Chapter 42

"Introducing, Mr. and Mrs. Halstead!" The DJ announced

We both walked in arm in arm. Everyone was clapping as we both walked around the dance floor. Afterwards Jay and I had our first dance. After our dance it was the father daughter dance, but I had no father. I grabbed Kelly and had a dance with him. Which was the best, he's here for me. He always has been. After that the dance began

I walked around hugging people and hearing congratulations everywhere "There's the beautiful bride!"

I turned around and gasps "Peter Mills?! Oh my god" I pulled him into a hug. He let out a laugh "What are you doing here?" I asked pulling away

"Well, it's my friends wedding. How do you expect me not to come?"

"I'm so happy you could make it" I smiled

Peter turned his head when he heard his name "I expect a dance" I pointed at him before walking away

I looked around to see everyone having fun. I noticed Kelly standing at a table. I grabbed my dress and began to walk over to him "Hey" I said standing next to him

"Having fun?" He asked sipping his beer

"My feet are killing me and the night just began" I chuckled "But other than that I'm good"

He touched my shoulder "Your gonna be fine"

"Yea, you know I didn't think he would've actually come"

"Who?" He asked looking at me

"You know who" I said crossing my arms and looking at him "Benny"

"Come on Speedy, he's our dad. And the last time I remember you said he could come"

"Yea but I'd prefer he didn't" I gave him a look before I turned and walked away

I made my way over to a table and sat down "I'm guessing this is the 21st district table?"

Voight chuckled "Something like that" He took a sip of his beer

"Hey Alison" Erin spoke up

I turned my head to her "Look I know we haven't really ever gotten off on the right foot. And I know I've done something that are not forgivable but I'm really happy for you"

I gave her a nod "Thanks. That's means a lot"

The song ended and another one began

"Oh come on we have to dance thing one!" Burgess stood up and everyone else followed. Including me


He loaded the gun and clicked back the hammer. He stared at the gun in admiration before he shoved it into a bag

"Hey boss, where do you want these?" One man asked passing by with a 12 gauge shotgun in his hand

"Put them in the other bag"

"Julian, again why are we doing this?" The same man with the shotgun asked him

Julian put another gun into his bag full of weapons "Simple" Julian reached in the bag and grabbed a pistol. He ran is finger along with side of the pistol "To finally kill that bitch who put me into prison. Along with her new husband" A wild smirk grew across his face as he turned his head back to his men "Let's go crash a wedding boys" He put the pistol back in the bag and zipped it up


The music began to lower down and everyone slowly began to walk back to their seats. Jay and I walked to our seats

"Good evening everyone. I'm Kelly, Alison's brother" Kelly spoke in the microphone as everyone in the room turned to him. He was standing in the stage

"I just wanted to say thank you for everyone on joining us today. It's a very special day for my sister and my brother in law Jay. Alison, when you were first born, or shall I when we were both born. I mean we are twins"

The crowd and I chuckled "Growing up with you I just felt so blessed because I had you by my side. We did practically almost everything together. From us building a club house to us working in the same building. As firefighters, helping people" He began to slowly walk in a pace "You know when Alison first told me she got assigned to Firehouse 51 I didn't really know how to take it. In fact, I was pretty furious. In a way I was hoping she'd become a doctor like Jay's brother" He softly chuckled to himself

"But it wasn't soon after when I saw her in action. I saw how much she cared, about the job. And about saving people. So then I figured why not, I mean it might be fun having my sister working with me. Which soon I found out it was like growing up all over again with her. She'd leave her bag everywhere and I'd always have to be picking up after her"

Everyone laughed along with him "Alison, you've been through so much and you deserve this. You deserve Jay. I just can't say how happy I am to be here. Toast" He said grabbing a glass from someone who passed one to him "To Alison and Jay. Congratulations" He held up his drink

"Toast!" Everyone said almost in sync

The music slowly began to play and everyone clapped as Kelly got off. He walked over to me and hugged me. Right afterwards we cut the cake. Well at least we cut a piece and took pictures. The caters cut the rest. The music began to play once again

Jay grabbed my hand and pulled me to the dance floor. I screamed happily as I joined the rest of my friends and family as we danced along to the music. I grabbed Gabby's hand and we began to sing along loudly to the song that was playing. I noticed Voight walk up to Jay and whisper something in his ear. He gave a silent nod and followed Voight off of the dance floor. I stopped dancing because the look on Jay's face worried me. Something was going on

I watched as they walked out. Alright, what's going on. I walked to the entrance doors "Hey, Lonnie" I said with a smile. He was working security for my wedding. He was also a police officer working over at District 20

"Hey" He smiled

"Do you know where Voight and Jay went? I saw them leave"

"Did I ever tell how beautiful you look tonight?" He said with a quirky smile

I looked behind me making sure no one was watching. Once I saw no one was I turned back around and grabbed his hand putting him into a lock. He grunted "Where did they go?"

He groaned in the pain "Uhhh"

"Lonnie, where did they go?" I only increased the pain in his hand

"Ughh okay okay. I'll tell you"

I released the lock and he held his hand. I stared at him waiting practically tapping my foot "I'm not suppose to tell you"

"Lonnie, where did they go?"

"They went to take care of some business"

I crossed my arms "What business?"

"A couple guys were seen not far from here. Armed"

"Lonnie. Police officers that are on duty take care of that. Not officers that aren't in duty. Why did they go?"

He sighed then licked his lips "Julian Price"

My eyes widen. I felt the hairs on my skin rise up. I turned my back and walked away. We and a little room that we had to get dressed. I walked straight inside and walked to my bag. I took out a strap and a gun. Julian Price being near here isn't a coincidence, he's here for something. Possibly for someone, maybe to kill me. And that's not happening, not at my wedding