You let go

Luo Xiaotian always remembers the work-related injury, but he didn't expect Jack to come to the company until noon. When they came back from eating outside, they saw Jack sneaking into the office.

She and Linda make a look, silent to Jack behind, hard to pat each other, the results of the three people are scared.

All of a sudden, there were screams all over the place. Fortunately, it's time to get off work and everyone hasn't come back. Otherwise, there will be a siege. It's really funny that someone looks like this.

Jack quickly led them into the office, closed the door and drew the curtains. Then he said helplessly, "if you want to smile, just smile. I don't mind."

Of course, they laughed out loud.

Luo Xiaotian was almost out of breath with a smile.

Five minutes later, Jack's face was green with laughter from the two women. No, his face was already blue and blue.

"Enough, do you have compassion?"

When Luo Xiaotian saw that he was really angry, she tried to stop herself, but the effect was not obvious, because as soon as she looked up and saw each other's appearance, she couldn't control her laughter.

Linda's self-control is better. She stopped, but she was curious. Wasn't she OK when they separated last night?

"President, where did you fall on foot?"

Jack glances at Luo Xiaotian with his resentful eyes. The latter stops laughing in surprise and points to himself in amazement. "Did I do it?"

Did she sleepwalk last night and go to Jack's house and beat people up? The wound on his face was obviously beaten.

But it's impossible. She doesn't have the lethality.

Jack was depressed when he mentioned this and said, "you think it's beautiful. Do you have this ability?"

Luo Xiaotian nodded with approval, "well, I don't have this ability, but how did your injury come from? Is that man too cruel? "

Looking at this shocking wound, Luo Xiaotian only feels goose bumps fall to the ground.

Jack is very angry. He is a pervert in Sunan city. He only hits people in the face. His face is almost beaten into a pig's head. He can't get hurt at all. If he doesn't mean it, no one will believe it.

"It's not Sunan city that beat you, is it?"

One side of Linda is very calm, in addition to Sunan City, no one should be able to deal with Jack.

Luo Xiaotian looks at Jack in amazement, "is it really Sunan city? But why did he hit you? Aren't you good brothers? "

Jack snorted coldly, "from today on, no, since he hit me last night, we are not good brothers."

Last night, as soon as he got home, he saw Sunan city waiting for him at the door. He kindly invited people to come in. As a result, as soon as the door was closed, Sunan city was like crazy and came up with a fist.

TMDD had known that one day, when he was a child, he went to learn Taekwondo. As a result, in front of Sunan City, the black belt of Taekwondo, he had no strength to fight back.

Last night, he didn't look serious. In the morning, he went to bed and looked in the mirror. He almost didn't scare himself to death, so he had to wait until the employees left work at noon to sneak in.

He also planned to leave in the afternoon when all the others were gone. As a result, he would not die. When he met these two women who had no conscience, he just laughed for five minutes. If he didn't interrupt, it was estimated that they would not stop laughing.

"President, how did you offend Sunan city?"

Luo Xiaotian asks cautiously. According to her understanding of Sunan City, although this person is cold enough and overbearing enough, he is not violent. Judging from Jack's face injury, this is a dead hand. Moreover, according to her outsider, this beating in Sunan city is also skillful, at least not to the key parts, so the wounds look serious, but they are all skin injuries.

Jack snorted at her heavily.

If Luo Xiaotian can't hear it, she is stupid.

"But why?"

She broke up with Sunan city. Even if she was bullied by Jack, it's not her turn to take out her anger in Sunan city. Besides, Jack is very good to her.

Jack also wants to know why he didn't send people to other men even after listening to someone's words. No matter what, he was beaten. Why can his beating be eliminated automatically?

He announced irritably, "who knows what he's mad about? I tell you, I'll be anxious with anyone who wants to mention Sunan city in front of me in the future. "

Luo Xiaotian and Linda look at each other and say nothing more.

Because of this, Luo Xiaotian can't tell Jack about the work-related injury. After comforting him, he goes out to work.

Linda went straight to her office through the middle door.

Jack sighed, looked in the mirror and checked the face repeatedly. Looking at the miserable face, he couldn't help crying.

He is famous for being handsome in the world. Now that he is like this, how can he go around the world and pick up girls?

Just as he was showing his teeth, he suddenly heard the sound of opening the door. He sat down seriously and hid the injured face behind the computer for fear of scaring others.Until a familiar smell floated into his nose.

"Here, I asked people to bring it from Hg. The effect of activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis is very good."

Linda took a bottle of medicine from the office and put it on the table.

Jack moved to look at her, "honey, you are the best to me."

It was a very affectionate scene, but when Linda saw this face, she burst out laughing. Jack immediately fell down and sat down dejected.

"Well, you go and let me be quiet."

A blow, a deep blow.

Jack heard the sound of heartbreak.

Linda stopped smiling, took the medicine from the table, opened the lid, and said, pretending to be calm, "look up."

"I don't. I'll paint it myself. You go." He doesn't want Linda to see her face again.

Linda raised his chin and began to apply ointment to his wound.

The ointment was cold and comfortable on his skin. Jack was a little uncomfortable at first, but he could not help forgetting the scar on his face when he saw the skin that could be broken.

Linda wants to ignore the affectionate eyes, but the eyes staring at her are more and more affectionate and burning. It's difficult for her to ignore them.

The distance between them is getting closer and closer, and the breath of each other is wantonly intertwined on their faces.

"Linda, will you give me a chance?"

Linda put the medicine back on the table, blushed and said, "do it yourself. I'm leaving."

Jack grabs her hand quickly. Linda is forced to fall on him.

"You let go."

She wanted to get up from the man in a panic, but caught something she shouldn't have caught. She could clearly feel that the things in her hands were growing vigorously at the speed visible to the naked eye.

Jack took a breath and said, "honey, although my face is hurt, the function of little Jack is still good. Do you want to try it?"