Chapter 16

~Alison's P.O.V.~

I heard him. Jay. I wanted to squeeze his hand so bad but I couldn't. I didn't have the energy I was so weak. I only felt a little numb still. I felt a couple people come in more and more, all familar voices. Then I fell asleep

The next morning April the nurse began to do her sweeps, she went to my room to check up on me and put my medicines. I felt her so I ended up waking up myself. All expect my eyes opening. I was able to move my hand this time. I heard her stop, must've heard me. I heard footsteps walk out of the room, I tried to open my eyes and this time it wasn't that hard. I slowly opened them to look at the ceiling. Man does it feel good to open my eyes. I didn't feel as tired. But all I did was stare at the ceiling. I heard footsteps enter my room then they got louder. I turned my eyes to see Will standing over me

"Hey, can you hear me?" Will asked

I cleared my throat and chuckled softly "Hey Will"

He smiled "Welcome back"

I moved my head "Thanks"

"How do you feel?"

"Sore as hell" I softly laughed "But I'm okay"

"Do me a favor can you squeeze my hand as hard as you can" Will said as he took my hand

I squeezed hard

"Good, now I'm gonna have you pull yourself up but very slowly okay I don't want you pulling anything"

He grabbed my arm and I slowly and slightly pulled myself up. It hurt around my stomach area but I was able to

"Good good, okay, let's sit you up"

He pushed the button on the remote and my bed pushed me into a sitting position

"Will" I said

"Yea" He said putting the remote away

"What happened?"I asked

He stopped and looked at me "I don't think"

"Will. What happened?"

He sighed and stood next to me "Do you remember anything?"

"Everything is kinda blurry"

"Jay and his team found you, tortured, but the worse was a gunshot wound through the lower abdomen. When they brought you in you lost so much blood. During surgery the bullet was deeper then I thought. As soon as I began to dig deeper your pressure began to drop rapidly. But I couldn't stop searching, cause if I would've when you would've waken up with the bullet still inside it could have ruptured something later and you could've had internal bleeding. But I was able to get it out. We were able to get your pressure back up. And now here you are"

It took me awhile to take everything in. I looked at him and smiled "You saved my life Will, I owe you one"

"You don't owe me anything, I'm just glad your doing okay"

"Where's the bullet?"

"What?" He asked looking confused

"Do you still have it?" I asked

He nodded

"Can I see it? Please"

He nodded "I will go find it"

He walked out and I laid my head back. I stayed there for a bit thinking, remembering. Soon after Jay walked in. His eyes filled with happiness. He walked to me and hugged me. I smiled when we pulled away. We kissed. It felt so good to see him again

"The last time we were like this I was in some basement bleeding out" I joked

He chuckled "I'm just so happy your okay" He pushed a piece of my hair back and looked at the bandage that was on my head

"Hey, I'm okay. I heard what you said though"

"What?" He asked

"The day I got out of surgery, when you said you can't live without me"

His cheeks turned red "What I said was true"

I touched the side of his face "I'm glad, because I can't live without you"

Our foreheads touched and we kissed again. The curtain opened, we turned to see Will

"I'm don't mean to interrupt but we're gonna move you to a private room" Will said

I nodded. It took time but soon they moved me to a private room. Jay was with me for awhile until Kelly appeared at the door with Erin. Kelly walked quickly to me and hugged me tightly

"Careful there bro I'm not completely healed yet" I said

He pulled away "Sorry"

I laughed and hugged Erin. Her phone rang and she walked outside

"How are you feeling?" Kelly asked

I nodded "Better, just sore and in a bit of pain. So uh, you and Erin came together?"

"We bumped into each other on the way" Kelly said

I gave him a look "She must be holding the keys because you always keep your keys in your pocket and your pockets are flat"

Jay and Kelly just looked at me

"What? You people forget I used to work for the CPD, I've studied body language"

They both laughed. Kelly simply looked at me "We may have been hanging out for awhile"

"Right hanging out"

"Okay my love life is none of your business" Kelly said

"I'm your twin sister, yes your love life is my business" I bounced back

Erin walked back in "Hey sorry about that. But since the police are going to come anyway, I would like to ask some questions now. If you don't mind"

I nodded "Okay, what do you need to know?"

"We know one suspect was Julian Price. Who was the other, the person who shot you?" Erin asked

I froze, I took a deep breath and turned to Jay. I didn't want to say but I had to "Well, I uh"

"Alison, who was it?" Kelly asked me

"It was um, it was" I took another deep breath "It was Cindy"

I looked at Jay as his face went white as a sheet. He stood up "That's impossible"