Chapter Seventeen: Molly's

Molly's was a cute corner bar within walking distance of both the station house and Antonio's new home, which suited Maggie down to the ground. The neighbourhood was one in the midst of gentrification so it seemed like it was in the bar was in the right place at the right time. The outside looked much like a simple sports bar and Maggie felt those butterflies flitting in her stomach before she forced herself to take hold of the door handle. She hadn't gotten out much in the past few years, her social interactions were limited to Osker's friends and employees so the thought of any social occasion made her stomach churn. The bar was popular among law enforcement personnel as well as firefighters and hospital staff. She would probably end up working closely with some of the people who attended this bar so the way that she was perceived was important to her. She reached for the door handle and then stopped, her hand frozen. That anxiety was riding up inside of her and she found she couldn't bring herself to take that final step and actually pull open the door.

, she thought.

She felt his presence before he actually touched her. Antonio's warm familiar hand came to rest on her lower back guiding her gently to one side so that patrons could enter and exit the premises.

"We going in or are we staying out here?" He asked her softly. "Either way is fine with me."

"I don't know yet." she responded honestly, her gaze fixated on the door handle as she opened and closed her fist. "I mean physically it shouldn't be this hard to grab a door handle."

"But mentally your stepping into uncharted territory." he rationalized, his soulful dark eyes full of understanding as his thumb rubbed along the curve of her spine. "Acclimation is hard and it takes time."

Maggie nodded her agreement, inhaling through her nose and exhaling through her mouth in an attempt to steady the nerves that were ricocheting through her body.

"How about we do this together?" Antonio asked, taking Maggie's hand in his own and lacing his fingers with hers. "We just gotta step right through that door."

Maggie looked down at their joined hands before following Antonio's lead.


Inside of the bar was beautiful, that was the only way that Maggie could describe the place as she stepped over the threshold, her eyes instantly raising to the ceiling as she took in the gorgeous array of lights hanging there. The bar was light and airy and had a warm, welcoming feel to it.

"Can you believe that Gabby owns part of this place?" Antonio asked as he guided Maggie through the throng of people as he headed towards a table near the back.

"It definitely has her touch." Maggie said as she took in the decor with an appreciative eye. "It looks amazing in here."

It did, Maggie had never felt such life in a place before, it was as if you could feel the energy of the place crackling in the air. Antonio's grip on her hand tightened as he reached a table occupied by Al and Halstead. The two men glanced at their entwined hands before Al removed his jacket from the seat beside him and patting the red velvet. Maggie slipped onto the bar stool as Al used his fingertips to push a clean empty wine glass towards her before pouring red wine into her glass from the bottle already on the table.

"I guess I'll be buying my own drink." Antonio murmured before stepping away from the table and disappearing to the busy bar.

There were perks to being Gabby's brother and getting served quickly here at Molly's was one of them. He raised his hand to signal to the bartender who held up a single finger to indicate he wait a moment. Next to him Sean Roman withdrew his wallet and removed a twenty dollar bill in order to pay for the drinks that were currently sitting on the bar in front of him.

"Thanks for getting someone to cover for me tonight. I didn't want to miss this." Antonio said, casting a glance over this shoulder at Maggie as she threw back her head and laughed at something Al had said.

It was a beautiful sound and it hit him straight in the heart. He'd longed to hear that sound for what seemed like an age and it brought a smile to his handsome features.

"I get you." Roman said knowingly. "Sometimes it really is just about taking care of your own, on or off the job."

"Yea, it is." Antonio agreed before reviewing Roman's drinks. There was a pint of beer on the bar alongside a dirty martini. "I am guessing you have company."

"Kayla Sharpe from Ambulance 61." Roman said, taking a sip of his beer as he cast a glance at the girl sitting on a table nearby. Antonio followed his gaze, watching as the striking brunette tapped out a message on her cellphone.

"Its early days." Roman informed Antonio. "But I am quietly confident."

Antonio smiled at the other man's words before wishing him the best of luck.


"You know I get it now." Jay Halstead uttered to Maggie, tipping his beer bottle towards her.

Al had excused himself to go to the bathroom leaving the two of them sitting alone at the bar table. She didn't know Halstead but Antonio did and she trusted his judgement.

"Get what?" Maggie asked, her slim fingers toying with the stem of the wine glass as she spoke.

"Why Antonio wouldn't give me your number." Halstead responded, raising his eyebrows knowingly.

Maggie snorted at the suggestion.

"Antonio knows I value my privacy." Maggie informed the other man. "And to be honest you aren't my type."

"Ouch." Halstead said, placing his palm to his heart in mock pain. "And that was made abundantly clear when the two of you walked in here holding hands."

There was silence for a moment between the two of them before Halstead rolled his beer bottle between his palms.

"I just want to say thanks." he said, meeting her gaze head on, honesty shining in his eyes as he continued. "You didn't have to break protocol but you did and it saved my life."

Maggie clinked her glass against his beer bottle before responding.

"You are very welcome."