Will you marry me?

"Fool!" Luo Xiaotian said with a red face, how can this man make mistakes at the critical moment?

Sunan City Leng Leng, a second later to react, happy Wanfen way, "Xiaotian, do you agree? You promised, didn't you? " He felt even more excited at the moment than to talk about a tens of millions of cases.

Luo Xiaotian nodded shyly, then was pulled into his arms by the man.

the bubble of happiness grows in the hearts of two people.

"Xiaotian, when my hand is ready, shall we get married?" He's going to have a big wedding in Z city.

Luo xiaotianxia wants to nod his head, but reason returns at the last second. She broke away from the man's arms and confirmed, "Nancheng, what did you say just now?" Did she have a hearing problem?

Sunan city looked at her seriously and said affectionately, "Xiaotian, will you marry me?"

Well, propose? But didn't they just confirm the relationship?

"Xiaotian, I know it's a bit abrupt to propose to you now, but do you know how I spent yesterday?" As soon as Sunan city remembers the situation of finding Luo Xiaotian yesterday, he can't help but be afraid. It turns out that unconsciously, this woman has gone deep into the bone marrow.

Now that we have recognized the status quo, why not bring her into our sphere of influence? So that no one will think about it.

Luo Xiaotian still hesitated. She just wanted to communicate with each other. She thought about it for a long time. If Mrs. Su said that, she would think about it for a longer time.

"Nancheng, why don't you wait until your injury is healed? Now in the hospital, it's not suitable to talk about this kind of thing, right?"

Sunan city also know this kind of thing can't be forced too tight, compromise nodded, "well, marriage thing that wait until I leave hospital again."

Luo Xiaotian was relieved. She didn't know what to do if the man insisted?

"Are you hungry?"

The room suddenly quieted down, and the atmosphere was a little awkward. She quickly found a reason.

Sunan city pressed her into her arms again and said domineering, "my woman doesn't have to worry about this kind of thing."

Luo Xiaotian has no choice but to skim his lips. It's just a small matter like buying rice. Is it so domineering?

After a while, Jin Ke came in with a thermos. He saw the two people on the bed holding each other. He quickly turned around and said, "I didn't see anything."

But if he really didn't see anything, why did he turn around?

Luo Xiaotian quickly retreats from the man's arms and glares at him. It's true that he knows Secretary Jin is going to send dinner, but he doesn't remind him earlier.

Sunan city is very calm, completely not because of the emergence of Jin Ke and uncomfortable.

"Secretary Jin, if you see it next time, take the initiative to quit. Don't say anything stupid that I haven't seen anything."

Luo Xiaotian's face is more red. What does this man mean? Is there another time? No, she must have a good communication with men in private. When there is an outsider, it is forbidden to be too intimate.

Jin Ke wisely ignores Luo Xiaotian's shyness and takes his lunch out of the thermos.

"Secretary Jin, why did you send the meal to Su ma?"

Secretary Jin is a secretary. It would be pitiful if he had to do the delivery work.

Jin Ke just wanted to answer, but he didn't say it yet, so he was preempted by Sunan city. "The driver has other things to do. It's inconvenient for Su Ma to take the bus. Anyway, Secretary Jin wants to send the documents, so I'll let him go to the house and bring the meal."

Luo Xiaotian didn't say anything more. He just took the food in Jin Ke's hand and prepared to heat it in the microwave.

It's cold now, so it's easy for food to get cold.

Jin Ke just wanted to refuse, but seeing that the president was looking for something to do with himself, he had to say, "hard work, Miss Luo."

Luo Xiaotian smiles at him and goes out with the food.

"Did the police find jingkor?" Sunan city opens its mouth with a black face.

Although Jin Ke didn't know the reason why the president changed face in one second, he honestly reported, "although the police have found Jing Ke'er, they can't sue her."

Sunan City squinted, "why?"

"Pan Zhaohu denies that Jing Ke'er is an accomplice. He has taken all the crimes to himself. The police have no choice but to let Jing Ke'er go home on bail." Jin Ke carefully observed the president's face while reporting. When he saw that the other side had no expression, he suggested,

"shall we solve it in private?"

Most of the time, not all things can be solved by the police. Since the police can't solve them, they have to come by themselves.

Sunan City frowned, pondered for three seconds, and finally shook his head.

"Let's just let it go. You ask people to watch jingke'er. If there is any change, please report it to me at any time."

Jin Ke is surprised that although the police have no evidence to prosecute Jing Ke'er, they all know that Jing Ke'er is the murderer behind the scenes. Unexpectedly, the President let her go like this? It's not scientific."President, aren't you afraid to let the tiger go back?"

If Jing Ke'er doesn't succeed in one plan and does another, isn't Miss Luo very dangerous?

"Xiaotian feels very guilty and asks me to let her go. Forget it, this time I'll let her go first, give her the contract and let her live and die."

This is the biggest concession of Sunan city. It's already a great kindness if she doesn't cancel the contract. As for whether jingke'er can make a comeback, it depends on her fortune.

When Jin Ke heard what Luo Xiaotian meant, he didn't speak any more. After all, people on the earth know the position of Luo Xiaotian in the mind of the president.

"By the way, there's nothing to do these days. Don't bother me. I'll take good care of myself."

Sunan City raised his injured hand and spoke calmly, regardless of secretary Jin who was already gaping.

Jin Ke blinked his eyes uneasily to make sure that the person in front of him was the president himself. As for the word "recuperation"?

When the president had a fever of 40 degrees, he still insisted on working. Now at least his brain is clear. Even if he hurt his hand, he can't go to work normally, but can the remote control always work? Even let yourself not to disturb him? Is it difficult for the president to want to be a Hun Jun who never goes to the early court?

"Well, it's OK. You can go."

It's time to say and explain. Jin Ke has no use value. Since it's useless, let's go.

Luo Xiaotian hot food quickly came to hear Sunan city in the rush, quickly invited, "Secretary Jin, Su Ma prepared a lot of food, you'd better go after dinner."

Jin Ke Yu Guang caught a glimpse of the boss who had obviously sunk his face and quickly declined, "no, I'd better go back to the company and eat again. Goodbye, President, Miss Luo."

Then he ran away.

What Luo Xiaotian wants to say is out of sight before he can say it.