You are so beautiful

Sunan city will not promise Luo Xiaotian, it will not.

Since Anning became interested in Sunan City, she has always been inquiring about other people's details, but the more she knows about men, the deeper she gets into it.

Everything in Sunan City fascinates her. Her cold-blooded character, overbearing style, Iron-blooded policy and Zhuo fan's ability make Sunan city the most suitable man for her.

Just because she thought she knew each other well, she thought that Sunan city would not agree to Luo Xiaotian's request.

She was hesitating whether to say something to speed up their quarrel when she heard the familiar voice that fascinated her. "I can't investigate the mistakes of Jing Ke'er, but if pan Zhaohu confessed her in the police station, I can't help it."

This is the biggest concession of Sunan city.

Even Jack thinks it's incredible. When will the domineering Sunan City compromise? Is it a change of sex?

He didn't believe in evil and pushed to the side of the hospital bed. With a smile on his face, he said to the man on the hospital bed, "Su Da Shao, why don't we talk about the division of cooperation again?"

A few days ago, they facilitated a cooperation, but they didn't reach an agreement on profit sharing. After five hours of negotiation, they were still convinced by this cunning man.

Why didn't you think Sunan city was so easy to talk about at that time?

For the first time, Sunan city didn't even take a look at him. Jack was not reconciled and brazenly repeated it again. Finally, he got a cold glance from someone.

"Jack, stay cool."

Jack stepped back from the bedside with a pair of sad little eyes, which made people want to laugh. In fact, Luo Xiaotian did.

She laughed impolitely and said, "Jack, we're talking about something serious. Can you stop it?"

Jack's resentment is more serious. He gives a cold hum and throws the door away.

Luo Xiaotian vomits his tongue and looks uneasily at the man beside him. "Is Jack really angry?"

Sunan City shook his head, no sympathy, "if Jack's tolerance is so poor, I would have been angry to death."

Luo Xiaotian awkwardly raises the corners of her mouth. Why does she begin to sympathize with Jack after listening?

Jack's leaving makes the atmosphere in the ward strange. Anning doesn't want to leave. But as soon as Jack leaves, there are only three people left in the ward. If she stays all the time, she seems to be a little ignorant. Although she is unwilling to leave, she still says goodbye to Luo Xiaotian.

"Xiaotian, it's getting late. I won't disturb you. I'll see you again tomorrow."

Luo Xiaotian quickly gets up and politely refuses to say, "don't bother, Xiao Ning. You don't think I have anything to do. Usually your work is very busy. Don't come tomorrow."

In fact, she really means well and has no other ideas, but she is understood by Anning as Luo Xiaotian doesn't want her to disturb them, and her anger boils in her heart.

Do not want to be disturbed by her, hum, she just want to disturb.

She suddenly exclaimed, "Oh, Xiaotian, tomorrow is Friday. Have you forgotten what day it is?"

Luo Xiaotian didn't respond for a moment.

"It's the day when Ji Xi went to the hospital for reexamination. You promised to accompany him. Have you forgotten?"

Anning reminds me deliberately and kindly.

Luo Xiaotian pats her head in chagrin. How can she forget such an important thing?

But Sunan city is also injured, and it's still to save him. Loyalty is in a dilemma. She has only two hands. How can she take care of two people at the same time?

"Luo Xiaotian, if you dare to accompany other men tomorrow, you will die."

Sunan city saw that she was hesitating and wanted to slap her to death, but she was injured in order to save him.

The threatened Luo Xiaotian is even more embarrassed, but she has already promised Yun Jixi. Besides, Ji Xi really needs her own help.

This is exactly what Anning wants to see. Seeing Luo Xiaotian's embarrassed face, she deliberately puts forward a suggestion, "Xiaotian, otherwise, I'll go to Ji Xi's house to pick him up tomorrow, and then you can take him for a review. It's just a while. Should Mr. Su not mind?"

It's really a good way to have the best of both worlds. Anyway, it doesn't take long to be in the hospital.

She put her hands together to make a plea.

Although Sunan city is still reluctant, it was mentioned earlier to accompany yunjixi to review, and now it can only reluctantly agree.

Seeing that the man is willing to let go, Luo Xiaotian looks at Anning gratefully, and the latter returns a deep smile.

The appointed peace had no reason to stay. She left the ward after saying goodbye to them with a smile. Just as she stepped out of the ward, the smile on her face was replaced by a touch of evil.

Sunan City see ward finally no outsiders, while Luo Xiaotian don't pay attention, a hug her, played a rogue.

"Sunan City, are you crazy? Your hand is still hurt? "Luo Xiaotian was so frightened that he quickly withdrew from the man's arms.

Sunan city a face bright smile, mischievous pointed to the right hand, "you see, the injured hand is useless, I use my left hand to hold you."

Luo Xiaotian this just relaxed a breath, but still didn't have the good spirit of stare him one eye, all injured also toss.

Sunan city didn't care at all, reached out to her and motioned her to come.

Luo Xiaotian hesitated for a moment, and finally passed away. However, he was still worried and said, "you are injured now, but you can't move around, especially your right hand. If you don't take good care of it, if you have any sequelae, it won't be good..."

She was just like an old woman, mumbling about what she should pay attention to, but Sunan city was really fascinated by it, and nodded her approval.

Until Luo Xiaotian also felt that he talked too much, he stopped and looked at the man with a embarrassed face. Fortunately, the other side didn't use the color of impatience.

But she has stopped for a long time, how can this man still look at himself like this?

She touched her face. "What are you looking at? Is there something on my face? "

Sunan city especially gently shook his head, full of deep feeling way, "Xiaotian, you are so beautiful, when I really girlfriend good?"

Luo Xiaotian was shocked by the sudden confession.

This is the first time that the man stabbed the window paper. Luo Xiaotian thought that she would be panicked and scattered. At least the night before yesterday, she interrupted the confession of Sunan city.

But now, she is not only happy, but also happy. Since she experienced the kidnapping, she felt that if there were any regrets in her life, it was their feelings.

She didn't want a thin layer of window paper to be her lifelong regret.

Inexplicable, a sour nose, tears, this is happy tears.

Sunan city to see tears can not help flustered God, he used a hand flustered wipe the little woman's tears, "Xiaotian, you don't cry ah, you don't agree also fine, as long as you are happy."