Chapter Eighteen: Text Talk

Antonio Dawson: Sorry I missed you this morning. How was the apartment?

Maggie O'Neill: No problem. It was actually really nice, good size and the rent is a pretty good price for the location.

Antonio Dawson: You thinking of taking it?

Maggie O'Neill: It's a great place. I am seriously considering it besides aren't you getting bored of having a roommate?

Antonio Dawson: You know I'm not. You can stay as long as you like.

Maggie O'Neill: Come take a look when you get off shift and tell me what you think.

Antonio Dawson: I'll text you to let you know when I'm leaving. x

Maggie O'Neill: See you then x


Jay Halstead: You owe me $50.

Erin Lindsey: For what?!

Jay Halstead: Antonio and Maggie, they're a thing.

Erin Lindsey: They are not a thing!

Jay Halstead: Oh trust me they are a thing. They were holding hands in Molly's.

Erin Lindsey: You are not getting $50 for hand holding. There has to be kissing at least.

Jay Halstead: 'At least' makes it sound seedy.

Erin Lindsey: You are such a perv.


Sean Roman: Hey, Asher wants to know if you can work for him tonight.

Antonio Dawson: As long as it is after 7pm that suits me.

Sean Roman: Cool. I will let you know.


Kim Burgess: It was great to meet you last night. I hope your head doesn't feel as bad as mine does.

Maggie O'Neill: It was great to meet you too. I admit it was a struggle getting up this morning. How do those guys in Intelligence put so much away?

Kim Burgess: They are not normal. Never do shots with Lindsey, she can drink anyone under the table.

Maggie O'Neill: Duly noted. I'll catch up with you for first shift tomorrow.

Kim Burgess: I look forward to it!


Trudy Platt: You need to re-qualify for your firearms. It's been over two years since you fired a gun on record.

Maggie O'Neill: Do you have a particular time in mind?

Trudy Platt: I'll meet you at the firing range at 8am tomorrow. You'll need to bring a second witness.

Maggie O'Neill: I'll see you there


Maggie O'Neill: Sorry to be a pain but I need a favour.

Kayla Sharpe: If I can help, I will x

Maggie O'Neill: I need another witness to re-qualify for firearms. It's tomorrow at 8am and everyone else is stuck on shift.

Kayla Sharpe: 8am is fine. I can meet you at the firing range but you owe me a drink next time we're at Molly's.

Maggie O'Neill: Thank you! x


Kayla Sharpe: So I had a great time last night...

Sean Roman: Me too! That thing you did with your tongue blew my mind x

Kayla Sharpe: I could say the same about yours!


Laura Dawson: Hi Antonio. Thursday's cancelled. Sorry.

Antonio Dawson: Are you kidding me?

Laura Dawson: No. I think its best you don't see the kids until we've settled on custody.

Antonio Dawson: Pick up the phone.

Antonio Dawson: I'm serious Laura, pick up the phone and talk to me.


Jay Halstead: I think Antonio just broke his phone.

Erin Lindsey: It's definitely broken. There's a piece of it on my desk.

Jay Halstead: Was that his department phone?

Erin Lindsey: No. It was his personal so at least he's not gonna have to explain that.


Adam Ruzek: See I told you, you had nothing to worry about.

Kim Burgess: I know that now. It was good to meet her before we start working together. I can't believe Platt was yanking my chain so much about her.

Adam Ruzek: At least you know the real story there.

Kim Burgess: Yea, trust me it's better than the rumours I've been hearing.

Adam Ruzek: There are rumours?

Kim Burgess: Yea and they're not good.

Adam Ruzek: At least you can put people straight.

Kim Burgess: That's my intention :)