"I just know I could've done more. I was so close to him. So close to getting that gun. I mean he had a daughter. I know what he did was wrong I totally get that part but I was talking him out of it. Until Jay shot him, he didn't even get a second chance"
"Do you think it was wrong for Jay to shoot him? Do you blame him? He was doing his job after all"
I had my elbows resting on my knees but I leaned back on the couch. I stayed silent for about a minute before looking at her. I pressed my lips together before speaking "I know he was doing his job" I was taking pauses in between "And I don't want to blame him"
"Maybe you blame yourself. You feel that you couldn't have saved the man yourself so you're blaming Jay for all of it"
I stayed quiet taking in everything she was saying. Maybe she was right.
"If he was pointing a gun at you it was only a matter of time before someone did something about it"
"Yea" I whispered.
I walked to my desk and began taking off my jacket.
"Hey" Nathan said walking out of a room with a file in his hand "How did it go with the therapist?"
I put my jacket on my chair "Fine. Got me thinking"
He reached his desk "Right. So why aren't you at home?"
I sat down on my chair and looked up at him "I'm fine. Seriously I am"
He looked at me for a few seconds before nodding my head "Okay. Fine, if you say so"
Lucas walked in holding onto a file "Hey, shouldn't you be at home?"
I scoffed "I swear if someone ask me that one more time they will be going home with a bruise on their cheek"
He held his hands up as he walked by "Okay, sorry"
I woke up the computer and typed in my credentials.
"You should talk to Jay. Work things out"
I stopped typing as I turned to look at Nathan "Yea, I know"
Jay walked down the stairs and made his way to the door. He walked out the main door and began walking on the sidewalk.
He looked up to see Maddie running up to him "Maddie, what are you doing here?"
She stopped once she approached him "I was just around the neighborhood and thought I'd stop by" She explained.
"Oh okay" Jay said nodding his head.
"And, I wanted to ask you out to dinner" She said shyly.
He raised his eyebrows for a second "Oh. Uh, well"
"Look Jay I'm not trying to sleep with you okay. Yet" She said followed by a laugh "I'm kidding"
Jay chuckled nervously "Right"
"Just a friendly dinner. What do you say?"
He heard someone call his name making him turn.
"I gotta go. 7:00" He told her before he left with Hailey.
I closed the file I finished working on. I ran my hands over my face. I had been working nonstop for a few hours. Lucas approached my desk.
"Hey" He spoke up softly "There's someone outside to see you"
I looked up at him "Thanks"
He nodded and walked away.
I stood up from my desk and began walking. Once I made it outside I looked around.
"Are you Cassie?"
I turned when I heard a voice. It was a young girl who looked around 18. "Cassie Severide?"
"Uh yes. Yes I am" I didn't recognize her.
"I'm Jade, Winslow. My dad threatened to kill you, until he was shot" She said in a sorrow tone.
"Oh. Jade, hi"
"Look I'm sorry to ambush you on this. It's just, you were the last person to be with my dad and-"
"No it's okay" I said shaking my head.
She pushed a piece of her brown hair behind her ear "Is there anyway we could talk?"
I nodded my head "Yea sure. I can't right now actually because I'm working. But maybe later?"
"Sure. I get out at 7. So why don't you meet me here?"
She lightly nodded her head "Okay" She held onto her bag as she turned around and walked away.
I turned around and walked back into the district.
Once I clocked out I began walking towards the door. I took out my phone to check if I had any messages, but I didn't. I slid my phone back into my back pocket as I headed out the door. I walked out and inhaled the fresh air. I turned to see Jade walking up to me.
"Hey" She said softly.
"There's this great diner nearby, has some of the best food. It's only a few blocks from here. Do you want to join me?" I asked.
She nodded her head "Okay sure"
We both walked to the diner and walked inside. We sat at a booth and began talking shortly after that.
"Do you remember that party in college?"
"Which one?"
"The one where you didn't want to go because you wanted to spent the night studying"
"You mean the one where you forced me to go with you?" Jay asked.
Maddie laughed "Yea that one. That party was so crazy, I mean we got so wasted"
"Actually I remember you getting so wasted"
"I didn't get that wasted"
"You threw up all over the stairs"
She laughed again "Yea I did" She said nodding her head.
"I practically had to carry you back to your dorm" Jay said lightly laughing.
"Yea, but it was still a good party. One to remember" She said giving him a sweet yet flirty smile.
Jay picked up his drink and took a sip from it.
"I can't apologize enough for what my father did to you"
"Jade" I began to speak "From what you told me about your father he sounded like a good man. Yes what he did wasn't the right thing but, he loved you Jade, that's the most important thing"
She nodded her head doing her best to hold back the tears "I know. Thank you for this. Thank you for talking to me, it helped to bring me some closure"
"Of course. And if you ever need anything at all just call me. Let me give you my number" I said.
Jade opened her phone and allowed me to type in my number "If you ever need anything at all just give me a call, I'll always answer" I said with a smile as I handed her phone back to her.
She grabbed it and smiled back "Thanks"
"You welcome"
"I should get going. But again thank you for everything" She said as she began to open her bag.
I held up my hand "No it's okay. I got it"
"Are you sure?" She asked.
I nodded my head "Yea"
She closed her bag and stood up from the booth "Well thank you again. Have a good night" She said with a smile as she walked away.
I took some cash out and left it on the table. Enough to cover the coffees that we ordered. I grabbed my phone and checked for any messages. I was hoping to see Jay's name on the screen. Whether it was text or a call. But there was none. I sighed as I put my phone away and slid out of the booth.
"Is there anything else I can get you two?" The waiter asked.
"Maybe more wine?" Maddie asked.
"Uh not for me. I think I'm good"
She scoffed "Oh come on. Where is the fun Jay Halstead I once knew?"
"He graduated"
"We will have more wine" Maddie told the waiter.
He nodded and walked away. Jay looked at Maddie.
"What?" She questioned "It's not like you have anywhere else to be tonight" She said smiling as she grabbed her glass of wine to take a drink.