Chapter 4

Jay and I walked back up the stairs. This time mostly the entire team was there. Voight looked up at us.

"He doesn't know anything" I said.

"What happened?" Voight asked.

"John found Amy on the ground with the gunshot wound. He noticed she was still alive so he wrapped a shirt around her head intending on taking her to he hospital. He didn't call 911 because he didn't have his phone. He grabbed her and began running. But when he noticed she wasn't breathing anymore he laid her on the sidewalk and ran away" I explained.

We were pretty much back to square 1. A thought came into my mind. I began approaching the computer "Do you mind?" I asked.

Adam was at the computer but he stood up and held his hands up "Go ahead"

I sat down and began typing looking for something. "It looks like Judge Taylor did mostly civil cases here. I know he did mostly criminal cases years ago when he was in Ohio" I said as I continued to type "Here" I said finding something "He did a criminal case just over two months ago" The others began to surround me and the computer "Hector Guerrero was charged with four counts of first degree murder. Taylor gave him life in prison without the possibility of parole"

"So what does he have to do with all of it?" Haley asked.

I looked up at them "Apparently he was innocent"

"Could have gotten angry" Kim said.

"Angry enough to have his daughter killed" Jay finished.

"It looks like Hector had a brother. Could have been angry enough to make Judge Taylor hurt" I said.

"You got an address?" Voight asked.

"9804 South Tyler street" I said.

"Suit up" Voight said as he began walking to the door.

We all helped each other put on the bulletproof vest. Everyone began climbing into the cars to take off. I was walking to the passenger door of Jay's truck. I stopped when Haley cut in front of me and opened the door to the passenger door. She climbed in leaving me outside. I stared confused for a few seconds before I climbed in the back door.

Once we got to the suspects house we raided it. I held onto my pistol as we went around the house. I quickly walked behind Jay as we went around the back of the house. Once we got to the back door one ran out and hit Jay. I pointed my gun at him but I felt a hit on my hand causing me to drop my gun. I turned next to me and began fighting a guy. He kicked me in the knee causing me to lose my balance but with my other leg I kicked his side. He took out a knife causing me to let out a quick sigh "Come on"

He had a smirk on his face when he came at me. He swung the knife at me but I avoided it and grabbed onto his arm. With my knee I picked it up causing it to make contact with his face. I knocked the knife out of his hand and he stood up straight. With my elbow I hit his face hard causing him to fall back. I took out my handcuffs and began walking to him. He was on the floor groaning in pain holding onto his nose. I turned to Jay to see he was arresting the one who attacked him.

"I see you don't need help" He said.

I was breathing heavily "Thanks" I said to him as I arrested the guy. We took them both to the front of the house. We heard a few sirens getting closer.

I noticed Kevin had Hector arrested. Once the police units got there we put them each into a car. I let out a sigh as they drove away. Voight walked up to me "Good job"

I nodded at him "Thanks"


"So how did you like working with the Intelligence unit?" Kelly asked.

Later that evening we were at Molly's. Apparently this is where they all come to relax after a day of hard work.

"Good, Sargent Voight has a good unit" I said as I held onto my beer. "So how was your day?" He asked.

"Good, typical shift"

I nodded my head. I was about to open my mouth when I heard a voice approaching "Wow, this place is nice"

"Hey" I said.

Carly came next to me "Hey girl. Kelly" She said looking at him.

"Carly. I'll see you guys later" He said as he stood up and walked away.

"Hermann, can I get another beer?" I asked.

He looked up at me as he was cleaning glasses. He put the rag down and grabbed another beer. He opened it and set it in front of me. "Thanks" I told him.

"You got it sweetheart" He said to me before walking away.

I pushed the beer to Carly "So you finished your case?" She asked.

"Yup, got the son of of bitch" I said grabbing my beer and taking a sip.

"Good" She said as she took one too. "So, what kind of cuties do you have here?" She asked turning around to look at the rest of the bar.

I chuckled. "Oh, here comes one hottie" She said looking passed me.

I turned to my left to see Jay walking towards me. "Hey" He said as he approached me.

"Hey" I greeted.

"Thanks for your help today. I don't know if we would've caught the guy without you"

I nodded my head "Yea of course, I'll always be here"

Jay looked at me before giving me a warm smile. He looked at Hermann "Get her another beer. On me" He turned to me and gave me the same smile before he walked away.

I turned back to face forward "Woah, I got some romantic vibes there"

I looked at Carly "What? You are insane"

"I saw it. The only other person to smile at you like that was Liam"

I looked down at me beer as I remembered him, this was his favorite beer "Hey" Carly said touching my hand.

I'm guessing she noticed the look on my face. I looked back up at her "Liam would want you to be happy"

I hummed a small yea.

"Now cheer up. I'm planning on getting drunk" she said as she began to chug her beer.

A small chuckle escaped my lips. I turned my head and looked out at the crowd of Molly's. Mainly all were laughing, chatting, and having a good time. My eyes stopped at Jay who was with Kelly, Antonio, and Adam. He was laughing at something Kelly or Adam said. His eyes drifted to mine and our eyes met. It seemed like everything was going in slow motion. A smile came on my my face without thinking. He was cute I can give him that. We stayed staring at each other for what felt like a few minutes. That was until Carly distracted me and I finally looked away. Expect for some reason I couldn't. There was something about Jay that I couldn't stop looking at him, admiring him.
