Chapter 6

~Alison's P.O.V.~

After I arrived back at the firehouse I sat down on the table

"Hey how did it go?" Mills asked as he came over and sat in front of me

"Not so great. Why must men be so complicated. And hide so many secrets?"


"Exactly" I said as I stood up. I patted his back before I walked away and to the locker room

My shift was already ending. I grabbed my things and closed my locker as I began to walk out. That night I walked into Molly's and sat at the bar. I didn't exactly feel like chit chatting. I smiled at Hermann as he handed me a beer. He always knew what I wanted

"Might want to take it easy tonight" Hermann said

I nodded. Is everyone ever going to forget about that night. I took a sip and put the beer down as I tried to block out all the chit chatter going on. I took another sip and looked foward

"Hey can I get a beer?"

I turned to see Jay sit next to me as Hermann handed him a beer

"What do you want Jay?" I asked taking another big sip

"You okay?" He asked

"I'm just great" I said sarcastically while still looking foward

"Alison come on"

"We're good friends Jay. We have been for quite some time. We trust each other and we tell each other secrets. But why are you keeping this secret from me?" I asked turning my entire body towards him

He paused for a moment "What secret?"

"The guys that we caught today. I didn't hear everything but it sure as hell sounded like you knew them. Who were they?"

"Look Ali I would rather not involve you in this"

"I've been involved before. What's the difference now?" I asked

"Ali just drop it"

I sighed "So much for being best friends and telling each other everything right" I took one more sip and stood up from the chair reaching into my pocket

"Where are you going Ali?" He asked

I put the money on the table "Your fiance is here. Don't want to impose" I walked away with my head slightly down. I walked out and headed home

~Jay's P.O.V.~

I sighed and took a sip as Cindy came and sat next to me

"What was she doing here?" She asked

"She was just having a beer. She wanted to know about the bust we made today" I said taking another sip

"Doesn't she know to stay out of other people's business" She hissed

"Cindy" I simply said as I looked foward

"Look Jay I'm going to say this once. Stay away from her"

"Excuse me" I said tuning my head to her

"You heard me" She said standing up

"I know your my fiance but you don't have a right to tell me who I can and can't hang out with"

"Like hell I can't!" She yelled

That yell made everyone silent. The music lowered down and all eyes were on us. I reached into my pocket, stood up and left money on the table

"I'm not doing this here" I simply said as I turned around and walked to the door. I opened the door and walked out but I heard footsteps right behind me

"What the hell is wrong with you. When I tell you something you listen to me" She scolded

"What are you talking about?" I asked turning around to face her

"I am talking about Alison. I know you have feelings for her. You've always had feelings for her"

"Your way in over your head Cindy"

"Like hell I am. You've always liked her. Why can't you just admit it. But your marrying me not her. I don't want you talking to her, thinking about her, or even looking at her!"

I sighed and put my hands on my hips as I looked at her "You know what. Why don't you go home and get some sleep. I'm gonna take a walk" I turned my back and began to walk away before my skin boiled inside with anger and frustration

I heard her grunt as her footsteps departed. I put my hands in my jacket pocket as I kept walking. The entire walk I couldn't help but think about what she said. I got to my car and unlocked it as I got inside but didn't turn on the car. I mean I'm engaged to Cindy. I love her. But what if I do have feelings for Alison. Maybe I always have and I never noticed until now. But I couldn't just leave Cindy like that. I sat in the car for what felt like hours just thinking about everything.