I sat on Kelly's bed in his office. He had just gotten a call leaving me here. I got up after awhile and walked towards the common room. I noticed people sitting around trying to keep warm. I glanced at a few and sent a smile their way. I couldn't help but think, what if he's here. The one who's been sending me those messages. I walked outside where the trucks are suppose to be and listened to the whistling wind. I hated the fact that Kelly was out there in the freezing cold.
I looked around at the people who were trying to keep warm. I dug my hands into my pockets as I began walking back inside. As I was passing through the common room I heard commotion behind me. I turned around to see Jay approaching me. He looked worried as he quickly approached me and wrapped his arms around me.
"What's going on?" I asked in a confused tone.
He pulled away and looked at me "I've been calling you. When you didn't answer at your apartment I hoped I would find you here"
I sighed and shut my eyes only for a few short seconds "Oh shit I'm so sorry. I left my phone at work"
"It's okay. I was just worried"
I smiled sweetly at him "Aw you were worried"
He chuckled and rolled his eyes "Yes I was"
"Are you still working?" I asked.
"No I just got off"
I lightly nodded my head "Good. You can stay here then"
Jay chuckled softly "Yea, I probably should. The storm is getting pretty bad"
I pressed my lips into a thin line "Yup"
Jay and I walked over to the long table and began talking. Within about 30 minutes the firefighters were beginning to walk back in. Kelly walked in and glanced at us. He lightly gave us a smile as he walked out the door.
"He doesn't know?" Jay asked.
I turned to look at him "No, and I don't plan on telling him"
"Cassie, you should tell him"
"I can't. If I told him he wouldn't let me out of his sight"
"Maybe that's a good thing"
I glanced down for a few seconds before looking up at him "I can't. Not right now at least"
He took my hand "Okay"
Over the next few days the sun was coming back. The storm was gone but the text messages were still coming in. I had only worked a few hours in the day. I clocked out of work but kept my badge over my neck like a necklace. I had liked wearing it like that. I stopped at the park not wanting to go home yet. I stuffed my hands into my jean pockets as I walked through the park. As I walked away from the crowd I kept walking. I heard a loud crash that made my ears cringe.
I ran to where the sound came from. My eyes widened when I saw a crashed car, than another car that was halfway on the cement and halfway in the air. I ran to the car that was hanging over the ledge. I quickly took out my phone and called an ambulance. I looked inside the car to see a man around his 30's. He looked almost unconscious. He was bleeding pretty badly from his head.
I looked around not knowing what to do. Without thinking about it anymore I slowly opened the door and climbed into the passenger seat. I went in so slowly "Hey, are you okay?"
He only mumbled softly. "Your bleeding pretty badly you have to keep pressure on your head" I said not wanting to move.
I looked out the front window. A wave of fear came over me when I looked at the water down below. We were high up. I noticed he had a small towel. I grabbed it and slowly leaned over to put pressure on his wound. He seemed to be out of it. My heart began pounding when I felt the car slightly tilt forward.
Within about 5 minutes I heard the sirens getting closer. My arm was getting tired from holding the towel on his wound. I noticed Kelly appear at the drivers side, he looked confused.
"Cassie? What are you doing? Are you okay?"
"I'm fine. I heard the accident. He's losing blood" I said not moving a muscle "I'm not moving or else he will bleed out"
"Okay just hang tight" Kelly said as he disappeared from my view.
I was taking slow breaths to keep myself calm. My arm was beginning to shake. The man was beginning to wake up slowly.
"Hey, don't move"
He didn't seem to listen to me because as he was waking up more he was freaking out.
"Hey! Don't move!" I exclaimed.
He struggled making the car move even more. He was yelling and moving around which only tipped the car even more. I sucked in my breath when the car began tipping even more. My eyes widened as I was staring down at the water. Within a few seconds the car hit the water. It was beginning to submerge quickly. I tried opening the door but it wouldn't open.
I looked to the guy but he was only groaning and barely moving. I frantically looking around trying to find something to break the window but I was out of luck. The water was getting taller and taller by the second.
I finally took on deep breath within a few minutes because I was now underwater. I kept my eyes open but I could hardly see anything. I was trying to stay calm as I was trying to find anyway to get out. But my options were limited. Within a minute I was beginning to freak out. My lungs were beginning to give out and I could feel like I was intaking water. My eyes slowly closed.
Kelly's eyes widened as he watched the car go over the bridge, as he watched his sister go over the bridge. He quickly took off his jacket and began running towards the edge with no hesitation.
"Kelly! You need the proper gear to go in that water. It is too cold" Boden yelled.
Kelly stopped and looked back at him "My sister is down there Chief!" He exclaimed.
"Capp, Tony, and Cruz are getting on their suits now. You are not going in that water without the proper gear" Boden said in a serious tone.
Kelly clenched his fist as he ran towards the Squad truck to put on the swimming gear. He knew Boden was right but at that moment all he had in his mind was his sister.
It took a few minutes to get the gear on. Kelly hopped off the truck and began running along with the others. They quickly got ready and prepared to get them out. As Kelly went underwater he got to be passenger side as Capp was getting the driver out.
Kelly looked through the window and saw Cassie practically floating. Her eyes were shut and small bubbles were escaping her lips. Kelly did his job as quick as he could.
They helped him take Cassie up after he emerged from the water. He quickly climbed up the stairs they provided and hurried to her side. Gabby began CPR on Cassie as Kelly stayed by her side.
"Come on, come on" He whispered. His heart was pounding so fast in his chest.
Within a close minute of CPR Cassie lightly lifted her head and water came from her mouth. She began coughing the water out. Kelly let out a sigh of relief when she began coughing. He looked up trying to prevent the tears that were threatening to fall. He looked back down at her as she had her head leaning down and continued to cough.
"Your okay.." Kelly told her as he was finally able to get a few words out.