Chapter 2

"Here, drink this"

I sighed and grabbed the water from Kelly "I've told you multiple times I'm fine"

He sat next to me on the couch "I haven't seen my little sister in almost a year so don't blame me if I'm a little concerned"

I softly chuckled "Alright" I drank a sip of the water. I swallowed the water "So how's everyone at the firehouse?"

He nodded his head "Good. Nothings changed"


"How's Carly?" He asked.

I put the water aside "Good"

"She still working at the hospital?"

"Yup" I said with one nod.

Kelly put his arm around me "Well I'm glad your home"

I laid my head on his shoulder "Me too. It's good to be home" I inhaled and exhaled as I closed my eyes.


Over the next few days I rested at Kelly's apartment. I was pretty excited to get back to work. I was working in Indiana but since I'm back they transferred me to Chicago. I got to work and immediately began diving into my work. After a few hours my boss marched up to me.

"Severide, I need you to head to District 21st. Intelligence is requiring these flies. Just go ahead and leave them at the front desk, I'm sure Intelligence is busy with the case" He said handing me a few files.

I grabbed them "Okay" I stood up grabbing my jacket before leaving. Once I got to the District I walked up the steps and into the building. I approached the lady at the front desk.

"Hi" I greeted.

She looked up at me and stopped what she was doing. She took off her glasses. She looked almost annoyed "Can I help you?"

"I'm Detective Cassie Severide. I'm over at District 31st with homicide. Intelligence need these files" I said bringing up the files and placing them on the desk in front of me.

Suddenly her tone and expression seemed to change "Yes! You can head up those stairs I'll buzz you in" She said point to the stairs to my right.

I glanced at them but glanced back to her. I was suppose to drop them off with her but I guess I'm going up "Uh, sure okay" I turned and began walking up the steps.I heard a buzzing sound and I opened the door.

Once it opened I began walking up the stairs. Ugh, so many stairs.. I thought in my mind. Once I made it to the top step I let out a soft huff. That was the last one. I began to walk lightly on the floor. I recognized only one person who was sitting his desk. He looked up at me.

"Hey, well look who it is"

I softly chuckled "Hi Antonio" I knew him through Kelly.

He stood up from his desk and approached me. He gave me a quick friendly hug "What brings you back to Chicago?" He asked.

"Ehh I missed the city" I said shrugging my shoulders.

He let out a soft smile "Alright"

I noticed a few other people who stood up from their desk "Who's this?" One guy asked.

"This is Cassie Severide, she's a detective over at.." He turned to look at me "Are you back over at 31st?"

I nodded my head "Yup"

"This is Adam Ruzek, Kevin Atwater, Alvin Olinsky, Kim Burgess, and Haley Upton" Antonio introduced while pointing to each person.

I stood there and waved my hand at them "Did you say Severide?" Adam asked.

I nodded my head once "Yes, I am Kelly Severide's younger sister. I lived here in Chicago about 3 years ago but I moved to Indiana"

"And now your back? For good?" Antonio asked.

"For good" I said letting out a smile.

"Ruzek, did you get anything off of that suspects computer?" A man in a deep and gravel voice spoke as I watched him walk out of his office right in front of me. He looked up at me "Can I help you?" He asked me.

"Detective Cassandra Severide. I'm over at District 31st with homicide. I was requested to bring these files over" I said extending the files to him. 

He took a few steps forward and retrieved them "Thank you" 

"Of course" I said with one nod. 

He turned around and began walking back to his office "Ruzek" He called on as he kept walking. Adam walked after him with a laptop in his hands. 

I looked at Antonio "I'll see you later" I said taking one step backwards "It was nice to meet everyone" I gave them a wave as I began my journey downstairs. 

I walked down the last step. I began walking to the door "Have a good day Sergeant" I said waving to her. I noticed she had three stripes on her arm sleeve. I turned back to the door to walk out but instantly stopped when I bumped into someone. 

"I'm sorry" I said taking one step back without looking up. 

When I finally looked I recognized him "Hospital guy!" I exclaimed. 

He gave me a weird look "You were at the hospital" I said trying to remind him "You interrupted when my doctor was talking to me"

He nodded his head once "Right. I'm sorry about that"

"It's okay.I uh.. I gotta go"

He stepped aside and I smiled at him before I walked passed him. 

The rest of the day I was loaded with work. When I finally got back to Kelly's apartment I sat on the couch. Kelly walked down the stairs and headed to the kitchen "Hey" He called out.

"Hey" I said in a tired tone. 

After about a minute he approached me sitting on the couch "Who drank all my coffee?" He asked taking a seat next to me. 

"You only had a little bit left" I said.

"You really gotta get your own apartment"

I laughed "Yea I know you want me out of your place cause I'm such a burden"

"Come on" He said laughing as well "How was work?" He asked.

"Good, I stopped by District 21st and saw Antonio"

"Yea he works in Intelligence"

"I didn't know that. I can't believe I've met Antonio but not the rest of the team"

Kelly shrugged his shoulders "How are you feeling? Better?"

"Much better. But right now I have to go shower and lay down because I'm so tired"

He patted my leg lightly "Alright. Goodnight sis"

I stood up "Night" I began walking towards the stairs.