Chapter 20

~Alison's P.O.V.~

The next two days instantly flew by. I stayed into hospital because they had brought in a patient that they needed my help in. I stood against the counter as I spoke to April one of the nurses

"Hey Ali"

I turned to see Will

"Hey what's up?"

"One of my patients wants to speak to you" He said

I turned back to April and shrugged my shoulders before following Will. He lead me to a room and stepped out as he left the doorway open for me to walk in. I smiled at him before walking into the room

"Well what do you know. It was an angel who pulled me out of that fire"

I chuckled "Justin Bieber. How are you?"

"I'm okay. Thanks to you. I just had some inflammation from the smoke, but I will be okay"

"That's good" I smiled

Just then my phone rang

I sighed "I would love to talk more but I actually gotta go, duty calls"

"Are you gonna come back later?"

I chuckled "Maybe" I turned around and walked out and left to Kelly's apartment. I used my key and walked in and closed the door behind me

"Kelly!" I almost yelled

"Hey sis" He smiled as he poked his head out and walked to the kitchen

"What was so urgent that you wanted me here right away"

"I need you to babysit" He said as he put on his shirt

"Babysit what?" I asked so confusedly

Kelly walked over as he grabbed something and turned around to me "My new dog" He said with a smile

My jaw fell open "Since when did you get a dog?"

"This morning"

I scoffed as I approached him "Wait why do you want me to babysit a dog? They don't need babysitting. Just leave out newspaper, food and water and your good"

"Yea but I just got him I don't want him tearing my things"

I petted him as the small puppy as he wined and licked my face "I guess this can't be that bad" I giggled "But you know it's a lot of work to keep a puppy"

"Yea I know. I wish Shay was here, she loved puppies"

I looked up at him and sorrow filled his face. I missed her too. She was like our sister "Okay" I grabbed the puppy from his hands "Go off and do whatever your gonna do, I will take care of this cute puppy"

He nodded and kissed my head "Your the best, I will see you later, thank you" He grabbed his keys and walked out so quickly

I watched as he left then I looked back at the puppy "Well it's just you and me" He wined once again. I sniffed and something smelled so horrible. I smelled closer to the puppy's butt and the smell just accelerated "Ewww seriously puppy?!" I exclaimed as I put him down "That's so nasty" I walked over to the restroom and grabbed the air freshener as I went back to the living room and sprayed. I looked at the puppy and he sat down, looked at me and wined "What" I said as I went and put it back. I went back to the living room as I grabbed my phone and dialed Jay

"Hey babe" He said as he answered

"Hey, what are you doing?" I asked

"I just got out of the shower, I was just about to call you, what time are you coming home?"

"Well actually I'm here at Kelly's house babysitting, you want to come over?"


"I will explain later"

"Okay, yea I'm on my way"

"Okay see you in a bit, I love you"

"I love you too" He said before hanging up. Not long after Jay arrived

"It's open!" I yelled as I had the puppy in my lap

He walked in and closed the door behind him. I looked up at him

"Hey" I smiled

Jay scoffed "When did Kelly get a dog?"

"Since this morning but he went out and he wanted me to babysit because he doesn't want this cute little puppy to tear all of his precious stuff" I explained as Jay step down his keys, took off his jacket and walked over to sir next to me

"And here I thought he had a kid or something"

I laughed "Funny"

"So on the way over here I got a call from Adam" Jay said reaching for the remote "He told me to turn on the tv"

I petted the puppy as he stayed on my lap and Jay turned the tv on to where it was the news and a reporter was speaking


I turned to look at him with a worried look. He wrapped his arm around me before we heard a loud noise outside. It made me bounce and the puppy wine. We both stood up, me holding the puppy and made our way to the window. It was already getting close to the evening and there was still some light outside. But that all began to disappear when dark clouds began to cover the area like a blanket. I have a bad feeling about this.