"You know what buddy? I hesitated a lot before seeing you, you have earned a lot from the city and I had no one to turn to right now but you. I thought maybe I could borrow some money from you because my wife would soon be due to give birth next week." Travis asked his friend.

  "The money you are asking for is a lot right now. I don't have that with me since we are renovating our house, I'm truly sorry," His friend let out, you could see the disappointment that instantly displayed on Travis's face. What was he going to do now?

  "it's alright, thanks anyway I would just go now," Travis said with a little smile but his friend was quick to stop him.

  "Wait, there is an opening from where I work in the city. The pay is really good, do you want me to recommend you? However, you have to be based in the city if you must take such a job. Can you handle being away from your family?" His friend asked him but Travis stood frozen at his friend's question.

  "I would get back to you," he muttered before leaving.


  "Mother, father, when do I get to enroll in a school?" Rose asked her parents as they strolled out of the house. "I would enroll you in the school next year," Jessica let out with a hearty smile.

  "I'm excited to go to school because I want to learn how to read mother," Rose let out sharply. "How sweet, I'm so happy that you want to go to school because education is very important to a person and that is why you must go to school." Jessica let out.

  "I promise to study very hard Mother and father because I want to become a doctor so I can help cure the sick and the poor people," Rose let out with a beaming smile. "I'm so lucky to have such a good daughter, you see Rose! That's why your mother had chosen to work hard in the wine factory so we could save a lot of money," Travis said ruffling his daughter's hair.

  "We would save a lot of money to be able to send you and your sister to school and always remember to study really hard if you want to become a doctor," Travis let out.

  "Of course, I will," she said as they held her hands. "You should stay home with Emerald." Her dad said.

  "But I want to go with you," Rose pleaded.

  "Maybe next time," Jessica said, signaling to Emerald to take her in. "Love, you know what? I was hired for a higher paying job in the city," Travis said gawking at his wife.

  "Did you accept?" His wife asked curiously.

  "After giving it a thought, I felt like I needed to grant this chance because who knows it might be the solution to our problems, and besides we are going to have two children soon. Our family is becoming bigger and I think I need that job," Travis said.

  "Are you planning on leaving both I and Rose? If you leave, I know things might not be the same again." Jessica let out worriedly.

  "Love, this opportunity might not happen again. I'm doing this for our family and for the sake of our children, please." Travis tried to make his wife see reasons with him as she blinked her eyes with a nod even if deep down she was sad.

  That night, Travis had knocked on his daughter's room. He held a pair of new shoes in his hand, "Rose, I got you a surprise." He muttered before handing her the shoes. "Oh, wow dad. Are those for me?" She squealed happily as Travis sat beside her on the bed.

  "You must forgive your father Rose because i haven't been able to buy many beautiful shoes but don't worry. I would soon be able to buy you a lot of plenty new shoes and dresses, all the things you would need for school would be given to you because I would save a large sum of money so you could become a doctor when you grow up," Travis said.

  "Is that true Father? Thank you so much," Rose let out happily before hugging her dad tightly.

  "Of course my darling, I would do all that because father here loves you so much," Travis muttered. "We should get you to bed," Travis said before placing a soft kiss on his daughter's forehead, he wrapped the bed cover on her body before closing her room door slowly.

  The next day.

  Travis hugged his bag as he held his daughter's hand tightly. "Where are you going, Father? it's the weekend and we spend it together as a family," She asked.

  "Rose?" Travis called crunching to her level before caressing her back softly. "Your father has to go to the city to work there," Travis let out.

  "Are you going to leave us for good?" Rose asked. "Huh, of course not. I would only be working there because our family would become bigger. After all, your sister would be born soon and your father is promising you that he would return back, I promise that I would get back to you as soon as I can." Travis let out.

  "Please father, don't go away." Rose pleaded as her voice came out in cracks.

  "Actually," Travis tried to say but his daughter already had tears on her cheeks.

  "I love you very much father," Rose let out, Travis couldn't help it as he began to weep.

  "I too Rose, I love you very much and always remember that, please try to understand," Travis said as his face had begun to turn a shade of red, he pulled his daughter closer before hugging her tightly. after pulling away, he stared at his wife.

  "I don't want to do this babe but we need to stay apart from each other for a while if we want to have good lives and don't forget that I'm doing this for the sake of our family and always remember that I love you and our family so much," Travis said, caressing his wife's face.

  "And I love you so much Travis," Jessica let out as Travis smashed his lips on hers before pulling away with a small smile. He cleaned his eyes before entering the taxi that had been waiting for him.

  The window went bleak low as Travis waved at his family but his daughter began to run after the taxi till it went out of sight.

  "Rose darling, please stop crying and come inside. Even if your father isn't with us. I know that he loves us very much and he would return back to us soon," Jessica said, hauling her from the floor.