Chapter Twenty Three: Prison Ball

Antonio Dawson: Sorry I missed you last night. I was hoping we could pick up where we left off yesterday morning.

Maggie O'Neill: I would have loved that, I was thinking about all those wicked things we did all night.

Antonio Dawson: You should tell me about them when I get home later, I want a detailed description.

Maggie O'Neill: I suppose I could show you...

Maggie O'Neill: Picture message attached.

Antonio Dawson: Your killing me right now.


Trudy Platt: Did you just let out that little prick Grant?

Hank Voight: Well hello to you too Trudy.

Trudy Platt: He killed a 10 year old girl! Her mother's in here crying because she's just seen him walk out the door!

Hank Voight: Trust me we're working on it.


Al Olinsky: I managed to get hold of that prison guard uniform. It's the right size so should fit you everywhere.

Antonio Dawson: I appreciate it. I'll change in the locker room once I've checked out these electronics.


Hank Voight: How's the history on Ruzek and Atwater coming?

Erin Lindsey: Just adding the finishing touches right now and then they'll be in the system.

Hank Voight: Let me know when it's done.


Kim Burgess: Kids are all taken care of. Homework was done last night and got them into school on time this morning. I'll pick them up after school.

Kevin Atwater: Thanks Kim. I owe you one.

Kim Burgess: Just stay safe today x


Laura Dawson: Antonio, I need you to take Diego tonight. I'm meeting with the accountant tonight to go through the restaurant accounts. I should be back after 9pm. Eva is sleeping over at Chelsea's so you don't have to worry about her.


Diego Dawson: Can't wait to come over and see my new room. Catch you later Dad !—-

Maggie O'Neill: Hey Antonio, good luck today! Burgess just filled me in. Stay safe x


Kayla Sharpe: Hey, I just wanted to check in and see how the studying is going for that training officer position x

Sean Roman: Horribly. It's so boring I think I am starting to lose my sanity.

Kayla Sharpe: Study break? You, me and not a text book in sight...

Sean Roman: This sounds interesting. Let me know when you get off shift and I'll pick you up.

Kayla Sharpe: I'll try not to keep you up all night ;)


Maggie O'Neill: Did you forget to tell me Diego was coming over? Laura's just dropped him off outside the house.


Maggie O'Neill: Kim, I need help. Laura's just dropped Diego off and I have no idea what to do with him.

Kim Burgess: Bring him over to Kevin's, dinner's on the stove and we have an Xbox. He can hang out with these guys and you can help me, 'help them' with homework.

Maggie O'Neill: Your a lifesaver!


Maggie O'Neill: Hi Antonio. Got it covered. Don't worry x