I approached the knocking door. As soon as I opened it I saw Carly standing on the other side. She let out an excited scream which lead me to excitedly scream. She walked inside and I closed the door as we continued to scream.
"What are you doing here?" I asked.
"Well my best friend gets into an accident and I haven't seen her for days of course I'm coming"
I laughed. I heard rapid footsteps then turned to my left to see Kelly reaching the bottom of the stairs. He was shirtless and holding an aluminum bat in his hands.
I turned to look back at Carly to see her practically drooling. I rolled my eyes at her "Sorry to scare you" I said turning back to Kelly.
He put down the bat "It's okay, I just heard screaming"
"It's okay" I said followed by a soft laugh.
"Carly" Kelly said "Nice to see you"
I looked at her as she gave a low wave "Kelly" I could see her cheeks flush red.
Again I rolled my eyes "Okay, well I'm gonna go upstairs to get ready for work" Kelly turned his back and walked back up the stairs.
"You want some breakfast? We can go out to eat I don't have to go into work for a few more hours"
"Ugh your already back at work? That's too soon"
"Your only saying that because your here. Doctor said I was good to go"
"But do you have to work? Why don't you just call in sick?"
I gave her a look "Alright fine. I wish your work had a take your best friend to work day"
A chuckle escaped my lips "Come on, let's go eat" I said grabbing my bag.
She stood near the door. I approached the edge of the stairs "Kelly, I'm going out to eat breakfast with Carly!" I yelled.
"Okay!" I heard him yell back.
I turned to Carly "Alright, let's go" I grabbed my keys and approached her.
We sat at a table in a diner. Carly and I were catching up and laughing as we ate. As we were almost through with eat my phone began to rang. I put my fork down and grabbed it to answer it.
"Hello" I answered.
I looked at Carly as I listened to who was on the other line "Yes sir, yes sir I'll be right there" I then hung up my phone.
She already knew "Work?" She asked as I saw her put on a frown.
"I'm sorry" I said as I grabbed cash from my bag.
"But you said you didn't have to go in for another hour"
"I know but my boss needs me to get to a crime scene" I stood up and put money on the table "But I will call you later because we are hanging out before you leave" I hurried out of the diner.
I quickly hoped in the car and took off. As soon I got to the crime scene I exited my vehicle and put my badge around my neck like a necklace. I approached the man with the gravel voice I met yesterday and Antonio who was standing next to him.
"Sargent Connor Hill sent me from District 31st. Said you needed a hand for this case" I said.
"Sargent Hank Voight"
I nodded at him as I looked down at the white sheet. I squatted down and slightly pulled over the sheet "What do we got?" I asked. My heart ached when I saw a little girl laying on the ground.
"Amy Lopez. One bullet to the head. 10 years old. She was the daughter of Judge Taylor Lopez" Antonio explained.
I looked up at him and covered the sheet before I stood up "He's a big shot"
"Which means we don't rest until we find out who did this" Sargent Hank Voight said.
I nodded at him. I heard loud clamoring causing me to turn around. It was Judge Taylor, he was demanding and trying to get through the officers. Again my heart ached, I couldn't imagine losing someone especially that young.
Hank Voight began walking to the Judge. He is a well known Judge, everyone from everywhere knew him.
"Come on, let's start knocking on doors. See if anyone saw anything" Antonio said.
I nodded and began walked along side him "Killing in broad daylight, brave"
Antonio and I went to a few doors asking if they saw anything. We had no luck. We began walking to another house when we passed an alleyway. I happened to look down and something caught my eyes "Antonio"
He stopped and turned to look at me. I squatted down and looked closer. I looked up at him "It's blood. It looks fresh too. Can't be a coincidence"
He took out his phone "Yea" He dialed a number and began talking. I looked around the area but didn't see much. We were a few blocks from the crime scene.
The forensics soon arrived and took some blood to see if it matched Amy. In the mean time Antonio and I went back to the District. We walked up the stairs to meet up with the rest of the team. Expect there were only a few people there. I noticed the hospital guy was there, I didn't know he was a detective. Hank Voight was also in the room.
Kevin emerged from another door "Hey Sarg. I noticed a camera by the crime scene so I went into the store and found some footage"
"Show me" Voight said.
Kevin approached a nearby computer which was all began to surround. He plugged something in and a surveillance camera appeared. We watched the sidewalk for a few seconds until something came into view. It was a man carrying a child, and that child looked like Amy. He carried her for a few more steps until he put her down on the sidewalk. He took off what looked like a rag from behind her forehead. He seemed to panic for a few seconds before he stood up and ran away.
"She wasn't killed on the sidewalk" I said as I continued to watch.
"Who is this guy?" Hank asked.
"Manager at the nearby store said he's seen him around. His name is John Garcia"
"Do you have an address?" Voight asked.
Kevin began typing on the computer for about a minute "I got one. 5265 Lambert street Apartment 312"
"Okay. Halstead go talk to this John see what he knows. Take Cassie with you" Hank said.
He grabbed his jacket and we both took off. We approached his GMC truck outside. We hopped in and he began driving.
"So" I began "Do you have a first name or should I call you hospital guy? Or Halstead"
He had his hand on top of the wheel. He glanced at me with a chuckle and a small smile that I swear made my heart skip a beat "Jay"
I nodded my head "Cassie" I said introducing myself.
"I didn't know you were a detective"
"Yea well I'm full of surprises" I said glancing at him.
He looked at me with a curious expression.
"I work over at District 31st with homicide. I've lived in Indiana for three years before moving back just a few weeks ago"
"Where did you live before that?"
"Right here in Chicago"
"What made you want to come back?" He asked.
I looked outside the window thinking. Maybe I am running away from Indiana, but I don't want to believe that "I just missed Chicago" I shrugged my shoulders as I looked back at him.
He continued to glance at me with an curious expression. Once we got to the place Jay parked the truck as we climbed out.