CHAPTER 35 my special mate

  Alpha Niyol's POV

  The next morning, I waited for Chester's information on those women I told him about. I heard a slight knock on my door and a servant came in bowing.

  "What is it?"

  "Your highness, Miss Koko has refused to come out for breakfast." she reported.

  Was she still feeling insecure? Why was she so scared of people around her? What had she gone through in life to be so insecure?

  "Alright. You can leave. Just let her be." I told the servant. She nodded before leaving my chamber.

  I paced around the room, not knowing what to do. 'Should I go and meet her or simply wait till Laci comes?'

  I had already sent a message to her to come over this morning. But how much longer would she feel insecure?

  Without waiting another moment, I walked out of my chamber in quick strides. I stopped walking when I came out of my room. Her room was just opposite mine.