Chapter Thirty Two: Next to Me

They were barely inside Maggie's apartment door when it began once more. Antonio's lips were already seeking out Maggie's, his hands combing through her loose chestnut tresses as he drew her taunt against him. Her slim, athletic frame pressed against his needy form. Every inch of his body was throbbing for her, he needed that skin on skin contact more than anything right now. Any control that he had had back at the bridge was gone. He was drowning in his beautiful woman as her deft hands yanked down the zipper of his leather jacket before she stripped it away from his broad, muscular shoulders. Desire sizzled through him as she ran those small dexterous hands of hers along the contours of his firm chest through the thin material of crimson shirt. He loved it when she touched him like this. It made him forget that anything else even existed.

Somewhere along the way to her bedroom, they shed each remaining garment. Antonio didn't know how they made it to her bed until he found himself tangled up in her wanton form underneath the fresh sheets. Maggie's hands were threading through Antonio's dark hair as she lay underneath him. There was something possessive in the way she touched him, it was as if she was imprinting every single aspect of him into her memory. He had no doubt in his mind that she was claiming him as her own when her teeth nipped that sensuous spot just underneath the hinge of his jaw. It drove him crazy when she did that. His fingers plunged into her silky hair, guiding her mouth back to his once more. Her light fingertips played along each of the white puckered bullet holes that marred his chest as his tongue parted her lips, dipping into her mouth and tasting that delicious unique blend that made up Maggie.

He was powerless against her beauteous form as she writhed with delirious pleasure underneath the hard planes of his body. Her slender thighs were locked around his taunt waist as Antonio thrust inside her inviting supple frame.

Jesus, Maggie couldn't get enough of him. He was always so tantalising and so passionately responsive to her kisses and ministrations. His teeth grazed that tender spot just above her collarbone, her head tipped back into the pillow as she called out his name. He knew how to work her up until she was trembling and begging for more.

His skin was molten hot against hers as the waves of ecstasy claimed her violently. His hips were moving just that little bit faster hitting that sweet spot over and over again until he held her just on the cusp begging for release.

"Look at me." Antonio whispered against her pert pink lips, those deviant dark eyes boring into the very depths of her soul. "I want to look into your eyes while I make love to you."

Making love...

It was a phrase that the two of them had never used before they'd met the other. There were implications to his words, ones that made Maggie's heart literally ache as that well of emotion filled her up inside before Antonio began to move again inside of her.

That noise she made was music to his ears, it made him feel every inch the man he was in her eyes. Antonio's mouth enclosed over hers once more, stifling her moans of joy. He was stealing her heart all over again. He savored every moment with her, every time they could be together without boundaries or consequences.

Her desperation was in every single one of her cries as her body bucked and tensed clambering on the very cusp of climax. His right hand found hers, their fingers entwining as he picked up the pace.

"Maggie." he mumbled against her mouth indicating just how close he was to their release.

His senses were dazzled by the endorphins that erupted through him. He was wrapped up entirely in her and he loved every single second of it. Her taste was on his tongue, her floral scent in his nose, he could see the rapture on those pretty features.

Antonio felt the moment that Maggie gave herself over to him completely. Her fingertips dug into his knuckles. Her orgasm was already clenching around his dick like a velvet fist. God, he could feel it igniting the love he held for her in his heart as she moaned against his mouth. He held onto her as she crested, her climax drawing out his own. He erupted deep inside of her, a low gluttonous groan leaving his lips before he kissed Maggie once again. Their kisses becoming lazy and languid as they came down from their high.

"I'll never stop loving you." Antonio murmured against Maggie's hair line as he gathered her up into his arms. "I'll always want you, always need you."

Maggie propped her chin upon his chest so that she was looking directly into those stunning dark eyes of his. She saw her world in those eyes, an entire universe carved out just for her.

"I didn't know what love was before I met you." she revealed, her fingertips lightly ghosting the circular scar just above his heart. "When we became partners, it was like everything just clicked into place and everyday after that it just got more real until I couldn't deny the way I felt."

"And now?" Antonio queried, arching a dark eyebrow.

"I'm so hopelessly in love with you it scares me sometimes." Maggie confessed, her pert pink lips brushing over his soft skin as she placed a gentle kiss to his chest.

"How about we be scared together?" Antonio suggested, his hand seeking out hers before he laced their fingers together. Maggie nodded her agreement before curling against his side, her lithe form relaxing against his before her breath evened out and she fell into a deep contented sleep.