Alpha Niyol's POV

  I woke up very early and freshened up. I was ready to visit the station and if those hoodlums hadn't said anything, then I was ready to extract the truth out of them myself. I rushed through my wardrobe and picked something casual.

  "Isn't that too casual for a day like this?" Chester asked as he entered the room.

  "I am okay with it. I don't really want to wear royal clothes today. There are people I need to deal with." I answered and he chuckled.

  "If you're okay with it then I have no problem. Anyways, the car is ready. We are waiting for you."

  "We?" I asked since I was expecting no one else.

  "Yes. Laci and Julianna." Chester answered.

  "They really got ready fast." I said as I put on my shoes.

  "Laci couldn't wait to go there so she made Julianna to hasten up as well." Chester said and I nodded.