Chapter 15

~Jay's P.O.V.~

No, no, no, no. Please. Chili began cpr, I was too shocked to even move. I only continued to holding her hand

"Come on Alison" Chili kept saying over and over

She used the breathing tube and kept doing cpr. The beeping sound didn't stop

"What's our eta?" Chili asked

"Two minutes out!" Brett yelled

"Come on!" Chili kept doing it over and over I could tell she was tired but she never gave up. Not long after the monitor had a pattern, Ali squeezed my hand. The car pulled to a stop. The back doors opened, we exited the ambulance as we entered the hospital, nurses and doctors surrounded

"What do we got?" Will my brother asked

"Mutiple cuts but the biggest is gunshot wound through the lower abdomen, no exit wound" Chili said

"Alright let's get her in to the OR stat" Will said before the wheeled her away and he turned to me "We're gonna take care of her okay, she's gonna make it"

I nodded as I watched him run away. I sniffed and walked to the waiting room. I sat on the chair. I wasn't getting up from here till I know she's okay. My phone began ringing but I didn't answer it

They immediately got Alison into a room and Will began the surgery

"Alright let's get this bullet out" Will said

"How long has it been since this girl has been shot" Zanetti the other surgeon assisting Will asked

"The paramedic said for about an hour" Another girl said

Will and Zanetti continued the surgery. Will began digging in the lower abdomen

"Damn it" Will said

"What?" Sam Zanetti asked

"The bullet seems to be further down" Will said concentrating

"Can you see it?" Sam asked

"Nope I need to go further in" Will said

Will continued with his work as he dug deeper into Alison's lower abdomen. He kept going until Alison's pressure began to drop

"Will you've gone deep enough you need to stop" Sam said

"No I'm almost there"

"Will stop she's bleeding out, if you don't stop she will die!"

"And if I stop she will die with the bullet still inside" Will said not breaking his concentration as he only dug deeper. Alison's blood pressure continued to drop and she was going under. Again

The rest of my team walked in the building along with the entire firehouse 51 team

"Is she okay? Where is she?" Kelly asked as he immediately walked up to me

"She's in surgery" I said

"Hey I kept calling you why didn't you answer?" Erin asked me

I was completely out of it "I don't know"

Erin pulled my into a hug "She's gonna be okay" She said as she pulled away

I nodded knowing I had to have some kind of faith I could hang on to

"She was in bad shape, she coded on the way here" I said

Kelly threw his hands over his head. Everyone sat down and I sat back down as Erin tried to comfort me

"Almost there" Will said

Sam didn't fight because she only knew she will lose

"Got it" Will said as he took out the bullet and put it into a pin

"Let's start compressions" Sam said as she begun

She kept going until they shocked Alison. Once didn't work. But the second time did

"Her pressure is coming up" The girl said "Pressure is now stable"

"Okay let's get her patched up and to the ICU. She's not out of the woods yet until we know for sure" Will said as him and Sam began stitching Alison up

Will walked out of the room and they began to put Alison in the ICU. Meanwhile Will began walking to the waiting room to tell his brother the news.

"How is she?" I asked when I saw Will. I stood up as he approached us

Everyone else stood up and stood behind me

"There were some complications, the bullet was deep into her lower abdomen. I had to go deep in but as I began to do so her pressure began to drop rapidly. I couldn't stop because if I would've she would have died because of the bullet still being inside her. I was able to get the bullet out and we were able to get her pressure back up. Now she has lost a tremendous amount of blood and she isn't out of the woods just yet. We have her in the ICU just to keep an eye on her"

"But she's gonna be okay?" Kelly asked

Will nodded "She's been bleeding for over an hour. She's strong, she's gonna make it through. We have the best nurses taking care of her"

Everyone let out a sigh of relief. Erin turned and hugged Kelly as he began to cry in relief and happiness. Gabby came over and hugged me and I tightly hugged her back. Knowing Alison is gonna be okay. I pulled away from Gabby and looked at Will

"Can we see her?" I asked

Will nodded "One at a time"

I turned to look at everyone and they nodded at me. I turned back around and Will guided me to see Alison. He opened the curtain and I saw her lying there. A tube was in her mouth

Will touched my shoulder "I will give you some time" He said just before he walked away and closed the curtain behind me

I walker over and sat on the chair next to her. She looked so fragile, I grabbed her hand

"Hey baby" I couldn't help it. The tears were coming but I was doing so much to hold them back "Will says your gonna be okay. So that's good news, he said you aren't out of the woods yet but you gotta wake up. Those people who did this to you" The anger just spread throughout my body "They are going to pay. I swear to you. But please wake up" Tears began to flow down slowly "I can't live without you"