Chapter 21

There definitely was a storm coming in. The wind was beginning to pick up quicker and quicker. We walked back over to the couch. I could see she was scared

"We have to call Kelly, he's out there" She said putting down the puppy

"Where was he going?" I asked

"I don't know he basically stormed out of here when I got here"

"Okay" I said as I grabbed my phone and was about to dial Kelly when he walked inside

"Hey, you okay?" Alison asked him

"Yea, the storm was getting bad plus my date bailed" Kelly said

"Okay good" Ali said

"But, Chief wants is down at the station, the storm hasn't hit but he wants us there. Just in case they will need is in the aftermath" Kelly said

I looked at her and have her a nod

"Come on, we gotta go" Kelly said

"Be careful okay" I said kissing her forehead "I should head to the district"

She nodded "Okay I will see you later" She walked out with Kelly

"What about the dog?!" I yelled out but it was too late

I looked down at the puppy sitting next to me "Great" I mumbled under my breath

Kelly and I walked inside the fire house and made our way into the main room. Everyone was doing their own thing. I walked over to grab a coffee and made my way to the long table

"Listen up ladies and gentlemen, we have our annual boxing tournament" Hermann said excitedly as he posted a paper on the bulletin

"What's the annual boxing tournament?" Jimmy asked

"Well it's a boxing tournament against the CFD and CPD. It's a fundraiser and all the money goes to charity. It's actually really fun" I said shrugging

"When is it?" He asked

"In a couple weeks" Hermann said "Okay, so who's gonna be boxing for us? We need three people"

"I'll do it" Matt said raising his hand

"Okay, two more people" Hermann began to say as if we were at an auction

"I'll do it. It sounds like fun" Jimmy said shrugging his shoulders

"You sure you can handle this?" Otis asked

He nodded "Yea"

"Okay we need one more person" Hermann announced

"Why not me?" I asked

Everyone turned to me giving me a seriously look

"Come on guys. You know I can box"

"It's true. She can kick ass" Kelly said as he began to pour coffee

Hermann looked at me and shrugged his shoulders "Okay, training is next week" He clapped his hands together

I chuckled and continued my coffee until we heard a low whistling sounds coming from outside. Everyone stayed quiet as we listened

"Storms here" Joe said

e stayed inside for about a couple hours, I walked into the other room and sat on my bed. I was further away from the noise outside, mainly the wind. I sat as I looked at a magazine and began to flip the pages

"Hey sis"

I looked up to see my twin brother approaching me with a smile as he came and sat across from me

"How's the storm?" I asked

"It seems like it's calming down. It will pass within the next couple minutes"

"Good" I said nodded

"So we jut got off the phone with Mouse and they've already arranged who's fighting who at the boxing tournament"

"Awesome tell me"

"Well Jimmy is going against Antonio"

My eyes widen "Seriously? Oh Jimmy's gonna get beaten"

He chuckled "He will be alright"

I jumped excitedly "Okay so who else?"

"Well Matt is fighting Ruzek, and your fighting Jay"

"I'm fighting Jay? As in my Jay Halstead?"

He chuckled and nodded

"Oh this is gonna be so awesome" I said as I clapped my hands up

He laughed "Yea, I knew you were going to be excited about it"

My eyes widen, I stormed out and to the truck within a second I was putting on my uniform ahead of everyone else. We hopped on the truck and headed to the district. The entire way there I was stiff, my mind was on only one thing, Jay. I remembered he was saying he was going to the district before the storm. We arrived and I saw everyone standing outside of the building. Once the truck pulled to a stop I got off and went directly to the crowd where I saw Jay's team

"You guys okay?" I asked

They nodded

"Is there anyone else inside?" Boden asked as he stood next to me

"Where's Jay?" I asked looking around

"Alison I thought he was behind me, I swear" Erin said as she made her way to the front of the crowd where we were

"He's still inside?" Fear surrounded my eyes, I turned to the building in which smoke was coming out from

"Okay, truck 81 go inside check for anymore victims, we still got some" Boden said turning to the rest of us

Without any hesitation I took off my hat to put on the mask, then put my hat back on before I ran into the building. I heard Boden yelling at me but I didn't stop to hear, I just ran inside. The smoke was everywhere making it hard to see anything.

"Jay! Jay are you here?!" I yelled as I searched throughout the building

"Jay! Call out!"

"Alison that building is unstable get out of there!" Boden said through the radio

"Jay is in here, and I'm not leaving without him" I responded

I kept looking around through the building, moving along. He's gotta be in here. I kept moving throughout getting further and further from the entrance. Boden kept yelling at me to get out but I wasn't leaving there without Jay.

"Jay!" I yelled, the smoke was getting thicker. I kept moving until I saw him laying on the ground. I ran to him quickly, his body seemed so lifeless "Jay, Jay come on wake up" I tore a piece of clothing off of the bottom of his shirt and placed it on his nose. "Jay, come on we gotta go"

His eyes fluttered open, he took over holding the cloth around his nose "Your here"

I nodded "Yea, come on baby we gotta get out of here" I said as I tried getting him up

We both stood up and before we could even take a step the building began to crumble down. Jay shielded his body as he fell on top of me and the building came down, making me pass out.