't tell us about it? " Jin Ke was the first to ask questions.

The serious tone made the atmosphere of the whole meeting condense in an instant.

Although this situation was unexpected by Li Weijie, he has experienced a lot of fighting and has the ability to deal with some unexpected situations.

With a smile on his face, he tried to make things smaller. "Miss Luo's news is really well-informed. It's all old things. Let's talk about it."

Jin Ke sneered, "Mr. Li, is this a trivial matter? It's not what your company said. As investors, we have the right to know all the things that have happened in this land in recent years, so as not to affect our company's correct evaluation of this land. I believe Mr. Li should not fail to understand this truth?"

The sarcastic tone made Li Weijie's face change again and again, but it was not easy to get angry on the spot. He could only pull out a smile that was uglier than crying. "Secretary Jin, it's not that we didn't tell you, it's that this matter is really not a big deal, so we didn't think about it for a moment."

Luo Xiaotian doesn't want to let Li Weijie fool her. Although she doesn't know what impact this will have on the cooperation between the two sides, at least she has caught the painful foot that can make the other side give way.

Is she here to create some value?

"Mr. Li, is this a small matter that I need to say here for everyone to judge? Although I don't have much experience, I also know that business is about honesty... "

In the end, the two sides reached an agreement by four to six, but this time, kg international was six and Weicheng was four.

Later, Jin Ke looked at Luo Xiaotian with a small look of admiration. Unexpectedly, Miss Luo still had the potential to negotiate. Because of his persistence, he won nearly 100 million profits for the company.

"President, should I get more bonus at the end of the year?"

Sunan City glanced at him, "does this matter have anything to do with you?"

Although the man still does not smile, but it can be seen that someone's mood is really good.

Jin Ke took advantage of the good atmosphere, very hard for their rights and interests, "president, I let Miss Luo go together, no credit, there is always hard work, right?"If he didn't insist like this, today's cooperation plan would be divided into five to five at most, which is what they said earlier.

Sunan city agreed and nodded. His dark eyes flashed a trace of cunning. "There's hard work. Well, how about I give you a holiday at night, including before I go back tomorrow afternoon? Think of it as a reward from the company. "

Jin Ke, "..."

What kind of reward is this? If you don't want him to be a light bulb, let's just say it. Does this mean that the public benefits the private? Capitalists are all cannibals.

Luo Xiaotian looks at Jin Ke's way of eating. He can't help covering his mouth and laughing.

"Xiaotian, you did well just now. What would you like to eat in the evening?"

The gentle look on the face of Sunan city makes Jin Ke cry out that it's unfair. It's clear that it's both a reward. Why is one treatment a natural one and another a stepmother's son?

However, even if he was not willing to, he could only watch the two people gradually go away.

Sunan city takes Luo Xiaotian to a special restaurant in H city for dinner. The night view of H city is very beautiful. Sitting in this restaurant for dinner, you can overlook the night view of this restaurant, which is especially enjoyable.

"City, how beautiful it is here?"

Luo Xiaotian had heard of this restaurant before, but the consumption here was not what a student could afford at that time. Today, she borrowed the light of Sunan city to enjoy such beautiful scenery.

When you go back, you must tell Anning to come here.

Sunan city looked at her tenderly and said, "you just like it."

Luo Xiaotian looked happy. "I like it very much. Thank you, Cheng."

But there's a lot of noise coming from the door of the restaurant.

"Miss Li, I'm really sorry. The best position in our restaurant has been reserved. Why don't you choose another one?"

The manager of the restaurant explained to the woman in front of him.

Although I don't know the identity of the guest who made the reservation, which one is Shanji? He is a small restaurant manager. Where can he offend?