"We do many deliveries here Travis, the boss is here." Travis's friend Manuel said heading towards the man with a walking stick. He seemed to be in his early sixties.

  "Manual?" The man called out.

  "Yes boss," Manuel replied as they trudged towards him.

  "Good morning sir," Travis greeted.

  "Morning, Manuel is an excellent worker here and he told me that I can always rely on you so don't disappoint me." Mr. Roman let out. "I can assure you, sir, that I would do my best," Travis said, pinching his hands, that was exactly what he does when he gets nervous.

  "Good, you're in charge of him Manuel, and teach him what he has to do," Mr.Roman instructed as Manuel helped him down the Factory steps.

  "Mr.Roman is a really nice man but don't just make him angry," Manuel warned.

  "I would do my best here Manuel and you won't be sorry for securing this opportunity for me, you know how grateful I'm that you brought me here." Travis let out thankfully making his friend nod.

  "Oh, by the way. What exactly are we doing here, are we just doing the delivery?" Travis asked.

  "Of course, we just have to help the workers in the Factory too," Manuel explained as an expensive jeep wrangler pulled up in front of the factory. Travis watched keenly as two guards came out to pull the back door open.

  "That's madame Claudia, she is the only child and heiress to Mr. Roman," Manual muttered as a pair of heels clicked to the floor as a lady dressed in expensive clothing and sunglasses came into view.

  She stared around until her eyes met with Travis. She slowly walked towards him as her heels kept making some clicking sounds, "oh my God, it's you. You were the man who saved me many years ago." Claudia said, raising her finger in demonstration as a small chuckle escaped her lips.

  "Yes madam, that was me but I'm working here now at your father's factory," Travis said not fully staring at her.

  "Oh," Claudia said.

  "My name is Travis Franco by the way," Travis let out.

  "Claudia Roman," Claudia said, stepping forward before she pulled her hands for Travis to shake. Travis stared at the hands for a while before shaking them.

  "Well, Travis, welcome to the Roman's Empire Corporation, it's nice to have a hero around here," Claudia let out, still clutching Travis's hands in a handshake but soon enough he pulled away.

  "See you around," she let out before giving him one of her killer smiles. "Samuel," she called the guards who was her personal bodyguard as they left.

  Meanwhile, it was late already at Flevo land.

  "Rose, it's time for you to go to bed." Jessica let out as her daughter climbed her bed with a pair of shoes clutched to her tiny legs. Jessica stared at her in shock. "Why are you wearing shoes to bed?" Jessica asked.

  "Can't I sleep in them? Father gave them to me before he left and I don't want to take it off. Anytime I wear them. It seems like father never left." Rose muttered.

  "My angel, but you have to take them off when it is bedtime. It is never advisable to sleep in them," Jessica let out.

  "Please mother," Rose pleaded.

  "Alright, just for tonight. Tomorrow you ain't allowed to sleep with your shoes! Understood?" Jessica asked, pushing her daughter's hair backward.

  "Yes mother," Rose said before happily clutching to her tiny pillow.


  Travis was stalking the boxes in the van for delivery when he heard his name. "Travis?" The voice he knew was his Madam's called.

  "Yes Madam, do you need anything?" He asked. "Follow me, I need to talk to you," Claudia said, they walked for a bit before they finally found a quiet place to speak.

  "You know what Travis, even after five years, I still can't forget how you saved my life," Claudia let out, not letting her gaze off Travis.

  "That's a long time ago," Travis said.

  "I know that but girls hardly forget something like that, you rescued my life Travis and I want to show you how grateful I'm for what you did," Claudia let out.

  "You don't have to madam," Travis let out.

  "No, I insist! Let me thank you." Claudia said letting her hand caress his cheeks. She stared at him for a while before shoving her lips on his. She kept trying to get access to kiss him but Travis held his lips close without giving her access.

  He slowly pulled away before staring at his feet. "Madam," he said as Claudia touched her lips before giving him a small smile. She didn't allow him to speak before patting his shoulders and leaving.

  She turned around before giving him one last stare. "See you around," she let out before walking away.

  "Why did Madam Claudia come up to you?" His friend Manuel broke his deep thought.

  "It was nothing, she was just saying thank you," Travis muttered.

  "For what?" Manuel asked.

  "Just for something," Travis let out not wanting to prolong anything.

  "Travis, don't even think of playing around with Mr. Roman's daughter. Except if you want him to get really mad at you, you may lose your job." Manuel warned plainly.

  "Don't worry about it because I'm not even interested." Travis made clear.

  After the day job was over, Travis sat down to write a letter to Jessica. He hadn't gotten enough money to buy himself a cell phone or send money to his wife to get herself one. "What are you doing Travis, how old-fashioned to write letters to your family back home." His friend muttered mockingly.

  "You see, you should buy a phone for communication on your first paycheck so it would be way more easier." His friend advised making Travis nod.

  When he was done writing the letter, he walked out to go to the post office but hid when he noticed A man held by two guards as Mr.Roman used an iron to hit him mercilessly. The man had blood all over his clothes and his face seemed swollen and bruised but Mr.Roman had no care in the world but kept hitting him until the man collapsed.

  "Go get rid of him," Travis heard Mr. Roman's order from where he had hidden all along. he watched as he dropped the iron to the floor before leaving.

  "Yes sir," the guards muttered out before picking the man on the floor.

  "Hey what are you doing here? Are you spying on the boss?" One of Mr. Roman's men asked Travis, making him wiggle his head.

  "Of course not, I work for Mr.Roman actually," Travis said. "Don't worry, he is telling the truth, he works in this factory but because he's new! You haven't seen him around," Manuel chipped in.

  "Get back to work, you didn't see anything," The man yelled at Travis before leaving.