The next day Jay was working a case. He had to go question a witness at Chicago Med. After questioning the witness he began talking to his brother.
"So I saw Cassie at Molly's yesterday" Will said as he began writing down something on his clipboard.
"Yea?" Jay asked.
Will looked up at him "Yea, what are you two fighting about? She looked pretty sad"
"She's upset because I saved her life"
Will looked at him confused "It's a long story" Jay said.
"How long has it been since you guys have talked?"
"A few days"
Will clicked his pen and put it away in his front pocket of white coat "So have you been laying around in your apartment watching the Blackhawks game?" He asked as he handed the clipboard to a nurse.
"Actually I've been hanging out with Maddie"
Will looked at him "Maddie? Are you talking about Maddie Cruz?" He softly chuckled "Dude that girl is insane what are you doing out with her? What is she even doing back in Chicago?"
"She's not insane Will. She's a friend"
A light chuckle escaped Will's lips "Jay, she's insane. She was always a bad influence on you"
"Come on, she's different now"
"Right" Will said still giving him a look.
"Dr. Halstead, your needed in treatment 4" Maggie spoke as she approached him.
He nodded at her "Gotta go" He said as he began to walk away "And do me a favor, dump Maddie. Forgive Cassie" He turned his back and walked away.
I sat on the couch flipping the channels.
"Hey, you got any plans today?" Kelly asked approaching me.
"Ehh I don't know. Maybe do some sky diving, swim with sharks, and maybe climb Mount Everest later" I said shrugging my shoulders.
Kelly gave me a look. I softly chuckled "No I'm probably just gonna go shopping in a bit"
He nodded his head "Okay. If you need anything call me" He began walking to the door.
"Where are you going?" I asked.
He turned around to me "I'm gonna hang out with Stella. You want to come with us?"
I scoffed "And be a third wheeler? No thanks" I said turning my attention back to the tv.
"Alright. See you later sis" He said as he walked out the door.
I hung my hand up waving at him.
After spending a few hours out shopping I walked out with no bags. I walked down the sidewalk talking to Carly on the phone.
"I can't believe you went shopping for two hours and didn't buy anything"
"Yea, I guess I just wasn't in the shopping mood"
Carly scoffed "That's why you need me there"
I chuckled "Yea, I can definitely agree on that"
I looked up from glancing at the ground and suddenly stopped "Hey Carly, let me call you back"
"Okay sure" She said as she hung up the phone.
I hung up and slid the phone in my back pocket of my skinny jeans "Hey"
"Hey" Jay spoke up sending me a light smile.
We hadn't talked since I practically slammed the door in his face, man do I miss him.
"How.. how are you?" I asked.
I sighed "Is there anyway we could talk? Maybe tonight"
"Well, I'm uh, actually going to meet someone tonight"
"Oh. Who?" I asked curiously. But suddenly I regretted it.
"Maddie" He answered.
I nodded my head "Right" I then shook my head "Right. Well I'm gonna go" I began walking.
He didn't even stop me. What broke my heart even more was that he was meeting someone, and that someone was Maddie a woman he used to love.
I went straight home after that. I figured Kelly was still out with Stella. But in case he was there I went straight to my room. I closed the door behind me and sat on my bed.
"So how was work?" Maddie asked as she and Jay were taking a walk when the sky was going dark.
"It was good" Jay said as he had his hands in his jacket pockets.
"And tomorrow your off right?"
He nodded his head "Yea, I have the next two days off"
She stopped walking and turned to him "That's great! I was thinking maybe we could go to some restaurants out of the city. I know this great place that has amazing tacos"
He stopped and also turned to her "That's great"
She grabbed onto his jacket and pulled herself closer to him. She smiled as her face got closer to his "Come back to my place with me" She whispered.
"Come on" Jay said as he began walking.
I sat on the couch with the bowl of popcorn. I pulled the blanket over me and began flipping the channels. I found the Notebook and raised up the volume. I put down the remote and picked up the can of Pepsi. I began to eat the popcorn and drink the soda as I watched the movie.
After about 5 minutes there was a knock on the door. I lightly sighed as I leaned forward to put down the soda and bowl of popcorn on the coffee table. I muted the tv as I stood up and began walking to the door. I was already wearing my pajamas, short shorts and a tank top. I opened the door and was surprised to see who was on the other side.
"Hey" I said. I moved aside to let him in.
He walked in and I closed the door.
"So uh, I thought you were going to see Maddie tonight?" I asked.
"Yea" He said turning around to face me "She invited me over to her place"
I scoffed "Then what the hell are you doing here?" I asked as I began to walk passed him and to the couch.
He grabbed onto my wrist gently making me spin around to face him "Because, I don't want her" He took a step closer to me. His eyes scanned my face as he brought up his hand to brush a piece of my loose hair behind my ear. "I want you"
Those words, his voice. Sent chills down my spine.
"Look Cassie I know what I did was wrong. But I did what I had to do to keep you safe. I will always keep you safe"
I grabbed his hand "I know" I lightly kissed his hand.
"I just want to put this past us"
"I know, me too"
He leaned in and our lips brushed against each other. We slowly kept kissing as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I wrapped mine around his neck. The kiss became passionate and deep.
He slowly began raising up my shirt and brushing his warm hands against my bare skin. I slowly began walking backwards and he followed. Without breaking the kiss we slowly walked into my room.
Carefully I laid down on the bed with him on top of me. We broke the kiss as he took off his shirt. I ran my hands over his chest as he leaned down and his lips found mine. Don't get me wrong I love The Notebook, but this is so much better.