
"Sir, miss, please stay."

The waiter called for two.

Luo Xiaotian turned around and said with a polite smile, "what's the matter?"

There was no expression in Sunan City, but the waiter who called them felt a chill rising from the soles of his feet. At last, he gathered his heart slowly. In an instant, his whole body's blood seemed to coagulate. What he wanted to say was stuck in his throat, and he couldn't vomit a word.

Why, why is the man's eyes so terrible? Who is the man who just laughed so gently?

I have to say that at the moment, the waiter's heart is broken, and he even regretted calling.

Luo Xiaotian noticed the waiter's eyes and shook his head helplessly. Sunan city always looks like someone owes him millions in front of outsiders. I really don't understand. Is this really good? Won't his conscience hurt if he scares others out of illness?

She was afraid that the waiter would have a heart attack. She said with a smile, "what else can I do for you?"

Seeing Luo Xiaotian's kind-hearted face, the waiter quickly focuses on the young lady. As a result, he finds that the gentleman's eyes are colder.

It was so cold that he couldn't help shivering.

Wuwuwuwu, can't I stop?

Just when the waiter was scared to cry by Sunan City, the restaurant manager appeared in time to save him.

"I'm sorry, Mr. and Ms. because today is Christmas Eve, we have an activity in our restaurant. We can draw a prize when we check out. The prize is rich. Why don't you try it?"

In the end, it is the restaurant manager who directly ignores the cold eyes of Sunan city and always looks at Luo Xiaotian.

Luo Xiaotian thought of the Christmas tree she saw when she entered the restaurant just now. She couldn't help but play with her heart. She pulled the man's hand and said coquettishly, "Sunan City, let's have a try, in case we hit the iPhone 8?"

Sunan city rolled his eyes. Does he look like he lacks the iPhone 8? However, seeing the excited look on the little woman's face, he couldn't bear to refuse to take part in the lottery for the first time in his life.

Maybe even the restaurant manager didn't expect that the person he called would be the president of Su University in Z city.

There is a big turntable next to the Christmas tree. There are n grids on the turntable. There are all kinds of prizes in the grid, ranging from the iPhone 8 mentioned by Luo Xiaotian just now to toys and dolls. Anyway, there are prizes in each grid.

Festival, the picture is lively, besides, they are a high-end restaurant, the consumption can be imagined, these prizes for the restaurant, really nothing.

Luo Xiaotian looked at the turntable, his expression brightened, holding the man's arm excitedly said, "Sunan City, come on, you come to walk one?"

Sunan city is obviously not interested in this thing, a pair of thick eyebrows tightly, two hands in the trouser pocket, a face of refusal, "what do you want, I buy you, why draw? What if you miss? "

there was silence, and his face changed when he looked at Sunan city.

In fact, the lottery is just a gimmick in the end, which is a way to increase the flow of people in the restaurant. However, the local tyrant even said that he could buy whatever he wanted.

The restaurant manager and the waiter just now suffered a ten thousand point attack. Local tyrant, can we make friends?

Luo Xiaotian is also embarrassed by the man's words. Does the man know how to call it fun? Do the things he buys have this kind of stimulation? Is it fun?

However, the thought of such a boss level figure as Sunan city must have never played such a lucky draw, so I forgive him.

"Well, Nancheng, I don't need anything. It's just a game. Can you play it?"

Luo Xiaotian had no choice but to stretch out a hand and turn it. The big turntable began to rotate quickly. Luo Xiaotian's eyes immediately followed the big turntable.

After a quick turn, the big turntable slowly stopped at last, and the long needle in the middle pointed to the doll.

Sunan city's eyebrows wrinkled, dissatisfied with the way, "how not iphone8?"

The restaurant manager wiped his cold sweat.

Of course, it can't be the iPhone 8. They have calculated the probability of this kind of lucky draw. Although they are a high-end western restaurant, they can't draw the iPhone for every customer coming to dinner. If it is true, their store will close down a long time ago.

Luo Xiaotian doesn't care at all. She points to a doll that is bigger than a human being and says with a smile, "manager, can I choose that one?"

Girls have almost no immunity to such furry toys, no matter how old the girl is.

The manager of the restaurant nodded and took the doll out to Luo Xiaotian as quickly as possible.

After drawing the prize, hurry to leave, so that he won't be frozen to death by someone's eyes in the air conditioning room.

Sunan city looked at the doll that had blocked Luo Xiaotian's head with disgust, "do you want to take this thing home?"Just now, who said that she was going to take a walk home and walk on this thing with her? Is she trying to win the rate of return?

Luo Xiaotian struggled to get his head out from behind the doll and said with a smile, "Nancheng, don't you think this doll is very cute?"

Cute? Sunan City focuses on the doll again. Why doesn't he think it's ugly and cute? Excuse me, where is this ugly monster cute? I don't know if I'll lose my hair even though I'm hairy?

What he hates most is this kind of hairy thing. No matter whether it has life or not, he hates it for no reason.

"Nancheng, shall we have this doll?"

Luo Xiaotian was deeply afraid of the man's refusal, so he threw the big and excessive doll back to the manager of the restaurant and went to Sunan city to implement the coquetry policy.

Sunan city's expression became a little uncomfortable with the little woman's coquetry, and her heart was constantly swaying. Finally, she gave in under the woman's eyes.

"Then let the restaurant take it home."

His voice did not fall, the restaurant manager's voice came from behind the doll, "I'm sorry, sir, we don't give gifts."

It is conceivable that his words met with a cold glance in southern Jiangsu.

Luo Xiaotian took the doll back from the restaurant manager and said, "Nancheng, don't we walk home later? I'll hold this doll and it won't freeze. "

Sunan city's face suddenly black down, she is not cold holding a doll, but how about herself? This doll directly blocks Luo Xiaotian's thin body. People who don't know it think they are walking with the doll. In the middle of the night, don't they scare people to death?

But in the end, the doll was lying in Luo Xiaotian's arms and walked home with them, while Sunan city was always black and said that I was not happy.

Fortunately, it's night now. Even if his face turns black, it won't do any harm to passers-by.