Chapter 7

~Alison's P.O.V.~

The next morning I walked into the firehouse with hands in my pocket. I walked to the locker room to put my bag in the locker. Mills came in after me and quickly put his things away when he turned to me

"Hey. Can I talk to you?"

I closed my locker and turned to him "Of course. What's going on?"

He sighed and paused for a moment before he spoke "I'm leaving"

"Leaving? As in this shift?"

He shook his head "Leaving.. to North Carolina"

I scoffed "What? What do you mean? Why?"

"My mom found a diner she could open up. And since hers burned down. I want to stay but.. I can't leave my family"

Tears wanted to emerge but I held them back "Mills.." I figured why be angry "Your my best friend. And I don't want to see you go but family is always first"

He nodded "I'm sorry"

I hugged him and he hugged back "When do you leave?" I asked as I pulled away

"I don't know yet.. but soon. But please don't tell anyone. I will tell them"

I nodded and the tears just slipped right through

"Hey.. hey" He grabbed my shoulder and grabbed my chin up for me to look at him "I'm not leaving forever okay were gonna see each other again"

"I know.. it's just your like my big brother. We've been through so much"

He chuckled "This isn't goodbye"

I nodded and hugged him tightly. He squeezed back with love

"Truck 81. Squad 3. And Ambulance 61. Resaca river accident at Wilson street" The intercom went off

"Time to get to work" Mills said as I wiped my tears and we took off to the truck

We got to the scene and departed from the trucks. We watched as they were pulling out a truck from the river. Someone approached us breathlessly

"There's some people in the river" The women said

I heard a man screaming out for help. Without even thinking I took off my boots and jacket as I ran inside the water as I heard the chief yelling my name. I swam inside the coldish water as I grabbed the closest person and quickly dragged him to shore. I went back and began swimming to the other

"I'm coming!" I yelled ahead

I kept swimming as he was trying to keep up. I was getting closer and closer but he went under. I still swam to him and went under when I got to where he was. Once I grabbed him I gasped for air when I got to the surface. I swam to the shore and Kelly helped me when I was just about there. They grabbed the man and I shivered

"Here you go" Mills said as she put a towel around me

"Thanks" I smiled at him as I held the towel around me

I watched as they began to do cpr on the man. They kept going and going but nothing happened. They shocked him three times but yet nothing. I watched in terror. My heart pumping faster and faster. Brett wasn't giving up but she was tired. And his heart rate stayed a straight line. Brett looked up at me and shook her head. I walked to the truck and hit it with my hand in anger. I watched as they put his body in a bag and took him away

"You did what you could" Chief Boden told me as he walked away

We arrived back at the station and I changed clothes. I sat at the table and just did nothing

"Hey. How are you doing?" Kelly asked as he sat next to me

"I was so close. I could've saved him" Was all I could say

"But he was already gone. There was nothing you could do. Even before you went for him he was already drowning.. but you tried"

"Yea well it wasn't enough"

"You still did everything you could. Don't beat yourself up" Kelly said as he patted my leg

I sighed knowing this was going to haunt me for quite sometime

"By the way have you spoken to Jay?"

I shook my head "Not since Molly's. Why?"

"Because he has been calling my phone all day"

"Yea I'm kinda of avoiding him. That's why I don't have my phone with me" I said

"Why aren't you talking to him. Aren't you like in love with him or something?"

My eyes shot up at him

"Yes Alison I know. You've been in love with him ever since I don't even remember but point is talk to him. Work things out"

I nodded. He was right. He stood up and I looked at the clock. Everyone was already getting ready to leave because shift was already over. I grabbed my things and headed out when I saw Mills already on his way to his car. I ran to catch up to him

"Hey Mills" I said as I began to walk next to him

"Hey what's up?"

"Listen since your leaving I just wanted to say why don't we hang out. You know like our last hurrah together"

He nodded "Yea sounds good"

"Just let me know whenever your free"

He nodded

I smiled and began to walk the other way to my car

"Where are you heading off to?" He asked

I turned around to him and paused for a moment "Gonna go fix a mistake I made"

He nodded. I turned around and realized something. I smiled as I walked to my car. I arrived soon after to the police department. I walked in and luckily saw Erin coming down the stairs

"Hey Erin"

She turned to me "Hey Alison. Everything okay?"

I nodded "Is Jay up there?" I asked

"Yea he is"

"Can you being him down. I need to talk to him"

"Yea be right back" She turned around and walked back upstairs

I paced around in a small line. Not soon after he came downstairs and looked at me with those great gorgeous eyes. His small smile just melted my heart. My heart beaten faster and faster every single time I looked at him. Okay nows the time Alison. Just say it. Doesn't matter if he's engaged I just gotta say it