Chapter Twenty Two: No Regrets

Antonio groaned out loud into his pillow, burying his face into the sweet floral scent that clung to it from last night's activities. He was lying on his stomach, the cream sheets pooling around his naked hips. He stretched out, his athletic body aching in all of the right places and he felt himself stirring once again at the memory of Maggie's beauteous form keening underneath him, her nails raking along his skin as he drove her to completion.

Jesus she was intoxicating. The thought of being inside of her again and hearing those deviant, sexy noises she made had him hard as a rock. Making love had never felt like that before for him. To belong to someone in all entirely, it blew his mind. With Maggie there was a sense of completion, like everything that they had been building up to was finally happening and he had no idea before last night how wonderful that could feel.

"You are unbelievable." he rumbled, his hand creeping across the bed towards Maggie's sleeping form. Instead he found himself grasping cool sheets. His dark eyes flickered open coming to rest on that empty space beside him.


Maggie was gone and that knowledge was like a slap in the face to Antonio as he lay there staring at the offending space beside him. He rolled onto his back, his large hands rubbing over his handsome features, trying to shake away the cobwebs from his exhausted mind. He had thought she was ready for this, that she was ready for them but it was clear she wasn't. He had pushed far too hard, too soon. Antonio growled in frustration. How the hell had he managed to fuck up the one thing he wanted more than anything else in the world?

"You can't be that frustrated already?" Maggie's voice teased from the opposite side of the room. Antonio propped himself up on his elbows, his gaze straying to the open door of the bedroom.

She stood there, wearing nothing but his olive green t-shirt from the top of his clean laundry pile. Her skin was still dewy from the shower she must have taken. There was a towel in her hand that she was using to dry her hair with as she watched him with mischievous cornflower blue eyes. Antonio's cock twitched at the sight before him, a grin pulling at his own lips as he spoke.

"I thought you'd had second thoughts." he admitted, watching as Maggie dropped the towel into the laundry hamper and purposely strode towards him. She climbed onto the bed on all fours, her bright eyes smouldering as she crawled up along the length of his naked body, the fabric of his shirt lightly ghosting up along his torso and chest.

"Any regrets?" she asked him, her eyes studying his intently looking for any seeds of doubt. Antonio reached up, his right hand cupping her cheek, his thumb caressing the shape of her cheekbone as he guided her sensuous pink lips within millimetres of his own as he spoke.

"Not a single one." he murmured, before tenderly kissing that delectable mouth of hers.

He wanted to take his time with her, to explore, tease and taste all the contours of her slender form. His tongue traced the shape of her lips before he dipped inside her mouth seeking out that lovable unique taste. Her nipples were already hardening through the delightfully soft material, Antonio could feel them rubbing against his chest making him moan in delirium as he guided Maggie's supple form until she lay flat on her back underneath him. Antonio's hands were smoothing up and down Maggie's lithe thighs, his fingertips were slipping under the fabric of his shirt. Maggie's nails raked down his back igniting his nerves with fiery pleasure as his hands gripped her ass shifting her into the position he wanted her in.

The shrill chime of his phone pierced the air loudly. Antonio swore loudly, grimacing as he rolled off of Maggie and searched blindly for the trousers he had been wearing last night. He rolled onto his side as he answered, his back to Maggie so that he didn't have to see her expression of disappointment. In the past Laura would have simply got up and walked away but Maggie was different. He could feel her soft lips, kissing the curve of his shoulder blade, her thumb stroking over the line of his ribs as he listened to the message from dispatch. It was reassuring in a way he didn't think was possible. It was her way of saying that she understood and she wasn't pissed their time together had been interrupted.

"You have to go." she stated knowingly as he hung up the phone and rolled onto his back once more so that he could meet her curious gaze.

There was a guilt in those eyes of his, one that that Maggie herself could associate with. She'd lost count of the times her own phone had interrupted her life. She studied his handsome features and realised she was seeing the echoes of his past relationship. His apologetic eyes were a force of habit that was so deeply ingrained into him he didn't know that there wasn't anything to be sorry for.

"Go jump in the shower." she said, pressing a soft kiss to the edge of his mouth. "I'll have the coffee ready for when you get out."