Chapter 5

I crunched the cereal as I put a spoonful in my mouth. I noticed Kelly walked around the kitchen counter.

I swallowed the cereal "Don't worry I got you some coffee when I went to the store yesterday with Carly"

He grabbed a glass and took out the orange juice from the fridge. "Thank you"

I put another spoonful in my mouth "You welcome" I spoke with my mouthful.

Kelly put away the orange juice after serving some and laughed. "You know I have eggs right? To actually make a good breakfast"

I put another spoonful in my mouth as I crunched the Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal "Too lazy" I said with my mouthful again.

"Okay" He said with a chuckle "You work today?" He asked as he opened the fridge and grabbed the carton of eggs.

"Nope. Gonna spend a few hours with Carly before she heads back then I was thinking I might stop by the firehouse"

He nodded his head "Okay, sounds good"

My phone buzzed on the table. I opened it as I put another spoonful in my mouth. I stood up from the chair and walked over to the sink. I put the bowl with the spoon inside the sink and began walking away.

"You could at least wash it"

"Running late!" I exclaimed as I walked towards the stairs.


After spending time with Carly she took off back to Indiana. I parked near the firehouse and climbed out. I approached the opened doors and began to walk in. I noticed Capp, Cruz, and Tony sitting outside. Cruz glanced up at me but looked back down. He looked back up at me rather quickly.

"Hey, look who it is"

I smiled as I approached them "Hey. Thought I'd stop by and say hi"

"Yea sure, everyone is inside" Cruz said.

I nodded my head as I walked inside the firehouse. Everyone was sitting around and I laughed when I saw Mouch sitting on the same spot on the couch. I greeted almost everyone.

"This is Stella Kidd and Sylvie Brett" Matt introduced.

"Nice to meet you guys" I said with a wave.

They smiled at me and lightly waved. "Where's Kelly?" I asked as I looked around the room.

"Oh he's in his office" Matt said.

I glanced back and nodded my head. I noticed Stella had a weird look on her face. I walked passed them and headed towards the bunks.

I noticed Kelly sitting inside his office. I approached and knocked lightly on his door. He turned his head and signaled me in. I opened the door and walked inside.

"You still have the same office?" I asked as I looked around.

He put his pen down and leaned back on his chair "Yup. It's all still the same"

I walked over and sat down on the bed "Yup. Just a few different people"

"Yup" He said with a nod.

"You look tired" Kelly said.

I looked at him "How could you tell?"

"Well either Carly drank too much or you just couldn't sleep"

I sighed "Well Carly did drink too much but that's not the reason why. I just couldn't sleep. I haven't been able to for awhile now"


"I know it's almost been a year since I lost Liam but, some nights I just can't sleep. I just keep reliving what happened that night. I don't think it's something I could ever get over"

"It's not something you can get over. But it's something you can move on from"

I turned to look at him. I nodded my head knowing he is right "My brother, firefighter, and therapist. Is there anything you can't do?"

Kelly chuckled "Apparently convince you to come back. I mean it took you almost 6 months to come home"

I laughed "Right" Before I could say anything else the alarm went off followed by the intercom. "Go save some people big brother"

Kelly chuckled as he stood up "I'll see you sis" He said as he walked out.


Later on that evening I went to Molly's. I recognized everyone was there. From the firehouse and district. I approached Gabby who was behind the bar.

"Can I get a beer?" I asked her.

She put down a white cleaning towel and nodded at me "It's good to have you back Cassie" She said as she grabbed a beer and opened it.

"Good to be back" I said as my hands rested on the edge of the bar table.

"Is it permanent this time?" She asked as she put the beer in front of me.

"Yea, it is" I said with a smile. I grabbed the beer and took a sip as Gabby walked away to tend to other customers.

I began turning to glance around the bar. My eyes stopped on Jay who was sitting at the end of the bar alone. I walked over to him and sat next to him on the empty seat.

"I never got a chance to thank you" I said speaking up.

He turned to me "For what?"

"For buying me a beer last night"

He nodded his head "It's not a problem"

"So what's your secret Jay Halstead?" I asked while trying to study him "Your a good detective, fighting techniques are good" I continued to study him "Army?" I asked.

He chuckled "Rangers. Afghanistan" He answered.

I nodded my head "Right. That was my next guess. What infantry?"

He turned his entire body towards me "3rd Battalion actually. I was in the 75th Ranger Regiment"

I nodded my head "How did you know?"

I bit my lip down softly "I had a friend who served in Afghanistan. He was also in the 75th Ranger Regiment"

"Which Battalion?" He asked as he took a sip of his beer.

"3rd. His name was Liam Barnes"

He lightly nodded his head "Was?"

"He died a year ago. Car accident" It felt like a spear was spiking my heart. My eyes wondered off as I began thinking about that night.

"I'm sorry" He said in a sincere tone.

I looked at him and tried shaking the images from my head "Thanks" I brought up the beer and took a small sip "So tell me about yourself Halstead" I said as I laid my elbow on the bar table and rested my cheek on my fist. I gave my attention to him as he began speaking.
