Chapter Thirty Three: Catch Up

Maggie O'Neill: Hey, how's the new job working out? Saw your case on the news this morning.

Erin Lindsey: My boss sucks but otherwise it's ok, still getting to grips with it.

Maggie O'Neill: Let me know when you have some free time so we can grab a cup of coffee or lunch x

Erin Lindsey: Will do x


Nadia Decotis: Picture message attached.

Trudy Platt: You got into the academy! I am so proud of you! Your going to be a cop!

Nadia Decotis: I can't believe it and I have you to thank for it. I couldn't have done it without you!

Trudy Platt: We need to celebrate! Meet me at the front desk at the end of your shift.


Sean Roman: Hey man. Sorry I've got no one else who can cover you tonight, you want me to cancel on Rosalyn?

Antonio Dawson: No, I don't want to leave you hanging so I'll make this my last shift instead.

Sean Roman: You sure? Layla is a nasty piece of work.

Antonio Dawson: She already tried to derail my relationship and failed. What more can she do?

Sean Roman: Good point. Let me know how it goes.


Jay Halstead: Yo hows it going? It was great to see you the other day.

Erin Lindsey: Fine. It's just a pain working with some of these people. They are treating a relocation of a witness as if it's a holiday. My boss actually told me to go get my nails done with his wife.

Jay Halstead: At least you are getting some R & R. Voight is running us ragged over here.

Erin Lindsey: Trust me I would rather be back there right now.

Jay Halstead: Missing me already ;)

Erin Lindsey: Missing my chair! They have these weird, plastic, ultra modern things here.

Erin Lindsey: Picture message attached.

Jay Halstead: That looks like your trying to sit on the letter 'S' what happened to comfort?

Erin Lindsey: Apparently it's all about functionality here. Did Ruzek take my chair?

Jay Halstead: Picture message attached.

Erin Lindsey: He doesn't have to look so smug about it!

Jay Halstead: He says you underestimate how uncomfortable the other one was. We miss you here.

Erin Lindsey: We?

Jay Halstead: All of us... but me the most. Atwater's cool and everything but he doesn't have your smile.

Erin Lindsey: I miss you too x


Hank Voight: I'm going to ask Burgess to take Erin's spot in Intelligence.

Al Olinsky: Good, the girl deserved it the first time around.

Hank Voight: I really thought you would be more difficult about this and champion Maggie for the position.

Al Olinsky: Maggie may have the experience but she isn't ready for something like this. She'd still finding her feet.

Hank Voight: Glad you agree. I'll speak to Kim when she gets back from annual leave.


Al Olinsky: Hey kid, hows the new apartment?

Maggie O'Neill: Awesome, it's a great place and I'm glad Platt hooked me up with it. Let me know when your free to come over and I'll cook you Carbonara.

Al Olinsky: 7pm. Tonight.

Maggie O'Neill: Bring a good wine!

Al Olinsky: Do you think I buy anything except good wine?


Jay Halstead: Why is he laughing?

Kevin Atwater: I have no idea... Funny text?

Jay Halstead: Al's phone barely takes pictures. What can possibly be that funny?


Maggie O'Neill: Good luck tonight x

Antonio Dawson: Thanks. I can't wait to get this over and done with. x