Chapter 23

"Will you marry me?" I asked

It only took a second before a big smile formed on her face. This is some proposal huh. I though to myself. But the air was getting really thin. And I didn't know if we were going to get out of this or not. But I wanted to do this. Before anything happened. Of course I didn't have a ring but I wanted her to know how much she meant to me

"Really?" She asked

I nodded

"Yes! Yes. Of course"

I smiled as we intwined our hands and took a deep breath. I couldn't exactly take a deep breath, and neither could she. I closed my eyes, the stiff air was taking up all our energy. It was silent, all I could hear was both of our breathing. It was irregular, which I knew wasn't good. We stayed with our eyes closed for only a minute until we heard low rumbling, then we felt a huge airway enter just above us. At first I couldn't see but I blinked a couple times and I saw Hermann, Kelly, and Joe

"We found 'em!" I heard it to be Kelly's voice

"Hang tight guys were getting you outta there!" I recognized Joe's voice

I turned to see Alison still had her eyes closed

"Hey, Ali. Come on wake up"

She wasn't in such good condition, she was alive, which was a relief but she only opened her eyes halfway. It was like she didn't have energy left. They began to get to work when they sent down a backboard. Kelly came down as he looked at her

"Alison, hey come on"

She opened her eyes again halfway "Hey bro" She whispered

"Okay, come on we're getting you out of here" Kelly said as I helped him get her on the backboard

They took her first before they took me. I wasn't as bad so when they took me out I immediately put my feet on the ground and walked to Ali whom they got on the stretcher to put on the ambulance. She looked worse

"Hey Ali, your gonna be okay" I held her hand as they began wheeling her to the ambulance

She halfway opened her eyes and smiled at me before they took her in and the second ambulance held me back to take a look at me. I stared at the ambulance as it drove away

I was able to breath. I took a deep breath into the nice air. Well the hospital air in my room, but I was still able to breath


I looked up to see Kelly standing at the door. The nurse who was in here took off the mask for the breathing treatment I was doing. She smiled and walked out of the room and Kelly approached me

"How you feeling sis?" He asked giving me a hug

I hugged back and pulled away "I'm okay, just a few cracked ribs, from when the building came down"

"I'm just glad your okay"

"Yea, where's Erin? Figured you would be with her"

He looked down and shook his head "Nah we're just friends"

I could see the look on his face. He wasn't so happy "What happened?"

"Just didn't work out" He said shrugging his shoulders

"Kelly" I gave him a look

"I ended it like the day before yesterday but I just got pretty pissed at her yesterday for what happened and I just haven't spoken to her since"

"Wait, what did you do yesterday?"

"Yesterday when you were under the rubble. I went to get something at the truck and she came asking if she could help but I basically yelled at her telling her it was her fault"

"Why would you say that?" I asked

He shook his head "Doesn't matter it's over"

"Kelly" I said as I took a sigh

"Hey there's plenty more fish in the sea, come on"

I chuckled "Alright"

Kelly looked down to my hand "What's that?"

I looked down at my hand and noticed a nice diamond ring. It was sitting on my finger on my left hand


"Jay" I whispered

"Jay proposed to you? When did this happen?"

"When we were down in the rubble"

"Well in that case" He hugged me again before he pulled away and gave me a big smile "Congrats, hey since when is my little sister getting married before me"

"We're twins dumbass"

He chuckled "Yea but I'm older"

"By like 5 minutes"

We both have out a good laugh "But no I'm really happy for you"

I nodded "Thank you"

"Can I go tell everyone else?" He asked excitedly

I smiled "Yea go ahead" I gestured my hand to the door

Be patted my hand before he walked out. I chuckled and stayed sitting down just admiring my ring. To me it didn't matter the way he proposed being stuck under a whole bunch of rubble or being on a nice romantic walk. I didn't care, I just wanted to be his wife. I admired it for awhile before Jay walked in. I looked up and smiled

"Hi" I said

He smiled and greeted me with a kiss

"How are you feeling?" He asked

I nodded "Good, great, ready to get out of here"

He chuckled "Well you will be out soon"

"How is the building?"

"Everything is gone. It's gonna take awhile to rebuilt it"

"Was there anyone under it?"

He looked down "Yea, we found 3 survivors including us. And two dead"

My eyes widen "Who?"

"Ray and Linda"

"No" We were suppose to go to their wedding next weekend "Oh my god"

"I know"

"Who did this?" I asked

"That's what Voight and the other are trying to find out"

"Why aren't you with them?" I asked

"Cause right here is the place I need to be" He said grabbing my hand

I smiled warmly and I noticed Will walk in

"I'm not gonna ask how your feelings because I'm sure you've had heard it too many times"

I laughed "Thanks Will"

"So good news is you will be discharged within the next 24 hours" Will said

"And the bad news?" I asked

"You've been in here too many times" He stated

I laughed and as did Jay


"Anyways I just heard the news congratulations" Will said walking over to Jay and giving him a hug

"Thanks, how did you hear though? The only one I told was Kelly"

Wait. It's Kelly

"Well the whole hospital knows" Will said laughing

He kissed me cheek and gave me a slight hug

"Thanks bro" Jay said

He nodded and began to walk out "No problem"

Jay looked at me and smiled as did I. He kissed my forehead and he sat back down as we both admired the big rock on my finger.