Casey slammed the door to the truck. They had arrived at the car accident scene. He approached the two vehicles that were smashed. One was a blue car that was smashed on the side. The other was a red truck that was smashed on the front. Casey turned to see the Squad truck coming to a stop as they had approached the scene.
"Alright, let's get these people out" Casey demanded.
The members from Truck 81 began getting to work. Casey approached the blue car as he heard a few doors slam behind him. As he approached he noticed there was no one else in the car but the driver. He approached the drivers side. Who he discovered made his eyes widen.
"Oh my god.." He whispered underneath his breath.
"What do we got Lieutenant?" Hermann asked as he approached Casey.
Casey turned to him with a horrified look "It's Severide's sister" He said.
"It looks like she has a head laceration but not too deep. Her legs are pretty snug in there, she also may have leg injury but I can't tell. We gotta get her out now" Gabby said after putting a neck brace of Cassie. She was on the passenger seat examining Cassie.
Kelly shouted out orders to grab some tools. He looked back at Cassie. The thick red blood slowly made its way down the side of her forehead. Fear was running through Kelly's veins. His sister was vulnerable. There wasn't much he could do but get her out. Capp and Cruz ran up to him with some tools. They began getting to work.
Truck 81 was getting to work on the truck. It wasn't hard to get the driver of the truck out. Hermann pushed the driver against the door. The driver let out a groan.
"Ugh" Hermann said in disgust "Get this idiot field tested"
Squad was able to take out Cassie out of the car. The sirens of the police cars were closing in. Kelly didn't take his eyes off of her as they laid Cassie on the gurney and began making their way to the ambo.
I slowly opened my eyes. I stared at a white ceiling. I touched the bed with my palm. I stayed still and blinked a few times. I picked up my hand to touch my head. It hurt like hell. I squeezed my eyes shut for a few seconds.
"Hey, look who's awake" I heard a voice.
I opened my eyes and looked towards the door to see a man walk in. I tried my best to sit up but let out a sharp groan and laid back down. I felt the bed begin to recline up into a sitting position. I got a better look at the guy.
"Hi" He greeted with a smile "I'm Dr. Halstead. How are you feeling?" He asked as he held onto a clipboard"
"In pain" I said "My head hurts"
He put the clipboard down "Yea, your gonna be feeling like that for awhile. You hit your head pretty hard but we'll get you some pain killers right now"
"Where am I?" I asked as I watched nurses and doctors pass by in front of the room.
"Chicago Med" He answered "Do you remember what happened?"
I turned to look at him "I was driving passing through an intersection. I heard honking and then a crash"
"Well all your vitals look good. Other then that minor head and leg laceration your gonna be okay. May need to keep your here overnight for observation. Just to be safe"
I nodded my head "Okay"
I heard another voice which made us both turn our heads to the sliding door. He only poked his head inside. He had dark brown hair and looked kind of like Dr. Halstead.
"Sorry to interrupt but I gotta talk to you man" The guy said.
I looked back at Dr. Halstead as he nodded his head. He turned to me "I'll come by to check on you later"
I nodded my head as he excused himself then walked out. I laid back on the bed and let out a soft sigh. The nurse came in a few minutes later to give me some pain killers. Soon after she left I closed my eyes and tried to relax. I opened my eyes after about 5 minutes and looked around the room. I tried looking for my phone but I couldn't find it. I let out a frustrated huff. I turned my head to the door when I heard a knock.
A big smile formed on my face "Hi!"
"Hey" Kelly said as he slowly began to walk in.
I opened my arms "Come here, I need a hug"
He softly chuckled as he approached me and hugged me. We both pulled away soon after.
"I missed you" I said looking up at him.
He grabbed my hand and softly rubbed it with his thumb "Me too"
I noticed he was in his fire gear "I was on my way to the firehouse"
"I know. We responded to the accident"
My eyes fell sad "Oh" I wasn't awake so I can't imagine how he felt seeing me like that "I'm okay. Dr. Halstead said I just have a minor leg and head laceration"
"Good" He said with one nod "When are they releasing you?"
"Tomorrow. They want to keep me overnight for observation"
"Okay, my shift ends tomorrow morning so I'll be by to pick you up"
I nodded my head "Sounds good"
Kelly's radio began to go off. He quickly turned it off "I'll call you later" He leaned down and kissed my forehead.
I shut my eyes for a few seconds as he did "Okay, be careful"
"Always" He said to me before walking out.
I watched as Kelly walked out. I really missed him. I turned my head when I heard vibrating. I saw a bag and grabbed it. All of my stuff was in it. I frantically began looking through it.
"Where is it? Where is it?" I mumbled as I looked through it totally ignoring my phone. It was my shirt and a few other things. Since I didn't see my jeans I figured they cut them off. I felt frantically looking through the bag. When I found it I let out a sigh of relief.
I took the ring out of the bag and looked at it "I miss you Liam" I whispered as I continued to stare at the ring.