Chapter 17

~Alison's P.O.V.~

"Actually it's pretty possible" I nervously chuckled

"How? It couldn't have been her" Jay said

"After she shot me she took off the mask, then I noticed it was her. Trust me I was just as surprised as you. She was in it the entire time" I said

"How do you know Julian?" Erin asked

"I had met him when I went to North Carolina, Peter was way busy at the restaurant. So I went out exploring, that's where I met him. I just didn't know he was some kind of stalker"

Jay walked over to me and held my hand. I smiled at him knowing he is going to be here for me no matter what

"We've been trying to track Julian but there's nothing. But were not gonna stop looking" Erin said

I sighed and nodded

Kelly's phone buzzed. He checked it and a huge frown grew on his face

"What's wrong Kelly?" I asked

"Some things have been going down at the firehouse, and chief Riddle has been showing up for random inspections, they are warning me he's gonna show up soon. We can't leave the firehouse no matter what" Kelly explained

I nodded without hesitation "Go"

"You just woke up I'm not gonna leave you" Kelly said

"Jay's here. And I understand chief jackass doesn't know when to leave the firehouse alone"

Kelly chuckled, he walked over to me and kissed my forehead "I will come by after my shift"

"Got it" I waved to Erin as they both walked out of the room

Kelly and Erin began to walk to the exit when Erin looked at Kelly

"You didn't tell her about chief Boden? About everything that's going on at the firehouse?" Erin asked

"She just woke up. I don't want to worry her" Kelly said as they kept walking

I laid my head back

"Hang in there baby, your doing great" Jay said

I looked at him and laughed "Shut up. They are together aren't they?"

"Well yea. He's happy"

I nodded "I know, and I like Erin"

"Hey, don't mean to interrupt, again" Will said as he stood at the door

"Come on in" I said

Will walked in and put his hand in front of me with the bullet

"You found it" I said grabbing the bullet

"Woah wait, why do you want it?" Jay asked

"Because it's gonna show me, not to be afraid" I said

"But your never afraid" Jay replied

"That day I was. This is going to show me I can never be again. Can I keep it?" I asked looking at Will

"Well I don't see why not" Will said as he looked at Jay

That night Jay stayed with me in the hospital. The next close to midday Peter walked in

"Peter Mills!" I exclaimed as I threw my arms up

He chuckled as he walked over to me and hugged me

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"Well I heard my little sister was in the hospital, and I had some time ok my hands"

"You didn't have to come" I said

"Course I did. How are you feeling?"

I nodded "Better, feel like I'm getting my every back"

"That's good. I actually just came from the firehouse, it's crazy right now"

I cocked my eyebrows "What do you mean?"

His expression completely changed "Oh by crazy I mean like the calls are one after another"

I gave him a look "Peter Mills, tell me"

He sighed "Some girl is accusing Boden of hitting her. Of course he didn't do it but he's in deep water right now"

"Your kidding right" I said

He shook his head "And guess who's Chief.. for now"



"What the hell!" I slightly yelled

He nodded "Yea. I thought you knew"

"No, I wonder why Kelly didn't tell me"

"Maybe he just didn't want to get you worried. You know considering"

I nodded "Yea.. probably"

"Listen I heard. About that Julian guy, you met him in North Carolina?"


He ran his hand over his head "Damn, I feel like this is my fault"

"Woah, this isn't your fault. Don't think that"

"I could've been there. Maybe if I was he wouldn't have messed with you"

"Mills, of you could've been there things probably would have turned out worse" I said as I grabbed his hand "This isn't your fault"

He nodded "Yea, maybe not. Did they tell you when your getting out?"

"In about a couple days, they still want to monitor me and everything"


Jay walked in and closed the door behind him

"Peter Mills, what's up buddy"

Peter shook his hand "Not much. Just visiting"

Jay nodded as he walked over next to me

"I'm gonna go get a drink, you'll want anything?" Peter asked

I shook my head and Jay did as well. Peter nodded as he walked out

"So listen I wanted to run something by you"

"What's up?"

"Well I was thinking maybe if you wanted to. Maybe we could possibly move in together?"

I smiled "Really?"

He nodded "Unless you think it's too soon"

I shook my head instantly "No definitely not. That would be great"

He kissed my forehead "Alright. I just need your key so that I could move some of your things"

I leaned over to my bag and grabbed my key

"Thank you" He kissed my forehead

"You welcome" I smiled warmly