Chapter 31

"New York huh"

"Yea" I responded.

Carly and I were talking on the phone.

"So how long is she giving you to decide?" She asked.

"Only a few days"

Carly scoffed "Oh yea because that's enough time" She said in a sarcastic tone.

"Your telling me"

"But Police Captain, girl that's huge"

"Yea that's even if I make it. I have to take tests for all of that"

"Have you spoken to Kelly or Jay about this"

I took a deep breath "Not exactly "

"Oh girl. You are so in a bind"

I laughed "Oh Carly you make me feel so much better"

"That's what I'm here for" She laughed "Alright I gotta go work is getting crazy"

"Okay, I'll talk to you later" I said before hanging up.


"That sounds like an amazing opportunity" My therapist said.

"Is it. Making Police Captain would be incredible" My tone was a little sad.

"But?" She questioned.

"But my entire life is here. My brother, my boyfriend. I just can't see myself leaving them"

She stayed silent for a few seconds as I fiddled with my fingers on my lap "Okay. I'm going to give you some homework"

"Okay" I whispered.

"I want you to go home and grab a pad and pen. Write down your pros and cons about leaving to New York. In the end it's your choice but maybe whichever one has the longest will help you decide"

I thought about it before nodding my head "Okay"


"Pros and Cons" I whispered as I began to write it down.

New job New sceneryGetting away from John

Kelly Jay

I was sitting on Jay's couch when I heard the door open and close. I turned to see Jay walking in with a take out bag.

"Hey, run into any problems?" I asked.

"Nope" He said putting the bag down on the counter.

As he was walking to me I closed the notebook I was writing in.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

I looked at him, I know I can't lie to him. I sighed as I put the notebook beside me "Okay, well. I met Ava Sanders yesterday"

"Oh yea, she's a Commander from New York. She's here helping Voight on an old case" He turned his body towards me and laid his arm on the back rest of the couch.

"Right. Well she offered me a job"

Jay raised his eyebrows "Wow"

"Yea, in New York. She has a position open for Police Captain"

He slightly raised his eyebrows even more "Wow, but your not a Police Captain"

"I know. But she said I can, just a matter of taking a few test"

"Wow" He said again.

I could tell he wasn't exactly happy, more shocked than anything.

"So. My therapist told me I should write down the pro and cons about leaving, if I were to take the job"


"I'm sorry, I know this is sudden and I know your probably upset"

He grabbed my hand "No, I am a bit surprised but I'm not upset. Cass being Police Captain, that's huge. It's an amazing opportunity"

"I know. But it must not feel good. I mean your ex girlfriend left for a job in New York"

"Hey, don't think about that or anything else. This is entirely your decision"

I nodded my head "I know"



"Yea, the reaction I've been getting all day" I said sitting on Kelly's couch.

He took a sip of his water "So what have you decided so far?"

"I don't know, what do you think?" I asked looking at him as he sat next to me.

"Well, I don't want you to leave I think that's obvious"

I raised my hand and brought it down hitting my thigh "At least you tell me that. When I told Jay he didn't even tell me that"

Kelly chuckled "I think it's obvious he doesn't want you to leave. In the end it's your decision. Being Police Captain is huge"

"I know"

"When does she leave?" He asked.

I sighed "Tomorrow. It's a huge opportunity"

"How's your list going?" He asked.

I pressed my lips into a thin line "It's going"

"Why don't you taken a look at it. It could help you decide"

I nodded my head.


"Commander!" I called out. She was walking up the steps to the 21st District. She turned around to look at me.

I ran up to her "Hi" I said.

"Detective" She greeted back "What can I do for you?"

"I've made my decision" I said.

She turned her back to me "Okay"

I took a deep breath "When I lived in Indiana I loved it. I had my job, my friends. But when I moved to Chicago I realized I came home. My friends are here, family. And as much as I would be honored to be in your division... I can't leave. Chicago is my home, I can't just leave the people that mean everything to me"

She inhaled and exhaled "Well I must admit, it's a shame to hear. But, I understand" She nodded her head at me.

I sighed in relief softly "Thank you"

"Why don't you meet me at the 31st District in an hour?"

I looked at her baffled "Okay"

She nodded at me before she turned her back and finished walking up the steps. I turned back around and walked away still confused on why she wanted me to meet her there.


I walked inside to where I used to work. It felt good to be somewhere familiar. I made my way to the office where the entire team was. Ava was standing in front just before walking in further.

"Hi" I said approaching her.

She turned around to me and greeted with a smile "Hello Detective"

I looked around at the empty desk. Then I noticed my desk that used to be mine was completely empty, nothing on top.

"What's going on?" I asked as I noticed Sargent Connor walking out of his office and beginning to approach us.

"Well, I was quite disappointed when you turned down my job offer but, I completely understood. So, I decided why should a good detective like yourself be out of a job"

I glanced at Connor before looking at her. Was she saying what I think she was saying? "I thought Lieutenant Brooks said-"

Ava laughed "Lieutenant Brooks is a bitch, she always has been. You know I still couldn't believe she was behind this whole thing"

"Welcome back Detective" Connor said as he held out his hand to me.

I slowly began to smile as I shook his hand "Thank you"
