Chapter 24

The next couple days went by and I got back to work in no time. I walked into the main room and sat on the table. I watched as Chili walked in and she looked a little bit pissed

"Hey. What's up with her?" I asked nudging Matt whom was sitting next to me

"She's been off the rails lately" He said shrugging

I sipped my coffee before I walked to the locker room. I opened my locker and opened my medicine bottle. I took out one pill and out it in my mouth. I leaned my head back as it helped to swallow the pill. They were pain killers to help with the pain I occasionally had considering my cracked ribs. I closed the locker to see Kelly approaching me

"How you feeling sis?" He asked

"Good" I semi lied but I knew better. He could see right through me

I sat down on the bench and he sat next to me "Your lying. Come on tell me the truth"

Tears began to form, I tried so hard to hold them back but it backfired and one single tears fell "Why is it always me?"

He put his hand on my back "What do you mean?"

"I mean all the accidents, the trips to the hospital" From there I broke down "Why is it always me that ends up hurt, almost dying all the time" I managed to say between sobs

He immediately brought me into a hug "Hey, hey shhh it's okay"

I kept crying into his chest

"I don't know. But we always believe that things happen for a reason. Your still here" He pulled away and wiped away as many years as he could that were raining down my cheek "I mean your getting married right"

I chuckled and nodded "And to the greatest guy, thank god I approve"

I sniffed and slightly laughed. The tears stopped "Thanks bro"

"Hey I'm always here for you bud. I know I shouldn't ask this because I'm suppose to cheer you up but have you talked to dad?"

I shook my head. My dad and I never had a good relationship

"Who's gonna walk you down the aisle?" He asked

"I don't need anyone"

He sighed "Ali, your gonna have to talk to him sometime"

I ran my hands over my face "I don't think so, and even if he's there at the wedding I'm not talking to him"


"Look Kelly I appreciate you for trying but don't help" I said giving him a look

He chuckled "Alright" He kissed my cheek

We both looked at each other and ran quickly to the trucks. We arrived quickly to the scene and exited as I look up at the fire that was fuming inside the apartment. Boden instructed us on what to do as I put on the mask and me and Jimmy headed inside. The job was easy and pretty soon shift was over. I had packed some work out clothes and headed to Antonio's gym to get in a work out and practice for the boxing tournament. I placed on my gloves as I began jabbing and working on my techniques

"So I hear I'm going to be fighting you in the ring"

I turn around to see Jay standing there with a smirk that was smeared across his face

I slam my gloves together and nod "Yup"

He chuckled "This is gonna be fun" He teased

I let out a small laugh as I took a couple steps and approached him, we were standing just a few feet apart "Don't worry babe I will go easy on you"

He held his hands up "Oh I'm so afraid"

I nod "Yea you should be. Doesn't matter if were engaged, firehouse 51 is going to win"

"Is that a threat?"

I tip toed and our faces were now inches apart "That's a promise" I said smirking

"Get a room"

I turn my head to see Gabby and we both laugh

"I will see you later" Jay said kissing me on the cheek before he left

"So Alison" Gabby began

"So Gabby, what's up?" I asked turning around so I could continue my work out

"You found someone to be your maid of honor yet?"

I turned to look at her and she gave a smile

"I was thinking about asking Trudy, you know the girl behind the desk at district 21" I said shrugging

Her face went completely blank "Oh" She leaned her head back

I couldn't hold it in and I began to laugh "Are you kidding? I want you to be my maid of honor, who else?"

She began laughing herself "Don't do that to me"

I hugged her and pulled away "Come on girl"

"You and Jay pick a date yet?"

"We were thinking maybe in about 6 months?"

She nodded "Sounds good. Alright I will let you get back to it. We got a tournament to win!" She exclaimed before walking away

I let out a small chuckle before I continued practicing . Only half an hour passed when Matt got inside the ring with Adam. They began jabbing and practicing fighting

"Come on Matt do it for firehouse 51!" I exclaimed raising my fist in the air making all eyes turn to me

With me saying that Matt got distracted and it gave perfect timing for Adam to throw a punch sending Matt to the ground on the corner of the ring where I was. He looked up at me and I gave an innocent smile "Whoops, sorry"

"Try not to distract me in the ring that night" He said panting

I raised two thumbs and backed away. Later on I took a quick shower there at the gym and as soon as I walked out Jay was leaning against one of the punching bags "Hey" I said and he greeted me with a kiss. I swung my bag over my shoulder "I am so ready to go home"

He put his arm around me as we began to walk out "Kelly said we wanted for us to go over to his apartment"

"Why?" I questioned

He shrugged his shoulders "To have dinner I guess"

"Okay" I agreed as we climbed into the car and he drove off. Once we got to Kelly's apartment we got down and headed to his door. Jay knocked and we only waited for a couple seconds before Kelly opened the door

"Hey guys thanks for coming" Kelly said

We nodded and entered as Kelly closed the door "So why did you want us over on short notice again?" I asked as we made our way to the kitchen "Please tell me it's not to take care of your puppy again" I said looking back at him

He chuckled nervously "No"

"Then why?" Right when I turned around to look forward I stopped dead in my tracks to see my father standing across from me behind the counter. You've got to be kidding me "Dad" I already know this isn't gonna end well