Meat jokes

She nodded without any comment. Her favorite food is Chinese food. As for Western food, it's OK to come and have a taste occasionally.

Sunan city didn't ask her any more, pointed to a set meal on the menu and said to the waiter.

This set meal is very special for Christmas. It's a long-lasting set meal, including face color before meal, appetizer, salad, delicious soup, grilled main course, dessert, wine during meal and fruit after meal.

Luo Xiaotian can't understand anything, but he can understand the number above, four eights. It's very lucky, but it's very expensive.

As she stopped the waiter from placing an order, she whispered to Sunan City, "let's eat whatever we want. We don't need to order such an expensive set meal."

8888 yuan, which is up to her monthly salary.

It's just a meal. Don't be so extravagant.

Sunan City laughs but does not speak, immediately ordered the food to send the waiter away.

"Xiaotian, what you eat out is the mood. If you care too much about the price, it will affect your mood, don't you think?"

Sunan city to see the little woman doodle mouth unhappy appearance, can not help but smile to comfort her, this money for him, really nothing.

Luo Xiaotian laughs twice. He is a local tyrant. It's nothing to spend 8888 on a meal. Is she here to save wool for this man?

"Let's look at the Christmas presents before dinner."

I don't know where Su Nancheng took out a long red gift box and put it on the table. He pushed it to her with a smile.

Luo Xiaotian's attention shifted from the price to the red gift box. "How come there are still gifts? Didn't you say the hat is a Christmas gift?"

Sunan City helplessly shook his head, he casually said, little woman really believe.

"Open it up. Do you like it?"

Luo Xiaotian took the gift and calmly opened the box. In fact, looking at the shape of the box, she knew it was a bracelet without guessing. She was not interested in the bracelets.

"Wow, how did you find this bracelet?"

She changed her calm appearance and tears filled her eyes.

It's not an ordinary bracelet. It's a bracelet left by grandma. It's just that this bracelet has been left in the old house all the time. After grandma's funeral, she went back to the old house to look for the necklace, but she couldn't find it anyway.

She thought the necklace had been lost and could not be found any more, but she never thought it would be in the hands of Sunan city.

"Sunan City, tell me, how did you find the necklace?"

Looking at the excited look on the woman's face, Sunan city quickly calmed down and said, "darling, don't be excited. I'll tell you slowly."

Luo Xiaotian also felt ashamed. When he was excited, he even burst into tears. Moreover, he was so excited that he even raised his decibel a lot. The diners around him had already paid attention to their table.

Picked up the paper towel on the table and wiped his tears. Then he apologized to the man in a low voice, "Sunan City, thank you. You don't know how important this bracelet is to me."

This is the only thing that grandma left her. It's her thought. Since she can't find it, she's lost. It's a wonderful feeling to recover from it.

"I'll put it on for you."

Sunan City carefully wears the bracelet for her. The style of the bracelet is very old, and the material is only silver, but it can't be bought.

Luo Xiaotian looked at the bracelet on her hand. She couldn't express her joy in words. She knew that she could receive such a beautiful gift on Christmas Eve, and she had been looking forward to it for a long time.

"By the way, Nancheng, you haven't told me where this bracelet was found?"

When she came back to her hometown, the room was in a mess. She thought it was stolen. After all, that area was being demolished and it was normal to be stolen.

Sunan City sipped her lips and hesitated to tell her about it.

Luo Xiaotian's mind flashed a little uneasy, "what's the matter?"

"It's from your father." Slightly magnetic voice with a trace of caution, Sunan City carefully observed the opposite woman's face.

Luo Xiaotian was stunned for a moment, and soon she reflected that the thief she thought might be her father.

My father had been thinking about grandma's land all the time. Later, I didn't know how to settle it. She thought that my father was still thinking about their family relationship. Now it seems that there is something else.

"I think you helped me with the foundation of the old house?"

Luo Xiaotian said slightly bitterly that she should not have any illusions about the Luo family. From now on, she is her and the Luo family is the Luo family. She should give up her heart.

Sunan city looks pitifully at the little woman who pretends to be strong. If she is not afraid of her sadness, this bracelet should have been handed back to her.

He has a lot of money, but he can't help her buy affection.

From the moment he saw Luo Xiaotian at the wedding, he knew that the Luo family didn't care about this woman.

But this woman must use camouflage strong to cover up the inner weakness?"Xiaotian, although your father doesn't want you, you still have me."

Sunan city seizes a woman's heart and takes the opportunity to express itself.

Luo Xiaotian is in a trance for a moment. Is Sunan City confessing to her? But the difference between them is the distance of Mount Everest.

At the critical moment, Luo Xiaotian, the ostrich, began to drill into the sand again.

She pretended not to understand the man's meaning. She took out her hand from the other side and said with a smile, "I'm ok. I'm used to it. I'm hungry. We'd better eat first."

Afraid to see the man's attentive eyes, she quickly lowered her head and pretended to eat seriously, which made Sunan City cry and laugh. He scolded, "coward."

Luo Xiaotian smiles to cover up the embarrassment.

Sunan city didn't mention it again. The Langwen atmosphere of the western restaurant soon made each other forget the embarrassment just now.

Two hearts are filled with each other's beginning to integrate into the atmosphere.

The melodious sound of violin is surrounded in the dining room, which makes people feel relaxed and happy. From bread before meal to fruit after meal, Luo Xiaotian's tragic discovery is too much.

"Sunan City, don't order so much next time. My stomach is coming out again."

Luo Xiaotian laughs bitterly with a face, and says wrongly. You know that her proud little belly has been coming out quite frequently since she's been with someone. If it goes on like this, her little belly will always be outside.

Sunan city looked at the appearance of playing treasure, not from a happy smile, ambiguous in her ear said, "it's OK, I'm positive in the evening, to two back, your stomach will shrink back."

Luo Xiaotian, "..."

Do you want so many meat jokes from someone?

"Well, well, I'm joking. We'll walk back later, and we'll take it as your food. How about that?"

Sunan city received the eye knife thrown to him by the little woman and said with a smile.

Luo Xiaotian nodded his head with satisfaction. As the saying goes, walking a hundred steps after a meal can make you live to ninety-nine, which is much more than sports science.