I stared at the line of text messages that were sent to me. I had one of the tech people there at the district try and trace the unknown number. But nothing came up. I turned off the screen when I heard Jay come out from the room.
"Hey, you ready to go?" He asked as he put on his black jacket.
I stood up from the couch "Yea, I don't-I don't really want to go out anywhere anymore. Why don't we just stay in tonight?"
A concerned look came across his face "Are you okay?"
"Yea, yea" I said scratching my forehead "I just I'm pretty tired, I don't really want to go anywhere"
"Okay yea" He began taking off his jacket "I'll order a pizza"
I sat back down on the couch and softly exhaled. I heard Jay begin to talk on the phone.
The next morning I washed up in the restroom. I rinsed my face and breathed in deeply. I then exhaled softly and looked at myself in the mirror. I grabbed the towel and dried my face. I walked out of the restroom and approached Jay who was looking down at a phone, my phone. He was standing beside the couch.
He looked up at me when I walked towards him. "Hey" I greeted "What's going on?" I asked.
"Who been texting you?" He didn't have a pleasant expression on his face.
"What?" I questioned him.
He turned my phone to me showing the string of text messages from the unknown number. My eyes went from the messages to him.
"What the hell are you doing going through my phone?!" I exclaimed as I snatched the phone from his hand.
"I wasn't going through it I saw a text message and glanced at it. Who is sending you those?"
"You have no right to go through my things" I said gathering my things into my bag.
"Cassie I didn't mean to get you upset I just want to know who's sending you these text"
I scoffed as I grabbed my bag and headed towards the door "Haven't you ever heard the word privacy?!" I practically yelled at him as I opened the door and walked out. I slammed the door and stormed away.
"Hey" My partner approached my desk.
I looked up at him "What's up?"
He put down a file on my desk "Boss wants us to go through these files again, we're re opening the case"
I looked at the file and noticed the date was from 6 months ago "Okay, sounds good" I opened the file and began working with it.
After work that evening I went straight home to take a shower. I sure needed it. After I showered I ordered a pizza and began eating it at the counter. When I was about halfway I heard Kelly open the door and walk in. He walked around the counter and headed to the fridge.
"Hey" I greeted shortly after swallowing my food "How was work?" I asked.
"It was good" He grabbed a beer as he turned to me. He took a small sip and opened the box and grabbed a slice of pizza "What about you? Did you have a good day?"
I took another bite and moved my head side to side "Not really" I then swallowed the piece of food.
"What happened?"
I took a sip of my water and swallowed. "Well I kind of over reacted with Jay earlier"
I glanced away before looking back at him "Well you know how I feel sometimes when people snoop through my phone"
"He was going through your phone?" He asked taking another bite.
"Kinda. I got upset and yelled at him"
"You yelled at him just because of that?" He chuckled.
"Why are you laughing?" I asked.
"Well you two have been going out for like what a week and you already had a fight?"
"Well really it was my fault, I overreacted. And I know I have to apologize"
"Yea, you do" He began walking around the counter and continued to chuckle.
"Stop laughing!" I complained.
I knocked on Jay's door. I waited only a few seconds before he opened it "Hey"
"Hey" I said with a swallow "Can I talk to you?"
He opened the door wide. I walked in and cleared my throat as I turned around to face him "I'm sorry about this morning. I kind of overreacted"
"Kind of?"
I sighed "Okay not kind of. I did overreact and I'm really sorry"
"I know it wasn't right to go through your phone. I just want to know who was sending you those text"
I walked over to his couch and sat down "I don't know" Jay followed me and sat down next to me.
"I wish I knew but I don't. I started getting those unknown texts about a week ago. I tried to find out who was sending them but I had no luck. I don't know who it is. And it kind of scares me because whoever this person is they are more then likely stalking me and-" My emotions were coming out like nothing.
I stopped talking and turned to look at him. Jay sighed as he grabbed my hand "It's okay. I'm here for you Cassie. I'm not going anywhere"
I lightly smiled "Thank you" I whispered.
I laid my head on his chest as we laid back on the couch. I slowly began to close my eyes. He rubbed my arm with his hand. That comfort made me sleepy. I kept closing my eyes as I listened to his heartbeat. Within a few minutes I fell asleep.
The next morning the clouds were covering the sky. The sun wasn't able to peek out. I walked into the building with a smile on my face. I got to work on the files I was working on the day before. It took me the entire day to work on them. I hadn't even realized it was already close to the evening. Nathan; my partner approached me at my desk.
"Hey, here is another file that was recently reopened" He said putting it on my desk.
"Geez what's with all these files being reopened?" I asked as I put another file into a stack of the files I was working on.
He shrugged his shoulders "Not sure"
I opened the file to look through it "It looks like theres a signature required from the Chief that was a first responder to the scene" I stood up from my desk.
"You want me to get the signature?" He asked.
I put on my jacket "Nah I got it"
"Becareful out there. The storm is getting bad"
"Yea I will" I grabbed the file and left unaware that I was leaving my phone behind.
When I got to firehouse 51 I covered up and ran into the building. The garage like doors were shut. I shook the snow off as I approached Cruz and the others who were sitting at the Squad 3 table.
"Hey" Cruz said as he sat at the table.
"Hey, is Chief Boden here?" I asked as I was trembling.
"Yea, he's in his office"
I thanked him as I walked into the common room and walked towards his office. As I was walking down the hall I came across Kelly who was walking in the opposite direction.
"Hey" I greeted.
"Hey, what brings you by?" He asked.
I held up the file "Gotta get a signature from Boden"
He nodded his head lightly "He's in his office"
"Thanks" I passed by him and approached his office.
Once I got his signature I began walking in the hallway to leave. Again I came across Kelly.
"Your leaving already?" He asked.
I held up the file "Got what I needed"
"I don't think it's a good idea to go out there"
I stopped once we approached each other "Why not?"
"Well the storm is getting worse. It knocked the power out and the temperature keeps going down. Boden is opening the firehouse letting anyone who needs warmth in. I know your still on the clock but it's too bad out there"
I exhaled "Alright, let me call Nathan to let him know" I said reaching into my back jean pocket. I was feeling an empty pocket "Expect I can't" I let out a sigh "Because I left my phone on my desk back at the district and there is a blackout"
"Your boss won't get upset?" He asked.
"If he even cares about my safety than he won't" I said raising my eyebrows.
Kelly chuckled as we began walking towards the common room "So everything work out between you and Jay?" He asked.
I nodded my head as I walked along side him "Yup. He told me he isn't going anywhere and I believe him"