Because of me

Anning was disturbed by Jack's glance. Hearing the apology, Anning shook his head. "I know Mr. Jack is joking. I won't be at ease."

Luo Xiaotian didn't give up any more and turned his attention to Sunan city again.

Sunan city had no choice but to smile, "well, I'll answer your first question first. My wound was hurt by Pan Zhaohu's man with a knife." Seeing the worried look of the little woman, he quickly explained, "nothing's wrong with my arm. I'll be fine in two days."

In fact, the wound was quite deep. After ten stitches, he left an ugly centipede scar on his arm, but he didn't intend to tell the little woman about it.

Luo Xiaotian was relieved to hear that the arm was OK.

"Well, next I'll answer your next question." Sunan City smiles and says again. Jack is surprised by his easygoing attitude. The charm of love is really infinite. "Jingke'er ran away, but I've sent pan Zhaohu to the police station. As for the male public relations men?"

Mention male public relations three words, have been smiling in the eyes of Sunan city more a killing, dare to think of his woman, live impatient?

Luo Xiaotian doesn't care about the whereabouts of the male public relations, and doesn't notice the killing in the man's eyes. She suddenly thinks of the reason why Jing Ke'er kidnaps herself and asks for confirmation, "Jing Ke'er says you've hidden her?"

Sunan city gave a sound.

"Why? Isn't Jing Ke'er the star of red and purple? What good is it for you to hide her? " Luo Xiaotian exclaimed.

Is he stupid? How much profit can star effect bring? Why should he abandon these profits to hide his artists? Besides, it's not bad to see their relationship?

Thinking of this, Luo Xiaotian was flustered.

Before I knew my mind clearly, Sunan city had nothing to do with any woman, but since I had him in my heart, I naturally hope that the other side is innocent in this aspect.

Sunan city said, "you said she didn't have acting skills?"

Luo Xiaotian was stunned.

Can't Jing Ke'er snow hide really because of his own words?

She said in dismay, "because of what I said, you are hiding in the snow?" When did her words work so well?

Sunan city's eyes flickered slightly, and then said calmly, "it's not complete. The fact is that I also think Jing Ke'er's acting skills are really not good. In order not to damage the company's image, I decided to let her show up less in public."

His words made Jack cough violently.

Do you want that bullshit? Jingke'er was very popular two years ago. Sunan City, as the president of kg international, will only find out that his artists are not good at acting now?

How does the company make annual plans for individuals?

Only a simple woman like Luo Xiaotian would believe such nonsense.

"Jack, what's the matter with you? Why do you cough all of a sudden?"

Luo Xiaotian, who is interrupted by a cough, looks worried at Jack, who is out of breath. What's wrong with him? Suddenly cough so badly, should not be what lung problem?

Jack finally stopped coughing, but his face was still red, and his throat was a little dry because of his severe cough. "It's nothing. It's stimulated by someone's words."

There is no doubt that his words have been hit back by the eye knife.

"Xiaotian, don't pay any attention to him. He just envies our good feelings." Sunan city is not satisfied with the little woman's attention is attracted by Jack, some childish to Luo Xiaotian's head back.

Jack rolled his eyes and his mouth. He didn't envy him. Besides, does he have Linda? Although beauty has no intention for the moment, he believes that even an iron tree will be influenced by his tenderness.

"Nancheng, what are you going to do with jingke'er? "

LUO Xiaotian finds that Jing Ke'er has been hidden in the snow. He really can't get away from her, and he can't help feeling guilty.

Sunan City heard Jing Ke'er's three words, his eyes became sharp, and his mouth raised a sneer, "Jing Ke'er? Although she escaped last night, the monk could not escape from the temple."

"No, Nancheng." Luo Xiaotian grabs the man's hand with a pleading face. The latter doesn't understand, "why, jingke'er almost let you..."

If he didn't arrive at the right time, she would have the courage to bear his anger.

"Nancheng, in the final analysis, it's because of me. If I hadn't talked too much, you wouldn't hide jingke'er, and jingke'er wouldn't be angry. In the final analysis, it's because of me."

It's not her virgin Mary, but she pays attention to karma. Besides, there's nothing wrong with her now. She has to forgive others, even if it's for Sunan city.

Anning, who has always been regarded as the background board, can't help sneering when he sees that they have differences because of this matter. Luo Xiaotian, I really want to know if you can be so kind all the time?Heart has been distorted peace, see Luo Xiaotian so regardless of past grudges to forgive well Ke'er, she more and more want to destroy Luo Xiaotian, because each other's kindness let her jealous heart is particularly ugly.

"Xiaotian, I know you are kind-hearted, but Jing Ke'er is really hateful. If it wasn't for president Su, you would be poisoned by them. If you were I really can't imagine

Although Anning has an attitude of fighting injustice for Luo Xiaotian, every sentence she says can arouse Sunan city's hatred for Jing Ke'er.

Yes, peace is the desire for a rift between two people.

If it is true that Sunan City nodded in favor of it, "Xiaotian, jingke'er didn't succeed this time. You are lucky. I can find you in time, but what if there is another time? What if I can't find you in time next time? What should you do? "

Now that you have evil intentions, you won't succeed once. It's hard to guarantee that there won't be a second time. No one can guarantee when jingke'er will be stupid again?

Luo Xiaotian took the hand of La Su Nancheng, and Xiaozhi said with reason, "Nancheng, I know you and Xiaoning are worried about me, but this time things really started because of me. You think, jingke'er was a star who was very popular. Suddenly she fell from such a high place. There would be a gap in anyone's heart. She couldn't think of it for a moment, and she was not extreme when she left I don't understand, do I? "

See the man frown, she quickly went on to say, "if well son again next time, we will not lightly spare her, OK?"

With a pair of big eyes and a look of expectation, he looked to the city of Southern Jiangsu.

If it is the former Sunan City, it will not hesitate to refuse, but today's Sunan city has been eaten to death by Luo Xiaotian. What principles and what bottom line are infinitely enlarged n times.

Anning has been secretly observing the face of Sunan City, looking at each other's face more and more black, her heart such as a flea in everywhere, nervous even breathing slow down.