Chapter 22


My eyes slowly opened and the pain instantly hit in. I could feel as if I was pinned down on my legs. The vision to see was limited because I still had the mask on. I could feel my breathing was heavy, I raised up my right arm because my other was underneath my body and took off the mask causing me to cough. I turned to my left to see Jay. His eyes were closed but he was starting to wake up to. My head turned to my feet in which where pinned down, and my eyes turned to his. His were also pinned. Damn it

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked

I slowly nodded "Yea I think so"

He touched my forehead causing me to wince

"It doesn't look to bad" He said. He tried moving his body only the pinning on his feet caused him to move nowhere

"It's not use" I said looking back up. All I could see was the cement, broken. But large pieces of it was all I could see, no sunlight "We're buried"

"Why did you come back for me?" He asked

I turned to look at him "There was no way I was going to leave you"

"That was the most stupidest thing you could ever do. But brave"

"Hey I'm a firefighter, that's what I do" I smirked and he slightly smiled

I tried extending me left arm from under my body and I succeeded as I grabbed my radio pressing the button "Chief are you there?"


"Chief. Can anyone read me? Me and Jay are stuck underneath the rubble, on the very bottom. Please can anyone hear me"

Still nothing

"Damn it" I moved my hand away "Radios busted"

"Hey, we're gonna get out of here" He said as he grabbed my hand causing me to look at him "They're coming"

"I hope your right"

"Yea, me too" He whispered


"I want everyone working on that rubble. There are people inside" Boden said  announcing to everyone

Another fire truck arrived at the scene to help. The air around was moist, it was humid because a storm just passed through. In which it mostly get like that after rain. Kelly walked back to the truck to get something when Erin approached him

"Do you guys need any help?" She asked

"None from you" Kelly said coldly

"Why? I can help"

"You can track down whoever did this. My sister and her boyfriend are buried underneath who knows if their even alive"

"Kelly we're going to find them"

"They wouldn't be down there if you hadn't watched your back to know if Jay was behind you"

"Is that what this is about? I thought he was behind me Kelly. Don't blame this on me!" Her voice slightly began to raise

"Yea well I do blame you. You knew Alison was going to go in after him. You could've known the building was going to collapse. So if I find them dead. That's on you!" He slapped the door to the truck and took off in anger


"Is it me, or is it starting to get harder to breath in here" I said trying to take a deep breath

"Just take deep breaths it's gonna be fine"

"Jay, what happened?"

I looked at him "I don't know. I was upstairs when the storm had just passed. Someone had said they needed to evacuate because someone had dropped off a bomb. They opened up the box making the bomb timer go off. We were the last ones upstairs to hear so we had less time. Erin and I were the last to leave up there but I was doing something that I stupidly should've just left alone. I made her leave saying I was right behind her when I wasn't. Right when I stood up I noticed something was blocking the stairs. So I had to go the other way, which took longer. By the time I got downstairs that's when the bomb went off. But luckily it didn't hit me as bad. I was knocked out cold from it until you got here"

"Why would Erin just leave you like that?" I asked

"I made her leave. If I was going to be stuck behind I wasn't going to make her stay"

"It doesn't matter" I grabbed his hand "You never leave your partner"

He extended his right arm and was able to put his arm around me as I laid my head on his arm. Our hands intertwined on his chest and we just laid there. I looked around trying to find someway I could make noise. If we shouted we would've lost our energy faster. But I couldn't find anything. We were left in the dark.


It wasn't long before it became dark outside. Everyone was still working. The other chief from firehouse 35 approached Boden who was speaking to Voight

"Chief Boden, it's already nightfall I have to send my men home"

Boden turned his head to look at him "They are still working"

"I understand but I can't have my men working around the clock. They need rest, we can pick this up in the morning"

Boden didn't say a word. Really because he couldn't. He could boss the other chief around. The other chief shouted at his men as they immediately stopped working and began taking equipment back to their truck. All of that made Kelly and the rest of his crew approach Boden

"Hey, hey what's going on why are they putting their things away?" Kelly asked

"Son we can pick this up in the morning, where we will have light to see when we are sawing through the rubble" The other chief said

"No we can't stop looking, whom ever is underneath they don't have that much longer, my sister probably doesn't have much. They've been down there almost all day" Kelly fought

"I understand son but we can't have other accident if my men chop off their fingers using a saw due to no light. We will pick this up in the morning" The other chief said as he began to walk away

"That's bullshit" Kelly said charging at him causing Matt and Joe to hold him back "My sister is still inside! We have to keep digging!" He yelled at the other fire truck

"Kelly, Kelly. Come on now. He's right" Boden said

"Like hell he is!" Kelly said in disbelief

"We can't be sawing though the rubble when we don't know where we're looking. No matter how much light we get in here. We need the sunlight, we need the light to surround" Boden explained

"We can't just leave. Alison and Jay are still in there. Among other survivors" Kelly said

"They are survivors, they will make it. Right now we need to go back to the firehouse and wait till morning"

Kelly looked at Boden

"We have to" Chief said

Kelly scoffed and began walking back to the fire truck, he knew he couldn't fight it. They made their way back to the firehouse and to Chief's surprise nobody left. Everyone pretty much slept in their beds. But Kelly couldn't sleep. He stayed up just thinking about his sister. He had never been trapped underneath rubble but he knew it couldn't be good. He kept getting calls from Erin, they weren't together anymore but she was only trying to help. The thing is Kelly didn't need her help, he didn't want it. He was blaming her.

y the next morning they were back at it. At the rubble that was known at District 21


"Jay" I whispered to him "Jay come on we have to stay awake"

He opened his eyes slowly "I know"

I coughed but the shortness of the air caused me to cough even more

"Hey, hey you okay?" He asked turning to me

I nodded slowly "It's just getting harder and harder to breath"

"I know Ali. Listen to me" I turned my head giving him my full attention "I don't know how much longer we have"

I let out a sigh "Don't say that"

"I know but I need you to listen to me. I love you, I have always known that I've loved you even when I didn't know. Your the only person in my life who understands me. And I don't ever want to be apart from you. And whether we're getting out of here or not. I want to spend the rest of my life with you"

Tears began to form. This is good but at the same time it's bad

He grabbed the side of my face and looked into my eyes. My heart was racing so fast, tears were slowly forming in his eyes too

"Will you marry me?"