Certain young master

Finally find the shadow of peace in the smoke, Su Ma found that she was smoking? She walked up to her and said, "Miss Anning, you are pregnant. How can you smoke?"

Anning skillfully took a puff of smoke, without even glancing at Su ma.

Su Ma is worried. The harm of cigarettes has been publicized on TV, especially for pregnant women. It's said that smoking can also cause cleft lip.

If you really give birth to a child with difficulties, the young master will have to die of heartache?

"Miss Anning, just listen to Su Ma's advice. Shall we stop smoking?"

Anning looked at her impatiently, "Su Ma, you are just a servant. Why do you care so much?"

During this period of time, she was called by Anning's servants one by one. Su Ma's mental endurance was already very strong. If she could make miss Anning not smoke, she would be fine if she was said to be a servant anyway.

"Miss Anning, even if you don't listen to Su Ma, think for the young master..."

"Enough, Su ma. Don't be bothered here. What should you do? This child's family doesn't worry about Sunan city. What do you worry about?"

Anning thought of the attitude of Sunan City, his heart was restless for no reason, and he smoked more fiercely. Seeing that Su Ma was still talking, he got up angrily and drove her to the door, then locked her.

Su Ma looked at the closed door, anxious tears constantly came out of her eyes. What can she do? Does she want to tell her wife about this?

Forget it, she'd better tell the young master first, and it's not too late to tell his wife then.

She hurried to the room, ready to call the young master.

Back in the room, Su Ma put on her tears and dialed the young master's phone, but after several calls, no one answered.

She looked at the alarm clock and decided that if she couldn't get in touch with the young master tomorrow, she would tell his wife about it.

This night, Su Ma can be said to be trembling to sleep.

The next morning, Luo Xiaotian found himself lying in a strange bed.

She flustered sat up from the bed, instinctively check their own clothes, pajamas? She's wearing a nightgown, and it's not her?

She patted her brain hard and found that last night's story was short. She only remembered that she was drunk, but she didn't remember anything behind.

Oh, my God. She's not drunk, is she? And her forehead is how to return a responsibility, just accidentally touched, painful she almost didn't scold?

"Xiaotian, are you awake? Do you have a headache? I've made you some wake-up soup. Come and have some

When Luo Xiaotian began to daydream, the door was opened from the outside, revealing Linda's face.

"Boss, why are you?"

Linda went into the room, sat down on the bed and said with a smile, "it's not me. Who do you think it is?"

Luo Xiaotian opened his mouth. He didn't dare to speak out his confused thoughts just now. He had to giggle twice.

"Boss, you took me in yesterday. Thank you so much."

"Yes, I wanted to send you back to yunjixi, but a young master said something. He was afraid of your drunkenness, so he sent it to me."

Luo Xiaotian thought that the young master she was talking about was Jack. He shook his head speechless and joked, "Jack, he often does it himself, so he thinks that I can have a drunken mess, right? But I didn't go back all night. Ji Xi will be worried. "

"Don't worry, yunjixi has already called. I answered. I know you are drunk, and I care about you very much?" Linda laughed and joked, "what's the relationship between you and yunjixi? And I'm talking about a young master who's not Jack? "

Seeing Linda's face full of gossip, Luo Xiaotian explained helplessly, "I don't have the kind of relationship with Ji Xi that you think. I'll treat Ji Xi as my younger brother."

"By the way, who do you think is a young master?" She asked suspiciously, besides Jack, who else is so boring?

Linda's smile just now suddenly became serious. She took Luo Xiaotian's hand and said, "Xiaotian, what's the matter with you and Sunan city? You don't drink all the time, but you got drunk yesterday? "

Referring to the three words of Sunan City, the smile on Luo Xiaotian's face is lighter, more helpless expression, "I broke up with him."

"Why? Sunan city must like you, or he would not have threatened Jack last night not to send you back to yunjixi? "

Linda can't understand the relationship between the two, and Luo Xiaotian is obviously trapped by it.

Luo Xiaotian smiles bitterly, "the woman who was around Sunan city last night is Anning. She is my best friend and sister, but she has children in Sunan city."

Linda's eyes widened in amazement. What's the plot in the TV play?

"Isn't that ridiculous? Both of them are the people I trust most, but they are cheating on me? Ha ha... "Luo Xiaotian tears out a smile that is uglier than crying. If her story can be made into a TV play, the audience rating should be good.

Linda patted her hand with heartache on her face, but she couldn't say a word of comfort. After all, she was not the person concerned and couldn't understand the pain of the other party in this matter.

It's a wise saying to guard against thieves, burglars and friends.

Luo Xiaotian breathed a sigh, "I'm ok. I've come over at the most difficult time. Time is the best medicine for treating wounds. Before, when my sister was with my fiance, I also felt that this day was going to collapse. It can be proved that this day didn't collapse. Now it's the second time. My ability to bear is different."

Linda felt very sorry for her when she saw her forced smile, but she knew it was useless to say more at this time.

"Let the past be the past, and the future will be wonderful. Let's go. I've cooked breakfast. Let's have dinner. When we're satisfied, you'll go too."

Luo Xiaotian smiles gratefully at Linda. Although God has made her lose her good friend, she gains another master and friend. In fact, God treats her well.

After thinking about it, she was relaxed. You know, she only drank wine last night and didn't eat anything. Now she is singing empty city plan.

"OK, let's go to dinner, but boss, what's the matter with my forehead?"

As soon as she made an effort, the pain on her forehead reminded her that something else seemed to have happened last night.

Linda looked at the red and swollen forehead in front of her and explained awkwardly, "Jack braked hard last night and your head hit the seat in front of you, so..."

"So it's the president's reason?" Luo Xiaotian's eyes flashed a trace of cunning. It seems that the excuse of industrial injury can be used.

"It's Jack, that's right."

Linda's face is not red, breathless put all the responsibility on Jack, who told him to drive still don't forget beauty? She would never admit that she was the source of the incident.