Alpha Niyol's POV

  "Where did Chester go? I can't find Julianna either." Laci said as she entered the room.

  "Julianna might have gone out to do more investigations on Koko's case and Chester, maybe he is taking care of a few things. You can't expect him to always be by my side, you know. He needs to live his own life." I answered her.

  "I feel like something isn't right. Chester would never leave the palace without your permission." She massaged her temple.

  "Wherever he has gone to, he will be back. I trust Chester and I know he won't involve himself in anything contrary to morals." I said.

  "True." She answered and sat down.

  Chester And I are not just Alpha and Beta. We are best friends and we've been like that for a very long time. Chester would never do anything that would make me unhappy. I stood up and paced around the room.