Chapter 41

This. This is why I'm not a criminal. I hate jail cells. I sat on the bed with my elbows resting on my knees as I stared aimlessly at the ground. I heard commotion going on and turned my head to the direction. Once I saw Jay appear I quickly stood up and walked to him. But of course the bar was between us

"You okay?" He asked

I nodded "Yea, sorry you had to see all that back at District 21"

He sighed "Don't worry about that"

A security guard approached us "Alison Severide, your free to go" He said as he began to open the cell door

"What?" I asked. The security opened the door and I instantly hugged Jay

After we left we ended up outside of the station "Why are they letting me go?"

"Camille dropped the charges" Jay confessed

"Seriously, why?"

Jay looked over my shoulder. I turned around to see Kelly standing a good distance with his hands in his pocket and a small quirky smile

"No way" I whispered. I smiled and began to walk to Kelly. Once I reached him I pulled him into tight hug "Thank you" I whispered in his ear while still hugging him

He gave me a tight squeeze before pulling away "How did you do it?" I asked

He shrugged his shoulders "It doesn't matter. Ali I'm sorry I didn't believe you"

I shook my head "It's alright"

"She's gone, you don't have to worry about her anymore"

I hugged him again "Thank you"

"That dress is unbelievable" Gabby said with a gasp

I stood in front of the mirror and smiled "I know" I turned to look at her "I still can't believe the day is here"

"After everything you've been through. Alison you deserve this, this is your day"

I took a couple steps and hugged her "Thank you"

"And about all that's happened I'm-"

I pulled away "Don't. Don't say anything I understand"

We heard a knock on the door and turned around. Once it opened I let out a smile

"There's the beautiful bride"

"Hey, big brother!" I exclaimed taking a couple steps to him

After pulling away from the hug he looked at me and softly chuckled "Come on, we're ready for you"

I squealed for a second as I grabbed his hand and we headed out the door. We walked down the hall and made it just outside the door of the chapel. We stood outside waiting for them telling us it was time

"I still can't believe this is happening" I said as I took a breath "I uh.. I don't know if I can do this"

"Ali, this is the nerves talking. Just take a deep breath"

I inhaled and exhaled slowly "Okay, your right. Kelly thanks for being here"

He grabbed my hand "There's no other place I want to be. I'm so proud of you"

"After everything we've been through. I can't believe this is happening" I could feel tears wanting to emerge but I tried my best holding them back

"Hey, don't start crying on me"

I chuckled softly "I know"

"This is your day, don't let anyone ruin this day okay"

I nodded. The employee tapped my shoulder and signaled they were ready to open the doors "Thanks" I whispered to him and turned back to Kelly. I deep a deep breath "Okay, let's do this"

He leaned forward and kissed my cheek "I'm so proud of you, Speedy"

I smiled and wrapped my arm around his. The doors slowly opened and we began to walk out. Once we began to walk the music began. And everyone stood up. Slowly we began to make our way down the aisle. Smiles, I could see one in everyone's faces. And I felt it, happiness. And it felt pretty amazing

After making it to the other side we stood and faced each other. Kelly leaned over and kissed my cheek "I love you"

I smiled "I love you" I whispered

He turned around and walked over to his seat in the front row. I gave Gabby my bouquet and took a couple steps to stand in front of Jay. The pastor began to speak. Nothing can comprehend what I was feeling right now. After everything that has happened, after all I've been through. After all my family's been through, my friends. We're here. Together. After we exchange the vows the pastor spoke once again "Do you Jay Halstead take Alison to be your wedded wife? To have and to hold in sickness and in health. As long as you both shall live?" The pastor asked

Jay held my hands and looked at me "I do"

"And do you Alison Severide take Jay Halstead to be your wedded husband? To have and to hold in sickness and in health. As long as you both shall live?"

I looked at Jay with a smile "I do"

"By the power invested in me. I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride"

Jay smiled and leaned in. Our lips touched and magic happened. After pulling away everyone stood in their feet and began to clap. We grabbed our hands and turned to everyone. Gabby handed me back the bouquet and we began to walk back down the aisle. Everyone continued to clap as we made it to the entrance where we came in. We walked out into the hall and waited as everyone began to walk out and congratulate us


I took a hard swallow as he leaned in to hug me but I moved backward "Thanks" I softly said

As soon as he got the message I didn't want to hug him he held out his hand "I'm proud of you" He said with a smile

I half heartedly smiled back and shook his hand "Thanks Benny"