Chapter 25

I turned around wanting to walk to the door but Kelly stood in the way

"Get out of my way" I said with tone

"No, you and dad are going to talk this out"

I roll my eyes and turn around as I crossed my arms "There's nothing to talk about"

"It's nice to see you too Alison" Benny (My dad) said

"Why are you doing here?" I asked

"I came to see you, congratulations on your engagement"

"We're out of here" I turned around but Kelly was blocking my way

I knew he wouldn't move so I turned back around

"Well" Jay chuckle nervously as he walked over me grabbed the puppy whom was playing with his tail "I'm just gonna go play with this cute puppy in the room"

I sighed "You came all the way over here to congratulate me. Okay you did that now you can leave"

Benny took a sigh "Look Alison I came here to apologize"

"Apologize?" I looked at him "Your kidding right? You left us! I was a kid"

"Look I am sorry that happened. But your brother has forgiven me. I don't understand why you can't"

"Did you not just hear me? You left me, every girl deserves to be grown up with a father by her side. But I guess we can't always get what we want can we?" Fire ignited in my eyes

"Alison please" He tried to compromise

"I don't care what you have to say, because there isn't anything you can say for me to forgive you"

There was silence that filled the air

"I'm your father" He said

"And I WAS your daughter! You can go to wedding I don't care. But don't even think about speaking to me" I turned around but Kelly wasn't blocking my way. He knew better then to stand in my way "Tell Jay I will be waiting in the car" Kelly gave a slight nod as I walked out with no regret

I sat in the car letting out small tears. I turned to see Jay walking out and coming towards me. I sniffed and wiped away any remaining tears. Jay opened the drivers seat door and climbed in as he closed it

"You okay?" He asked putting his hand over mine

I shook my head "But I have to be. And there's no one that could talk me into ever forgiving him"

He nodded "Okay, let's go home" He turned on the car and put the gear on drive as he began to drive away

I simply looked out the window and leaned my head against the window. We passed through the neighborhood passing the lights that lite up the street


he next morning was my day off, although Jay had to go work. I decided to go out so I went to the coffee shop. I ordered a coffee and sat down on a small table. The place wasn't so packed. I notice Kelly walk in and he sat next to me

"Is he with you?" I asked

He shook his head

"I'm not gonna try to have you talk to him"

I sighed "Thank you Kelly. So I have a favor to ask"


"Your my brother, and you've been there for me since we were born. Always looking out for me. So will you walk me down the aisle?"

His face lite up "Really?"

I nodded "Yes of course I will" He reached over to hug me "So about the whole boxing tournament you sure you can fight?"

I leaned my head back "Why?"

"Well considering your cracked ribs"

I chuckled "There just bruised, I promise I'm fine. If I wouldn't be I would've backed out already"

He nodded "I have an idea"

I looked at him "Let's go camping"

I cocked my eyebrows and took a sip of my coffee "Camping?"

He nodded "It's been awhile. We all have the next couple days off. We could really use the fun. Then after we come back we only work a day then it's the tournament. What do you say?"

"I say that sounds like fun, who's going?"

"Us, Matt, Gabby, Jay, Jimmy, and Brett. I actually already asked this morning and they all agreed. We leave as soon as you get packed. And Jay was able to get off work"

I let out a laugh and nodded "Okay"

We stood up as I finished my coffee and I headed home to get things packed. We took two cars but ended up at a camping site in the woods. We all carried our packs that contained a lot of things

"Why did we chose to come camping here?" Jimmy asked as we made our way through the woods trying to find a good spot

"What do you mean?" I asked resting my hand on the backpack straps

"Well isn't there another camping place where you know there are actually other people around. And we're not sleeping in the woods in the middle of nowhere" Jimmy said

I chuckled "Your scared Jimmy?"

He scoffed "What no just, wasn't expecting this"

His comment made us all laugh

"Okay" Kelly said stopping "This is the spot"

The ground looked good, nice and smoothed out. Around us was nothing but green trees, bushes, it all looked so green, so beautiful. We set down our bags and set up the tents. By the time we did all that and set a fire it was already nightfall. We sat around the fire on the chairs after dinner and roasted marshmallows

"So who's idea was it to come camping?" I asked

"Kelly" Gabby said

I turned to look at Kelly whom was sitting next to me "Thanks bro"

He nodded and gave a smile. This is typical Kelly, whenever he sees I'm stressed. Or need to get out he does something like this. To help me get my mind off of everything. I looked back at the fire as my marshmallow was roasting, it was silent. All you could hear was the fire crackling. Our heads turned when we heard some branches crunch behind us making Jimmy jump

"Did you guys hear that?" He asked nervously

I chuckled turning back around "Chill Jimmy it was probably just a rabbit"

"That didn't sound like a rabbit" He said swallowing hard

"What's got you so scared?" Brett asked him

"Well have you guys seen the walking dead lately?"

Everyone burst out in a small laughter

"Come on guys! You never know, a flesh eating hungry walker can just come out of nowhere and bite a piece of my arm off. I want to live!"

I moved my marshmallow from the fire and blew on it before I took it off the stick "Or if a walker comes I can just give them my marshmallow if their so hungry"

Everyone took in a laugh expect Jimmy

"Your gonna be the first one to go" Jimmy said with confidence